9. Punch

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Chapter 9
Through the eyes of Anne

"Anne. Anne." I roll over to see Carl beside my bed. "what was that?" He questions. "I don't know. I-i just I couldn't take it any more. I mean and. Holy shit I shouldn't have done that. Why did I do that? Omg I'm an idiot." I blurt this all out in a matter of seconds.
"Anne it's alright she deserved it. " Carl says those words so reassuringly but yet I still don't believe him.

"No she didn't she did not deserve to be punched by some pointless 13 year old. Carl she could've been telling us something important but I punched her. I punched her." I say the last part slightly louder and my voice cracking.

"So what you punched her? She deserved it. She just came from the govener. We should kill her killl them all." Carl's angsty body stiffens as he says the name govener. "Well whatever you did it didn't matter."

I take a moment to look over my decisions. I can't have been that bad of a punch, could it? I mean I'm just s weak 13 year old girl.

"Thanks for that Carl" I pause for a moment" I didn't know you had a soft side." I say trying to make the situation lighter.

"Yeah well no one else know so you sorta have to keep it a secret" he says playing along. We laugh out way into a silence. I can tell what he is thinking without him even saying it.

"Yeah... Charlie isn't my baby. Hes my cousins so that makes him my second cousin or something. I didn't just pick up a random baby by the way."

"So your cousin."
We pause for a moment u til I decide to tell him. Tell him the storey.

"At the start of this shit I was with my family. I had my brothers and parents and my cousins. My mum was bitten first. She bit my brother who got to my older brother. I had to kill my younger brother and mother. That was the first wave of what hit our family and my first kill. Then my father was out on a run, he got bitten as well never came back. I was living with my cousins and their kid. He was out playing and got bit. My older cousin took care of that. That's when we got taken by the govener" I pause for a moment to breathe. The tears sliding down my face hot and wet.

"He killed my older cousin first. He made us watch it. He made it slow and painful, there was nothing we could do. Then that's when my cousin grace was starting to show in her pregnancy. I had no idea, she said she was going to tell us but didn't have the time. I was left with grace and the unborn charlie. Eventually the govener found out. Inevitably."

" He made me deliver the baby. Wouldn't give us a nurse been though he had plenty to spare. I delivered him but grace didn't make it. She was like my mother always looking after me. We were really close even before this happened. I had to kill her so she didn't turn. Didn't want her Turing out like one of those things. We had to live with the rotting corpse for ages. Until I found a way out and ran into Glenn and Maggie. "

Carls stands and moves forward gently. He wraps his arms around my body.


Walking back down the stairs to see everyone sitting at the table. I begin to speak when I am interupted by Glenn. "That was an amazing punch" he chuckles. "Great form too" Maggie adds.

We a laugh away spending the rest of the night talking and laughing. The atmosphere of the room well prison was so happy. But nothing we could do would make us ready for what was to come in the future. No amount of preparing.


The bright sun shone peircingly on my skin making me burn. Charlie was a wake. I could hear his soft crys and murmurs. But this morning was so great, I didn't want to get up. Eventually I pull myself out of the comfort of my bed. The warmth leaving my body only for my skin to be hit with the cool air of the morning. Slipping in a flannel I walk outside to see that every one was already up.

"How did Charlie sleep" carol asks "he was alright" I reply just wanting to stuff my face with breakfast. Charlie in my hip I am grabbing my plate and putting extra on it for Charlie. Turning around plate in one hand Charlie in the other I see Carl sitting alone, I go and sit next to him silently.

I grab the spoon and put the tuna in my mouth. While chewing I give some to Charlie. "Oh this is your first time having tuna." Carl turns and asks "does he like it?" "I'm pretty sure he hates it".
we both laugh at this.

forever and always ///// Carl Grimes Where stories live. Discover now