1. Drip

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Chapter 1
Through the eyes of Anne

I lightly lift my stiff head up, and begin watching the water drip down the white walls as I have been for the past few weeks. 'drip, drip, drip' the sound drives me insane, the inconsistency, the way it falls.  I'm so close to insanity that I still hear it even when it stops, the sound haunts me in my dreams.

After so long, my thoughts are finally interupted by a terrifying screech, followed by a hard clap of a slap. I flinch slightly, barely noticeable to the human eye. Ending up tensing my shoulders.

I can't take this anymore, I place my dirt ridden hand on my cheek feeling my bruised skin which reminds me of the pain I have been through.,

I have finally snapped.

I Pick up the small baby boy shielding his sight from the rotting corpse of his mother.

Hastily I find a Bobby pin in the matted knot that is my hair. I place it inside the keyhole agitating it into new positions. When swiftly the door pops open revealing a long corridor.

I don't know why I am doing this but I feel my gut pulling me their, my gut telling me to go and in a world like mine youve got to trust your gut.

Before I think about anything, I carefully make my way down the hall. My head throbs from the lack of necessitys  but this doesn't stop me. I silently head in the direction of where the screaming. All I can think to myself is why, What has this world come to? I zone back into a deathly silence fear pulsating through my bones, I peer inside the open door and see a man take off the women's shirt. before my eyes. "Motherfucker" I whisper under my breath filled with rage.

I feel an agonizing pain building up deep beneath the walls I have put up. I'm on the verge of tears, trying to steady my breathing. I have no more mercy anymore. I have no more remorse.

I pull out a knife from my bra as the woman begs and pleads not to be hurt. Getting closer I feel the immense heat radiating off of his meat filled body onto the cold skin and bones that I have become. I hold my knife up, ready for the kill. "I wouldn't do that if I were you sweetheart.", They way he said that make any blood boil. Everyone in that room now turns to look at me.

"What should I do with you?", Questions the man who I know as the governor. "Leave us alone." Says the women. I see the men inch closer, until they finally put their unholy hands on our bodies, what the fuck am I gonna do now I think myself as I engage in internal debate trying to find the safest way out.

These men drag us to an occupied room and as we enter I see a Korean man on the floor with a busted lip and eye. The women runs towards him checking to see if he is still alive. The men slam the door presumably locking us in. I slide down the wall rethinking everything. Why did I do that, what is so special about these people that made me come here. I scrunch my eyes closed.

"I'm Maggie, thank you for helping me, who are you?" says the brunette from the wall opposite me  "Anne, my name is Anne." I reply

"I'm Glenn" speaks up the Korean man from the spot on the floor where he lays next to Maggie. We sit in silence breathing heavily. What are we going to do now?

Our silence is closed by a walker sliding in. The rotting flesh bending in ways I thought not possible. I drag myself towards it and kick it in the knees trying to save my energy. Which causes it to fall to the ground. Glenn comes up and finishes the job by stomping on its head.


I close my eyes slowly. Taking a deep breath in relax my mind. When will this get to end? I pull the baby close to my heart and relax for the small moment that we have.

An extremely loud bang pulls me from the rest, snapping my kneck up I see merle as angry as ever. He pulls Maggie up his hook grasping her, his other hand groping her.

Glenn runs forward instantly only for him to be held down by another man. I watch as his hand moves around.

"STOP" I screech, I can't take this anymore. Tears roll down my face as I stand up. "What did you say to me?" h
He grabs my shoulder and pulls me closer. Injecting me with a new fear. I'm being shook around harshly, he thrusts me against a wall and I hit my head severely.

"Don't" he whispers in my face pushing the knife towards me "talk to" still inching closer "me like that" he says with knife resting against the skin beneath my eye. All the anger that has been building up in my for the past few weeks is pushed into this new surge of energy, I don't know where it came from, how or why but It did.
"It's not that hard.... Push" I say

Seeing the way his face contorts with my words he slips the tip of the knife beneath my skin dragging it down I groan in agony. "Stop please. Rick and the group...there at a prison." Maggie states giving him the information he needs.

forever and always ///// Carl Grimes Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora