18. Takedown

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Chapter 18
Through the eyes of Anne

It has been two weeks since I woke up and nearly everything has gone back to normal. Today as I wake up from my deep slumber in my cell I walk out into the chaotic mood of everyone outside. Not knowing what is going in I go and stand next to Carl. Hopefull he can fill me in on why everyone is running all around this place.

"What is happening?" I question clearly confused "they talked this morning Glenn, Daryl, dad and all the adults are going to Woodbury to get rid of the govener. There about to leave, you woke up just in time." Carl answers trying to be a help.

I process all that Carl just said, I go back to my room and grab Charlie as he just woke up. I leave the room so that I can catch them before I leave. Walking out to where we eat there is no one there.

I panic slightly and run outside hoping to catch them. Thankfully I do.

"Glenn, wait wait!" I shout stopping him midway from sitting in the car. "Were you gonna leave without saying goodbye?" I question as he chuckles

He wraps his arms around me as I say "be careful Glenn. You better come back to me" he laughs at what I say. "I mean it." I say completely serious. "I'll come
Back" Glenn replys "ya better, if you know what's good for you" I add on.

"Are you ready to go Glenn" Rick asks which makes Glenn let me go. "Yeah, yeah" Glenn replys. "Stay out of trouble, you here me" "yeah yeah I here you, but I can't make any promises" I say. "Anne" Glenn exclaims. "Yeah yeah, but be careful, really Glenn" I lower my voice for the last part so that only he can hear it.

Quickly I move to say my goodbyes to Maggie's. "Make sure you come back" I repeat to her. "I will" replies her southern accent.

"Bye Daryl, Rick, carol." I shout in to the air hoping they can hear me. "Bye darling" carol says. "Seya Anne" Rick says. "Anne" Daryl says while doing a nod. I take that as a goodbye.

I watch as they drive down the rocky road, praying that they make it through and don't get hurt. That they all come back


I spend the rest of the day in agony. When are they going to come back. I try to distract myself and talk to Carl. That's the only thing I do today. I spend my time with Carl. I find that if I don't I start to worry, but when I'm with Carl it's like nothing else matters.


It is later than I thought, I'm nursing charlie and they still haven't come back, maybe, I start to worry. Just as I think this a car slowly drives up and into the prison. I run out the door through the maze of the prison, bringing Charlie with me. The atmosphere is not how I would like it but we all still slowly walk out. We have to get the news head on.

There is now a bus. The unfamiliarity of it makes me nervous but Carl senses this and grabs ahold of my free hand. His fingers twist in between mine bringing me comfort. Out steps Rick and I can hear Carl let out a small sigh of relief. Then Maggie, carol and Glenn. Followed by some unfamiliar faces. Carl let's go of my hand to walk over to his dad and I walk over to Glenn and Maggie.

"Thank god your alright" I say hugging them with one arm die to Charlie being held with my other. "I told you we would come back" Glenn says and Maggie smiles. "If you didn't I would've had to kill ya" laughing at this we are interupted by a small lady asking where the bathroom was.

Maggie leads the way leaving me and Glenn behind. "Who are they?" I curiously ask. "We took them in because the govener burnt Woodbury to bits. We couldn't just leave them there" Glenn tells me the storey.

I process all this new information, while staring at these new people. There are a good amount of children there making me wonder if there are any my age.

Instead of asking I say "well I'm glad your okay." "Yeah me to" Glenn replies.


I eventually find Carl, he is staring down at his food. An icy glare between him and a few of the woodbury children. They looks as if their going to cry and him as if he is making them cry. I don't think he likes them very much. So I walk over to him holding Charlie in on ehand and sit down across from him, "hey Carl, what are you looking at" I almost think his facial expression softens a bit when I sit down but that is probaly just him relaxing.

When he doesn't answer I say "Why are you glaring at them like they set the world on fire?" I question "they seem pretty harmless" I add on to which he replys "that's it they don't know anything. Theyre going to get themselves killed." " Carl calm down, I don't think they are that stupid" I answer. "Yes they are, they have been treated like children their while life and don't know how to act. Earlier I saw that they named one of the walkers, they are treating it like a pet."

"Well maybe that isn't so good. We could keep an eye on them make sure they don't hurt themselves" "Yeah yeah we'll do that."

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