20. Burn

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Chapter 20
Through the eyes of Anne

"I think I'm gonna go to bed." I tell Maggie. I sit up from where I am laying in her lap and her hands fall out of my hair revealing an unfinished plait. "Alright sweetie, goodnigh' "

As I make my way to the cell that I sleep in I almost trip over a pile of clothes on the floor. I turn the light on to reveal the clothes that I had discarded. I see the same shirt that he touched me in. I drop the stuff in horror and go and sit on my bed. What was it about the shirt that made him want that? I can barely look at it. I shut the lamp off and turn around, but the thought of them just sitting there bugs me.

After a few hours of not sleeping I decide I'm going to do something about it. I carefully pick up the clothes and run across from my cell right into Carl's. He is soundly sleeping in his bed with his hat next to him on the bedside table.

"Carl, Carl wake up" I whisper shout next to him while tapping his shoulder. He slowly stirs until he is awake enough to comprehend that I am here. He quickly sits up. "Anne, what are you doing here?" He asks confused.

"You know how I was talking about every once in a while doing something for yourself. And not to tell anyone whose older. Well now is that time and I sort of need you to help me." "What are we doing?"

"C'mon, we are gonna burn the shit out of theses clothes." I say holding up the stuff and he immediately understands. I begin to walk out but Carl stops suddenly. "You go outside I will be right back" he says. I nod quietly and continue walking.

When I make it outside the cold night air is flowing across my face. It is a little bit cold out, so I rub my hands against my arms while I wait for carl.

He eventually comes out holding a few papers. Originally I think firestarter but I am met with the view of letters. Every single letter that I wrote to every person stating that I was dead. "I think we should burn these to" he says holding them up for me to get a better look.

"Yeah" I say, grabbing the paper, I pull the lighter out of my pant pocket, holding it up to the pages. "Are you ready?" Carl asks. "Yes" I reply l clicking the trigger on the lighter letting it ignite.

Inching the paper closer I close my eyes, only opening them last minute to watch it go up in flames. My first letter, the one to Charlie, gone. I then add Carl, Glenn, Maggie, Rick, Daryl, Carol and the rest.

Grabbing a few sticks from around we have a medium sized fire ablaze. I grab the pants that I was wearing that day and stare down at them in disgust. A tear rolls down my face and Carl comes to my side wrapping his arm around me. "It's alright" he whispers in my ear.

It burning, it's all burning. The fire that was in my heart is now on the cold concrete.

Watching it burn I collapse into Carl's arms, he gently lowers me to the ground and I lay my head on his shoulder. The fire is roaring but not producing any heat forcing me to start shivering. Carl notices and pulls his arm from my back to give me the flannel he is wearing.

"It's fine, I don't need it" I say not wanting him to be cold. He still hands it to me and I pass it back. "You will get a cold."

"Are you sure your not Charlie's mum?" He asks and I laugh slightly. He grabs that flannel and spreads it around the both of us. "Better?" He asks as we watch the fire burn.


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