29. Freedom

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Chapter 29
Through the eyes of Anne

We eventually make it through the endless maze of rooms that terminus is to the container again. Glenn, Daryl,Rick, and Bob cover me as I run up and force open the door. As it finally cracks and slides open I see Maggie and Carl, as well as all of the new people we have recently met. Thankfully everyone is safe. Maggie runs up and hugs me instantly "my sweet girl" she mumbled against my head. I smile up towards her and I point them over where the rest of the group is. The last one to come out is Carl who was holding Charlie, his eyes slightly puffy. "Carl, Charlie, My two favourite boys" I say smiling and picking Charlie up from Carl and hugging him as I do "This way" I tell him while grabbing his hand and leading him.

Holding Charlie tight to my body, I grab one of my favourite knives ready to protect us, I also pass one to Carl as he only has no gun at the moment. "I thought you were dead" he says quietly while looking down at the floor like it's the most interesting thing ever. "I couldn't die yet, I still have to outlive this shit" I say half joking, half serious. "I couldn't die on you" I add on under my breathe as Carl laughs slightly at what I said before. "What was that?" He questions "nothing" I quickly reply not knowing why I even said it in the first place.

We follow Rick who leads us behind some cars that have been left there. I sit down for a moment taking it in that we have just survived that. While I am sitting their in the distance I see a familiar silhouette. "Carol, carols over there" I say to anyone who will listen. Everyone looks over to where I am pointing and she makes her way to us.

"Where you the one who made the explosion?" "Yep, I'm here to save you."

I stand up and help the others throwing my knife through the head of a walker watching as the foul creature drops to the floor. Throwing another it peirced it's eye. I grab my pocket knife and stab one groaning near me. With the weight of Charlie on my side I find it hard to throw my knives, stabbing only a few that come near me. I run over dodging the walkers over to grab my knifes that I have previously thrown. Turning back I see the group three quarters over the gate. Carl is frozen in a spot looking over in the opposite direction trying to find me and doesn't realize a walker creeping up behind him. I run up but am not fast enough.

I yell his name but he can't hear me with all of the noise. Quickly thinking I raise my knife behind my ear slinging it into the air. Hoping for the best. I see the knife spin in SLO motion. I want to close my eyes but find that I can not. I can't tear my eyes from the scene.

Finally I see him turn around to a sound behind him, the sound of a walker dropping. My knive has penetrated it. I let out a slow breathe before continuing over to them. Carl sees me coming and continues over the fence.

All that's left is me, Abraham, Charlie and Eugene on the terminus side. I pass Charlie over the fence, having to drop him slightly but Carl catches him thankfully. Eugene takes a while to get over the fence due to his lack of athletic ability. Leaving barely anytime for me and Abraham to cross. We jump it at the same time which causes it to sway but I jump off quickly to avoid the fence collapsing.

We have made it out thankfully. Together

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