19. Charm

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Chapter 19
Through they eyes of Anne

Life has been easier with all the citizens of Woodbury helping us with our chores even though there are more now. I am hanging out some clothes when Glenn walks over.

"Hey Anne we are going scavenging and wanted to know if you wanted to come? Carl's coming" my ears perk up when Glenn asks if I want to come scavenging with them " yeah I wanna come" I say. "Where are we going?" I ask "we are just going to some shop that they mapped out. There's some disease going around and we need some medicine."

"Is every one alright?" "yeah just a few fevers. Well are you ready to go?"

"Yeah let's go" together we walk down the feild to the car that we are travelling in. Carl is already there with Rick. "Hey... can I drive?" I ask. "No" Rick answers like it's obvious. "Well I mean, why not?" "Anne how old are you ? Really" " I reckon I'm old enough, I mean I have to learn some how." I say matching his energy.

"Glenn said that he would teach me...but I don't really trust his driving skills." Glenn interrupts with a sound that indicates he was offended. Ignoring that I continue on "So I though wow there's and adult who knows how to drive, why don't you teach me? So I don't end up with the driving skill of Glenn" i whisper the last part.

"Missy are you trying to flatter me so that I will teach you?" Rick asks pushing one of his eyebrows up. "I don't know is it working?" "Maybe you could try a little driving on the way back." "Yess" I reply

"Oh what about me?" Carl asks but is instantly shut down by ricks "no"

"You have to learn my ways" I say really dramatically to Carl, but he just rolls his eyes in return.


When we arrive at the shop Rick yells us to split into group me and Glenn, him and Carl. "You get some food and we'll get clothes then in ten minutes meet by the pharmacey and we will get the medicine." We follow ricks instructions tediously.

"I think we need some more baby formula, I keep forgetting that Charlie is still technically a new born only like 2 to 3 weeks older than Judith." "When is his birthday?" Glenn asks stupidly to which I reply " I don't even know what year it is" we both chuckle at the silliness of the conversation.

After ten minutes we found some baby formula, beans, pineapple and sunscreen. We make our way to the back of the store where the pharmaceutical stuff is. "Where do you think Carl and Rick are?" I ask Glenn "We are just here" answers Rick.

"So what sort of stuff do we need" I say while jumping and sitting into the counter. "Glenn and I will grab what we need, you two stay here and watch out. If anything happens just give us a yell." "Yeah alright" I answer.

"So what did you find?" I say looking at the basket Carl placed on the floor. "Just some stuff" he replies vaguely. Our conversation is interupted by the loud groans from a stray walker. It probably walked in because of the smell of us.

I jump of the counter and head towards the walker. I place my hand on its rotting shoulder and drive my knife deeply into its head. "Yuck, I hate killing them, it's disgusting. All the blood and guts." I wipe my hand on a nearby shirt that was still on a rack. Carl laughs at my previous statement, "you might have to get used to it though"  "well how do I know this won't turn me into a vegetable? Huh" I question but he just laughs.

"What are y'all laughing about?" Rick asks. Carl instantly stops sort of ruining the mood but I say "I got some guts stuck on my hand and it jiggled and scared me I swear to god it's so disgusting. I'm never killing a walker again" I say jokingly.

Rick chuckles "alright kiddos I think it's time we get goin' home." "Yes please"  Wait wait.." I pause for a moment to add dramatic affect. "I get to drive?" I say like a question.

"Sure" Rick answers but Glenn interiors by saying "no, no i dont trust her she'll crash." I look at him as if I am offended. "Oi it's better than your driving. I'm surprised we still classify it as driving more like mario cart....Whoever hits the most things wins." "My driving isn't that bad" Glenn says. And we all laugh at this.


When I'm in the car I sit in the driver's seat and Rick instructs me in what to do. It's sort of difficult as we are driving stick but I eventually sort of get the hang of it. Only hitting a few walkers.


As I get out of the car I say to Glenn "oh look we are alive. I didn't hit one thing" "yeah yeah beginners luck. But what about those walkers" "I don't remember my of that are you sure your not hallucinating?"I say playing dumb.

I walk away from Glenn with Carl letting the adults bring the stuff we gathered inside I'm about to head inside as well but Carl stops me. "Anne." I turn around to look at him. "Yeah Carl?" I question. "I got...when we were out...I saw... Your necklace I got you another charm. Here." I look down at Carl's enclosed hand to see a small humming bird with emerald engravings on the wings.

It's the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. "Oh my god, that is the prettiest thing I have ever seen" I tell him. He chuckles slightly and holds his hand out to give it to me. "Can you put it on for me?" I ask holding my necklace a few inches above my neck.

He brings his hands up. And fastens the new charm onto my necklace. "Thank you Carl, really I love it" Carl looks down at the ground when I say this, smiling. "Wanna go inside?""yeah let's go" Carl says instantly.

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