32. car

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Chapter 32
Through the eyes of anne

I pause for a moment whether it be shock or fear, "Anne". Carl says but I feel he is at a loss for words as well. "what the fuck did we just walk into?" I question partly to Carl partly to myself. Glancing over at the photos once again, I am divided on what I should be feeling. This particular young boys features are just barely defined, he couldn't be more than eight. Me and Carl both continue staring at the photos mentally mapping every inch of it, judging and deciding what we should do next. I've never heard a silence quite this loud.

But our intense think is interrupted by an urgent call from rick, maybe it was the urgency of the call or how frozen I was, maybe the sickening thought of what Gabriel could have caused us stunting my thought but I just dropped the camera and the photos and instantly began walking slightly fast towards where rick was, carl who I believed was thinking the same thing as me did the same. I don't know what came over us but it's like we forgot, the fear has shocked us blind. We walked right back into that murderers home.

When we get back into view of rick the sun is setting with an array of blues, pinks, and oranges. He gestured us in and we obey, the smell makes our mouths water. It is the freshly cooked food that they scavenged from the town today . I try to enjoy it but I can't all I am thinking about is the photos. I feel so guilty, like I'm in the wrong for keeping this to myself like he could kill us all and it would be my fault.


As we sit down all of us together munching on the freshly cooked food I couldnt feel any better. I still remember my family but I feel like I have found a new, not nearly replacing them but merely in place of.

Abraham clinks his knife against his glass, and speaks up "we are all survivers, and you guys have done a great job surviving. But Is that all you want to be? Wake up in the morning, fight the undead pricks, forage for food, go to sleep with two eyes open, rinse and repeat? 'Cause you can do that. I mean, you got the strength. You got the skill. Thing is, for you people, for what you can do, that's just surrender. Now, we get Eugene to Washington and he make the dead die and the living will have this world again. And that is not a bad takeaway for a little road trip. Eugene, what's in D.C.?"

As Eugene begins to speak about infrastructure, I glance over to where Gabriel is fidgeting in his seat. He knows what he did. Quietly I pass Charlie over to where Maggie is sitting and she doesn't question it. While everyones eyes are averted and distracted. I silently stand up, sneaking out I pick up one of my knives on the way. Out the door I slip, and down the stairs. I make my way over to where the Polaroid photos are. I look at them once more not being able to see much in the dark.

Suddenly I hear the low rumble of an engine, before I can even process that I am fiercely whacked along the back of my head. The pain peirced my brain and I double over in pain "fuck me" I say as my jaw is clenched in pain. The person takes one more swing at me clearly aiming for me to be knocked out, which he does not fail to do.

Before I fall to the ground, my head is thumping, my breathing is shortened rapidly and soon I fall into the abyss. I couldn't even fight back, it caught me so of guard the last thing I remember seeing is the bright lights of a car.

forever and always ///// Carl Grimes Where stories live. Discover now