25. Pudding

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Chapter 25
Through the eyes of Carl

I watch as my dad sleeps deeply on the lounge blocking the door. I am scared for his life, he so close on the edge of death. I look down and wait for the tears but nothing comes. Nothing has been going right since the downfall of the prison. Nothing good came from this war with the exception of the governor's death, at the hands of my father which I thank him for. He ended what that man had started leaving us with the aftermath.

The battle took something else away, It took away the light in my dark life, leaving me with something artificial...fake. Anne is gone dead probaly. Roaming the dead filled streets of Georgia all alone, Charlie, he was a lost cause. She's probaly gone.

I clench my fists with the thought of her rotting corpse, a walker.

With all this negativity I still have a slither of hope, she will be alright, Charlie will be fine. I clear these thoughts from my head. They make me weak there is no chance she's alive, she walked straight back into that death trap ofba prison and I just let her.

Back at the prison I should have stopped her, she would have still been with me. I could have tried harder to save her. so many things I could have done, I should have done to save her. So many things I need to tell her but I won't get a chance to because I let her die.

I never got to tell her the things she meant to me.

The things she means to me. When you go and I'm alone. You live in my imagination. The summertime and butterflies. All belong to your creation

As my thinking deepened so did my anger for myself. I look up at my father and walk out of the house. Making my way down the street I stop at one of the houses that seem to be untouched. I pull my leg up and unleash ripping the door open
I quickly walk up the stairs. Remembering something I immediately walk to the door and begin banging extremely loud.

"HEY ASSHOLE, HEY SHIT FACE" I suddenly stop and go very quietly listening if any walkers are coming my way. Hearing only a small sounding a room blocked with books and stuff walk around getting familiar with the place opening the cabinets seeing if there is anything worth scavenging. I come up empty handed, until I spy the biggest can of chocolate pudding. My eyes glimmer at the sight, my mouth is watering from the lack of food I have eaten in the past few days.

I climb up in the counter hitting my head on the cabinet. "Shit" I say. Readjusting my hat and Brushing off the pain, I continue on retrieving the pudding. Pulling down the biggest can I have ever seen. I search through the rest of the cabinets trying to find as spoon eventually finding one in a draw I go back to one of the rooms I saw before and climb out the window, getting a perfect view of the slow sunset I wish Anne was here she would have loved it.

But as I am looking out a small click alerts me something is happening beside me, I quickly turn around I see the window has fallen shut locking me in the roof. I stare at it for a few moments contemplating my next move. I decide to enjoy why is happening while it lasts because I won't get many more moments like this. Eating an entire can of pudding I put away the problems of the world for a little while becoming a kid again.

forever and always ///// Carl Grimes Where stories live. Discover now