27. Meat

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Chapter 27
Through the eyes of Anne

The pebbles crunch beneath my feet. "Charlie when are you going to learn how to walk? My feet hurt." I fake complain to him as he looks at me weirdly like he knows I am taking the piss out of him. I grab Charlie under his arms and place his feet on the ground pretending he's walking.

I look up to see how much further how much more suffering but instead am met with the sight of 8 letters in big bold black paint on a brick wall. TERMINUS. Why can't I hear anything, I question myself? Can I really trust this? "This place gives me massive heebie-jeebies" I say to Charlie. I sit Charlie on the floor for a minute and grab one of my knifes and stick it into my bra. Better to be safe than sorry.

After that we walk into, hopefully our new life. Hopefully where Glenn and Maggie have taken refuge.

As we walk in through the gate I am met with the fresh sizzling of meat on a barbecue. A small whispering of two people is interupted as I walk cautiously trying to get some kind of upper hand. A women comes out from behind the wagon. "Oh hello darling, welcome to terminus. You scared me there." She laughs sweetly, I fakely smile and nod, still cautious of all the possibilities.

"I didn't expect anyone to come here at the moment. Would you like some of this fresh meat we have cooked up for you?" She questions. I look down at the plate she has offered towards me seeing the juicy meet, something I have not been able to find in a long time standing there right in front of them begging me. My mouth waters But I dont know if I can trust them yet. I have a bad feeling about this because something is off about this place. And frankly I won't have an appetite until I see someone from the group here.

"No thank you he only drinks milk at the moment" I say to the women holding the biggest peice of meat I have seen in ages. But I still don't trust her, not until I find Glenn or Maggie or anyone from our group.

"Here. Let me hold that bag for you" says a well dressed man who walked out after her "I'm fine thanks" I reply wanting my stuff close to me, for a quick escape. The way he moved in makes me think I'm not going anywhere soon.

I barely finish my sentence before I have about 10 guns pulled on me and Charlie. As an instinct I protectively wrap my arms around Charlie.

"Walk over there slowly" said one of the assholes that fooled me. Fuck I say in my head, but I slowly obey not wanting charlie to get caught in the crossfire. I take slow and steady steps. Once I make it to the door they struggle for a second then take my bag off of me. "Get in" they are rough housing me.

I stepped into the dark cargo box. "Kiss my ass, you absolute fuckwit" I murmur under my breath. "Fuck" I say again.

"Hi I'm Rick Grimes"  says a familiar deep southern voice from beside me I snap my head towards him as another chuckles. I look up at the man's face and find a sense of security.

"Rick" I laugh as I run up to hug him lightly.  "how long have you been here, are you alright" questions blurt out of my mouth faster than lightning. "Slow down kiddo we have time to talk about everything" he says pulling me into another hug.

"Anne" questions another who I immediately recognise as Glenn. Pulling my head up I run in the direction of him holding my arms out possible winding him with the force of my run. "Glenn" I say aloud. "Anne I'm so glad your okay" he instantly say. "You too" I reply as I go in for a massive hug with Maggie. 'are you alright?' 'did you get hurt?' ' is Charlie fine?' Maggie bombards me with motherly questions and before she can aska bother one I say yes to all of them.

Pulling away slightly I look around to see all the people in this small wagon. Maggie, Glenn, Rick and a few new people that I have never met.

And Carl..

I take a moment for it to sink in. After I say hello to everyone again and meet a few new people, I make my way to carl wrapping my arms around his torso I say I missed him. I cling on to him just a little longer than everyone else.

It has been way to long.

"Okay so how are we going to get out of here?" Suddenly I remember the knife that I stashed. "Oh oh wait I have a knife"  I stick my hand into my shirt and pull out the pocket knife. "Great thinking Anne" Rick stares in either awe or disgust. But I look at him with a sense of survival and dramatically wink with my right eye and smirk at hin.

We start to cut wood from the shipping container into the shape of spears.

"You know what kid, I think I'm starting to like you. I mean you made a hell of an entrance" Abraham the one who looks like a GI Joe doll spoke


The door to the shipping container opens at lightning speeds and I hold up my make shift knife as I had put my real in back were it was previously hidden as a last resort. Charlie was in the floor at the back tucked beneath my flannel.

As the people enter we are met with a gas, holding my breathe I lunge at them. My stick being able to stab into one of their arms slightly. I go to hit them some more but am hit with a massive urge to sleep. Suddenly I am letting go of reality. The last thing I hear is 'take her with us'

forever and always ///// Carl Grimes Where stories live. Discover now