Time; Part Two (Moiraine)

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Request: Reader hasn't seen Moiraine in 20 years. They had a thing going on before they went their separate ways to do their duties. The last time they were together, Moraine left with no note and did not say a word. When they saw each other again, Reader is stoic, almost appearing emotionless in order to hide her hurt. Eventually, Moiraine broke through her walls, and they made up for lost time. 

The Wheel weaves as the Wheel wills. Few knew that better than you. With your eyes made of the same thread as the Wheel wove with, you had long since learning there was no fighting its will. That's why you hated these recent visions. You knew you had no choice but to find the Dragon with the liar. You said not a word on your travels, but it seemed that was the way they traveled. 

Three Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah chased down a young man, them on horseback, him on foot. You felt vindicated in your choice to leave the White Tower. You and Moiraine watched the man with Power, but only you saw. The strong weaves of Power, binding him up. Head to toe, he was trying to be good, but the Dark One had a hold over Men's Power. Your Talent had been more difficult to decipher since leaving the familiar forest. But the Wheel hardly cared for the man, but for his potential, had he not been rendered mad. 

"Well?" Moiraine prompted impatiently. 

You mounted your horse, leaving before he was gentled. The scream followed your cowardice. You could never take on three full Sisters - let alone of the Red Ajah - and Moiraine would take it to mean "save him. He's the already mad Dragon". You wouldn't lie, but you really didn't want Moiraine to have any excuse. You mounted your horse and rode off into the Woods. When on a real mission, you would trace the weaves of nature because anyone who channels interacts with their surroundings on a fundamental level. But the Dragon Reborn had not walked these woods or any other you'd crossed in a thousand years. But after Moiraine had you continue your channeling proclivities, you could feel the fire of a thousand lives, the Power of the sun so absolute in its Light. And you finally understood the bad dreams and tempting whispers in the back of your mind. It was the Dark One, waking and stirring a new army. He wanted anything and everyone, and you were easy pickings all alone. But you weren't one to surrender. 

"We're stopping for the night," Moiraine commanded suddenly. She knew you could and would ride all night, but the time for that would come. She led on instead of you, reclaiming control of the mission even from the seer. She purchased two rooms, one far away from everyone, so of course you went in that direction. 

What you didn't expect was the Aes Sedai to follow you. You were coatless and in your simple tunic and trousers, but you felt naked. "Were you planning on taking this room?" you asked in a clipped, but not rude tone. 

The brunette stared you down. "Oh, we're talking now?"

She, however, did have some sass. It grated your nerves. "Who's fault was our silence? Oh, yes, she who only asks questions," you snipped back. You took a deep breath, reminding yourself not to let her under your skin. 

The ever-wise, all-knowing Blue Aes Sedai followed your lead and took her own deep breath. "I was hoping we could talk," she offered. Moiraine Sedai was a force of nature. She did as she pleased when she pleased. She brought lightning and threw Trolloc armies. So how was was she so nervous? She stood before you, hands joined in anxious expectancy. 

You waited until you huffed, turning away. "So, talk," you ordered. "I did my fair share." You didn't mean for that to slip out.

The beautiful blue eyes that you loved narrowed with a wince. No you did not feel bad. "I deserve that," she muttered but nothing else. 

Eventually, your patience ran out as it always did. You threw your hands up, done with her continued silence. "I'll get my own room!" No, your voice was not strained, certainly not from emotions. You didn't have any for her anymore. 

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