13. Daryl

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Chapter 13
Through the eyes of Carl

I watch as Anne walks away, as skip, a her step. She just threw a knife right into 2 walkers head. Not even Daryl could do that.

My dad comes to me and asks if I could help fix the fence. I look over to the rusty pile of metal and the 2 stray walkers climbing over the top, and then back at Anne. She seems busy enough she's probaly just getting Charlie then coming back. What could happen?

Dad tries to talk to me about mum but I push him off not wanting to speak about the topic. He left me when I needed him he was a dad when I needed a dad.

Dad starts throwing out some ideas and  we settle on moving the peices out of the way and then putting the bus there. We will fix it later.
After a hot sweaty 20 minutes we finish up with the fence and it looks as if it could hold a few walkers but we will still need watch it carefully.

I walk up towards the prison wiping the grime of my hands on to my shirt "Carl" dad shouts up at me but I ignore him. I continue walking up to the prison taking my time. 

I hear the crys of Charlie, what is Anne doing? I walk inside and turn the corner to be faced with that darn bad prisoner. My first instinct is to kill him but instead I grab my gun and click over the safety. "Get out of here" I say, no sense of remorse in my voice. My ears turn red with anger and I shake. Who does he think he is putting his hands in her. What does he think he is doing. I control my emotions and remember that I need to get her out, but I will not hesitate to shoot him.

The prisoner hesitates knowing that he has been caught and now has a gun poi ted at his head he begins to plead. He says awful things like how Anne wanted it and she asked for it. I almost believe it for a second but then I turn to look at Anne and see the tears running down her face. The red hand shaped print on her cheeks and the blood running from the scar over her eye, like they ripped the scar back open.

I hold the gun up higher and take some steps forward. "Get out of the way" I repeat, this time the prisoner does not hesitate to stumble out of the way. Anne takes a moment but then runs full speed towards me wrapping her arms around my torso. I relax my shoulders more knowing that Anne is safe but continue to glare at the prisoners. I hold my gun up at him more and put my finger on the trigger.

One movement and he's gone one slip of the finger and Anne never has to see him again. I am interuppted by Beth coming down the stairs she almost speaks but takes on e look at the scene and looks at us questioningly. I explain what happened to her under m up breath careful not to remind Anne of the events. Beth takes Charlie upstairs empathetically as I lead Anne back to her cell. She curls up on the bed and I lay down next to her rubbing my hand along her back.

Annes pov

As I lay in the empty bed at the crack of dawn I stare up emotionesly. I feel dirty. If I had just tried harder to stop him, if I had been stronger this would have happened. Charlie wouldn't have had that traumatic experience. If I had just fought harder. Why wasn't I stronger. In so weak.

Why couldnt I be better. Charlie eventually wakes up and begins to cry. I groan while rolling over to pick him up from his crib. Charlie is somewhat aware of the events that happened yesterday, which breaks my heart, especially because I know that I could have stopped it.

I lie in the bed staring up at the ceiling while Charlie lies next to me. We lay like that for an hour watching the sun move along the walls as it rises. Glenn eventually knocks and comes into my cell. "Hey" he says softly. I curl up under my blanket. He sits in the edge of my bed and carefully rubs my back slightly hesitating before he places his hand down.

I stay in the position as his presence brings me comfort. Almost like a fatherly figure. After a while glenn reminds me that he bring me breakfast. Laying in bed I wonder about what I am to do now I settle on Daryl. I need to talk to Daryl.

"Hey Glenn." I croak out. "Can I talk to Daryl" Glenn hesitates before speaking and then softly says "yeah sure kiddo, anything for ya." I smile up at gelnn and slowly move to hug him around his torso. Me and Glenn have become real close during my time at the prison.


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