23. War

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Chapter 23
Through the eyes of Anne

As I walk back outside I pick up a gun just to be safe. I see the governor holding Michonne's sword to Hershel's neck, I can hear Maggie and Beth sobbing and begging. It all happens so fast, first the govenor is yelling and then in one swift moment Hershel's head is bouncing on the floor. Time stops for a moment.

His blood pours out hitting the floor in splashes, when I see this its like time is slowing down. I watch as Hershel's lifeless body hits the floor. Maggie and Beth sob deeply as everyone else loads their guns. I take a moment to respect Hershel as he takes his last breathes.

We are ready for war.

I load the gun that I had grabbed earlier and aim it right at one of the governor's followers heads. My bullet goes right into it. I miss a few but just keep firing. I don't even care all I want is revenge, for Hershel. It is an all out war. After taking Hershel for no good darn reason I am ready to kill for him. I barely even register what I am doing but I know that this is for Hershel. For all the people that we have lost and the people the governor wants to take.

Carl is next to me a shooting through bullets like there running out of fashion. He makes most of his shots. I am just about to reload when the tank which was originally still, begins to roll slowly forward. The fence, that wasn't very secure in the first place comes crashing down.

All the loud sounds from the bullets attract a few of the closer walkers, indefinitely bringing every walker within a mile right here. Making more and more ways to die. I grab my knives from my belt and begin to walk a bit closer hoping I can get a few shots in. All this anger I have for the governor after what he has done makes me want to be the one to kill him.

As I am marching my way down there I am stopped by Carl. "What are you doing?" He questions "I'm going down there to fucking murder him" I say as I try to keep walking but Carl keeps a deathly grip on me.

"Your not going down there unless you want to get shot in the head by at least 5 people." "Carl, don't try me im going to kill him if it's the last thing I do" I say "no your not, he's made it through the gate and he's probably gonna kill everyone in his way" after Carl says this he begins pulling me back. If it was anyone else I don't think I would have gone but Carl's hand in mine makes me forget about everything.

I follow him back to the fence where we were before I see people from the governor's army make there way towards the opening of the prison, there are guns firing all around us. "we have to go, come on." Carl says but as soon as I see another gun go off I am reminded "shit I forgot Charlie. I need to get Charlie" I begin to run into the prison but am immediately stopped. I am pulled into Carl's chest and behind some metal.

My head is against his chest listening to his heartbeat. My mind is at sound for a moment the steady rhythmic beat calms me "Shush" he says holding his hand over my mouth. I open my eyes to see two of the governor's people walk past. He lets go of me and I remind myself what I am doing "Thanks Carl, but I have to get Charlie."

"Anne, be careful, and come back soon" I look up at Carl's face, Thankful. I kiss him on the cheek "bye Carl Ill see you soon." I run inside leaving him there by himself

I don't know what happened to Carl after I left.

I focus on running through the maze that is the prison. Luckily I have come accustomed to the halls. As fast as I am running I am interrupted by a loud bang and crumbling sound. I don't stop to listen to it at all. Past the cells and into the rooms where all the children are.

The door is ajar, and I hope to god that he is safe. Running through the abandoned room my heart is racing. I almost slip on a few of the papers that are in the floor from the books that have been teared, when I hear a soft crying.

I push my legs to go further, where is he?  I question in my head when I finally see his crib. Walking over I see small hands moving around and the soft crying becoming louder. Peering over the edge I see Charlie. "Oh Charlie, thank god you're okay." Picking him up I feel a rumble of the earth shaking. "What the fuck is happening out there?" Hopefully Carl is okay I think to myself.

Carl, that's when he crosses my mind. I have to go back out there. Running back through where I came from I hold Charlie's head trying to stabilize him. While passing back past the cells I stop and go into my cell. Placing Charlie on the bed I grab my bag that I had barely unpacked. Putting my tin inside as well as making sure my necklace is around my neck.

When I finally make it outside I am met with the chaos that has become of our home. I see two of the governor's men run past and so I jump behind some bushes nearby "Shit."

I try to see if Carl or Glenn or Maggie or anyone is anywhere near where I am. I am all by myself.

I see an open road and I take it. Bolting down to get away from the mess that is the prison.

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