22. Tank

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Chapter 22
Through the eyes of Anne

It has only been a few weeks since the governor has died, and all the Woodbury citizens joined us. Even though the governor is gone Rick insists that we still keep look out for a little while.

Carl and I walk out of the prison onto the long untamed grass talking about anything and everything. "You know I sort of forgot about grass, I mean this hasn't been mowed in so long it getting too long." I say looking down. "Yeah, the grass does get really long." I bend down and start picking a few of the flowers out of it.

"What are you doing?" He asked interested. "I'm makin' a daisy chain" I reply while threading the flowers. Carl watches what I do very carefully and then he decides to pick up some flowers as well and tries to mimic my actions.

I make the chain about 30centimeters long and say "Carl, I finished it." Before he can get a chance to look I place the chain on his hat. A cute accessory. Carl looks at me and I look at him and we both burst out laughing. I don't know what was funny about the previous moments but it was good to laugh and be a little careless. When we finally calmed down and got a look at his flower chain I tried to hold in another laugh but failed miserably.

"Oh my lord that is the ugliest thing I have ever seen" "oi don't judge the daisy chain because it looks ugly. It's whats on the inside that counts." "I reckon it will fall apart if I breathe too close to it."

We both fall to the ground laughing.
Eventually we make it to where we were Originally going in the first place, the gaurd tower. It is me and Carl's first shift and honestly it seems sort of boring. "So we are just meant to sit here all day?"

"Not all day" Carl replys fed up with my shit. "but it feels like it gonna be all day. We have been here for less than two minutes and I'm already bored."
"It's been five minutes, look time is flying."

Carl sits on the ground next to where I am standing and I lay down next to him placing my head on his lap. "this is the most boring day of my life" I repeat taking his sheriff hat off and placing it on my head. "Are you saying that hanging out with me is boring?" Carl questions in a playful tone while placing the hat on the floor so that I could be seen. "Yesss it is the most boringgg thing everrrr" I play along dragging out my words.

We continue going back and forth until my eyes meets his. We both stop talking just to stare. His icy blue eyes told a life time of struggle that had never been put into words. My eyes flicker to his lips, they are rosy pink, and then back to his beautiful eyes. He begins to lean down but we are interupted by the loudest rumble I have heard in a long time. My eyes widen a bit as we stand up trying to see what it is.

A massive tank is sitting outside the prison on the grass. My heart drops. "The fuck is that?" My question is left in the air as Carl runs out of the guard tower to warn everyone else. I follow him running straight to the doors.


"There's someone, there's someone here. And they have a tank" I warn the few who are inside making sure Charlie is safe inside with the other kids. Just before running back out to catch what is happening.


When outside I see the governor yelling for Rick. "I don't care that you have a government your going to be making the decisions today" he yells. After a short pause the governor says "Is michonne on the government?" While grabbing her from a car and roughly forcing her onto the floor, "or is hershel on the government?" He grabs hershel and drags him onto his knees next to michonne.

"Please let them go" Rick yells. From the corner of my eyes I see Carl say "it's a straight shot from here, I can get him" before I have a chance to intervene and tell Carl how stupid that idea is Daryl says "and risk missin', you woul' start a whole damn war". After Daryl said that Carl lowers his gun an inch but still keeping his eye on his target.

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