2. Cell

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Chapter 2
Through the eyes of Anne

The time I have spent with Maggie and Glenn inside Woodbury's cells gave me enough time to get to know them and their story. The newly cut scar under my eye has not fully healed nor been attended to, the blood has dried but not much more that that.

Suddenly gun shots echo through the hallways. I jump at the sound and stand up wanting to know what's happening. As I stand more blood begins to drip out of the cut. The doors burst open and in walks a man that Maggie and Glenn seem to recognise.

They talk for a moment and then he says "We need to leave, now." I follow the man through the maze of hallways not having much else hope for me. I feel the dry blood in my mouth. It is dripping into the floor when I walk, onto charlie's jumper and my clothes.

I run trying to keep up with Glenn, until we finally made it to the edge. The wall. Our escape, the end of my time in Woodbury. I had been through hell and back here, I had lost people and met some in this awful place and I get to finally leave, with Maggie and Glenn.

We slide through a gap in a gate, as we are taking a moment, we are joined by a gruff man wielding a bow. I feel.intimidated by the way he looks over at us. I shrivel up in my skin not liking all the attention on me.


When in the car, Charlie begins to squirm almost as he can sense the change, he knows something is happening. "It's okay bubba, your fine. We are finally out of that shithole."

The first to break the silence was Rick, the leader of their group "So how old are you kid?" "Umm... I think I'm like 13 or 14 maybe. How long has it been since the world went it shit? I was born April 3rd 1998" I say trying to keep confident.
He then asks;
"How many walkers have you killed?" "A lot I think"
"How many people have you killed" "4 " I say, terrible memory's resurfacing.
"Why" "3 were dying and 1 was trying to kill me"
"Do you have a group?" "No. It's just been me and him for a while now"


We eventually pull up into a gravel driveway heading straight for a gate, we don't seem to slow down, worry fils me as I grab Charlie tighter.  Last minute the gate opens letting us enter freely. I step out onto the ground, the gravel crunching beneath my converse. "O didn't think I would be in a prison this early" Glenn chuckles at my remark and tells me to follow him inside. We walk up and I meet a women who looked badass, her hair was shaven and she was holding a stick covered in walker blood.

"This is carol" said the Korean man. "she is going to show you the showers." I nod and look up to carol, She seemed nice enough but also intimidating,  like she has a tough side to her which I admire. Her hair was shaven all the way around and she had dead ones blood speckled all around her clothes and face. "This way" said her sweet voice which is mildly deceiving.

Walking inside the prison I was guided towards the showers. "There is hot water in there just don't use to much, we have to be mindful of others." My eyes lit up at the words hot water.


I look up at the steamy mirror seeing my matted brown hair, a mix of dirt and blood on my face.

Stepping in the warm shower I look down and see the dirt falling off my skin in clumps. I grab a brush and start to attack my hair attempting to tame it.

After a while I get out and look in the mirror again. My wet hair is smooth and tame my skin is paler than before as I had been locked away in that room for so long. I notice I had grown taller as well as my hair longer and my jawline was sharper than before. How old am I? Should I know how old I am. I am raising a baby by myself. The reality of my situation begins to sink in and I start to  cry. The tears pour out.

I pull myself together. "Omg you stupid bitch. You don't have time for this. We are in a fucking apocalypse. Pull yourself together" I wash my face and get myself presentable.

Picking up the newly washed Charlie I walk out and go to find carol.

forever and always ///// Carl Grimes Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt