10. Butterfly

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Chapter 10
Through the eyes of Anne

Laughing together Charlie spits out the tuna missing me by an inch."Charlie" I say sternly. Lighting my tone I say "don't spit out your food." Turing over to where the barely chewed tuna is I see s familiar black bag in the ground.

Staring at the bag I don't notice Carl turning to see what I am looking at. "Omg Andrea dropped that bag when she got here" Carl says recalling the memories.

My eyes widen in realisation. "Holy shit that's my bag."I mumble. Rushing over to the side of the bag I see that all its contents are still in it. Shuffling around a bit I see the small metal, rusted box inside. Carefully opening it I spy my necklace with a small silver butterfly charm on the end. Grabbing it I place it in my hand.

I see the group from the prison looking at me.

"Hey Carl, this is my bag." My sudden wave if happiness is over when I realise that Andrea was probaly bringing it to me. She was a good guy, and I punched her.


Carl's pov

watch as Anne runs up the stairs to one of the cells beside where Daryl sleeps. I see the silence we are left in. "I think it is time you left." Daryl says. "But" Andrea is cut of by Daryl again. He forces her to leave.

I have never really thought about it before but Anne has a strong connection with everyone. She's addicting. The way she smiles when she passes people and says sorry even when it isn't her fault and blames herself for everything. Those short meaningful conversations she has with everyone. I mean she has even weaseled her way into Daryl's heart of steel. She mean something to everyone in this group. So to see her so hurt by a few words pains us all.


Anne, Anne." I speak as I am beside her bed "what was that?" I question curiously not thinking out my words. "I don't know. I-i just I couldn't take it any more. I mean and. Holy shit I shouldn't have done that. Why did I do that? Omg I'm an idiot." Anne blurts this all out in a matter of seconds, it is hard to keep up. But trying my best to comfort her.
"Anne it's alright she deserved it. " I say a whole hearted attempt at reassuring her. Staring at her concerned features I don't think she believes me

"No she didn't she did not deserve to be punched by some pointless 13 year old. Carl she could've been telling us something important but I punched her. I punched her." Her voice is raised at the last part slightly cathing me of gaurd. You should have punched her harder she deserves it I think in my head but I don't think that would comfort her so, I keep it cool and reply swiftly.

"So what you punched her? She deserved it. She just came from the govener. We should kill her kill them all." My body stiffens when I say the name of the govener. The man who wants to kill my family. "Well whatever you did it didn't matter." I finish.

"Thanks for that Carl" her beautiful voice pauses for a moment" I didn't know you had a soft side." She says jokingly

"Yeah well no one else know so you sorta have to keep it a secret" I say playing along. Trying to make her feel better. We laugh out way into a comfortable silence. I take this moment if silence to think about what Anne said while yelling at Andrea. Hinting at this Anne understands what I am trying to say.

So she explains the storey of her life starting at the begining of the apocalypse.

forever and always ///// Carl Grimes Where stories live. Discover now