8. Bitch

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Chapter 8
Through the eyes of Anne

Carl and I sit up on the guard tower talking and dawdling about the day.
When we see an unfamiliar car coming up towards The entrance of the prison."the fuck is that?" I point towards the unfamiliar car. It's tires on the gravel crunching away. "I don't know." Replys Carl while squinting at the car.

"Race ya down the stairs" I take the steps down the stairs at lightning speeds. "Why are you so fast?" Carl questions as he's trying to hide his pants. "I grew up in the mountains, I have trained for this for years." I say sarcastically

The car makes an annoying honking sound right at the gate. "Their gonna attract all the walkers for 50 miles" Carl disapproved while running towards the gate to open it as Rick, Daryl and Glenn all come out.

I follow to where the car is coming up to see the one and only Andrea. I glare at her silently. She gets out while carrying a small black bag.


We were all sitting inside the prison cells while Andrea was on the opposite side of us. Charlie was in my arms completely unaware of the tension in the room. I would have said something but I feel like it's not my place. Eventually Andrea speaks up. "What I left Atlanta with you and now I am the odd one out." Rick answers harshly by saying "your with the govener. He is trying to get us killed."

"Phillip would never do that" Andrea tries to explain. Dropping the black bag. Every word she speaks makes me want to slap her. Her lies make her so infuriating. I want to punch her so bad but Charlie is in my arms and I still feel as if this is not my place.

"He took me and Maggie" Glenn speaks up, saying what everyone was thinking. Even though he was immediately interupted by andrea "No that wasnt him."

I finally snap. "of course it was him. Your just blinded by the fucking sex. You wanna know what he did. He made this scar. He imprinted it on my skin forever. He gave me many scars. But nothing scars more than thank the laugh I will laugh knowing that your going to die because your blinded by your selfish veiws." I scream. Breathing heavily I see that Glenn has come around me to hold me in place. Charlie on my arm is silent."

"Well it's not my fault your a slut and had a child age 13. Just because you have to spend the rest of your life looking after your offspring doesn't mean that I have to listen to your almighty advice"

As she speaks the words sink in and out seeps anger. Anger of everything the apocalypse. The governor. Andrea, that bitch.

"Too far Andrea" "wow, she's 13". Subconsciously I drop Charlie towards glenn hoping that he catches him. I barely hear the comments of the group before I walk forward and slap her. A nice juicy bitch slap.

"You think I'm a whore." *Slap* "this isn't even my fucking baby. Your boyfriend. Killed his mother. My cousin. Just minutes after birth. Just because she was screaming too loud. She barely made a noise, during childbirth. So before one more fucking word comes out of that stupid mouth why don't you shove it..up... your.. ass. " My head tilting with every word. Blood dripping from my knuckles where the skin is Brocken.i can barely feel the sting probaly because it is covered by the emotional pain that has now returned.

I spin around before deciding to turn back and punch her one more time. After that I realise what had happened. The Anger that had spoke.. I widen my eyes in realisation. I look up to see a bloodied, bruised Andrea. Her nose running a deep red blood. My hand print imprinted on her face " Fuck" I mumble. I run up towards my cell. Regretting my decisions.

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