6. Eyes

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Chapter 6
Through the eyes of Anne

Days pass but the prison is as silent as ever. I have been helping Beth with the baby by taking judith under my wing. Her skin is so smooth and the beautiful newborn baby smell. Charlie lent her some formula, He could survive off a few solids such as mash. Even though he is only a few weeks older, he is going to have to learn how.

As I go to the tub of formula I struggle to open the can. "Here, pass it " I turn to see the face of Carl. His blue eyes are so icy and his brown hair continues to grow. Smiling in relief I realise I haven't talked to him since the death of Lori. He has locked himself in his cell, and when he's not there he is aggressively killing walkers, but I can't blame him greiving is a messy time.

Carl passes me the tub of baby formula as I spy inside and see that we have about 3 scoops left. I see if there are any more bottles but there aren't. I frantically search around the table seeing if there are any more tubs. "Shit shit shit." Carl gives me a questioning look and without him even asking the question I say "There's only three scoop left. That's three bottle s for two baby's." The anxious look in my face now transfers to his. We look at eachother wandering what to do.

"Hope I'm not interupting something" Glenn says from the doorway. I look up at and say "there's only 3 scoops left."
"We should probably go out now" Glenn states.


As Glenn and Maggie are getting ready to leave. I walk up to them and state that I am going with them. "But your a little young, and I don't want you to get hurt." "I've been by myself since the start of this shit. " Glenn looks at me with a knowing look. Okay plan b I think to myself. "Please pretty pretty please. I promise I will be next you the whole time and I won't do anything stupid and Beth said that she would look after Charlie for me. Please." I give him puppy dog eyes as I stay silent while Glenn contemplates the question
"Okay fine but if you get hurt never again" "thankyou Glenn" I say hugging him

"Oh and one condition." I look up at his face wondering what it could be " never do those puppy dog eyes again" he chuckles.


As we drive along the roads the wind in my hair and humming a tune to some song I probaly forgot. We suddenly swerve. "What the fuck" I speak slowly. "Sorry bout that I never really learnt how to drive". Glenn speaks softly. "Well I gathered that" I mumble. "What did you just say to me"Glenn asks sarcastically. Following along with the sarcasm "you..don't ...know...how to drive" I leave spaces between the words for effect.

We both burst into giggles while Maggie shakes her head disapprovingly. Suddenly we swerve hardly again. "Okay no more laughing for you" Maggie says holding in to the car for dear life "yeah maybe Maggie should drive" I agree still wanting to live.


As soon as we stop I get out of the car and thank god that I am still alive. I smell the rotting corpses in the air which smell freshly dead. "Eww it stinks here." "Your living in an apocalypse and your worried about the smell?" "Shut up"

Walking into the eerie store I walk next to Glenn as promised. "So..how long have you known these people for?" I questioned wanting to know more about him. "Well I have been with Rick and Daryl and their group from the start but we met Maggie, Beth and hershel on a farm. Since then we have just been serving together."

"Ah bingo" I say spying the tubs of baby formula. Gelnn holds his hand up and I give him a high five. "We make a good team" " sure do."

As we were in the car in the way back I say "can someone teach me how to drive?" "Sure" "yeah darling" both Maggie and Glenn say. "Maggie maybe you could teach me and Glenn how to drive" we all laugh at that


When we gkt back to the prison I walk inside with the formula to find Charlie and Judith. When I walk into the room I see Beth with Charlie on the floor trying to feed Judith. I place the formula on. The floor and pick up Charlie. "How's my little charlie bear?"

forever and always ///// Carl Grimes Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora