31. Flames

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Chapter 31
Through the eyes of Anne

We move as a group feeling somehow destructive, the prison now terminus. like everywhere I went it ended up in flames... Flames, when the disease first broke out after every small mistake harmless or not I was prone to controlling my emotions my feelings, using flames as a substitute to blades it still hurt but ensured I was always here for Charlie. He is truly the reason I am alive now. I slowly slipped out of my internal thoughts as they were interrupted by a scream for help. I look around intently for my next move. Carl doesn't hesitate before he is running full speed down towards the pleas for help, I make sure Glenn is alright with Charlie and bolt after him, if he goes down then I'm going down with him, its two of us or none of us. It doesn't matter at all that my thoughts where telling me to do the complete opposite.

There is a man in an all black suit on the top of a rock, he's screaming for help like he hasn't been living in the same world as us, like it is his first time out since the downfall, like he hasn't seen a walker before. I find it odd but forget to question it as I run up and begin killing the walkers beneath him. Rick eventually catches up, the rest of the group and the Eugene and Abraham who are complaining heavily as they 'have the cure'. Rick walks up to this unfortunate stranger and asks him the same old questions, "who are you, how many walkers have you killed, how many people have you killed, do you have a group?"

I'm not quite listening to the answers as intently as the others but I am studying his face.  his eyes seem to be locked on rick, not moving much, his voice is not wavering but more or so has a nervous tone to it. I cant tell if he is lying or not. The thought of a sociopathy crosses my mind, Hershel showed me a few books he like to read and one of them touched down on how one may lie. This man checks all the boxes in sociopath: lying for his personal gain, his lack of empathy, and the way he somehow forces us to follow him to his home- or church. I don't remember us agreeing it just ended up happening, he may be a sociopath but it is hard to tell with what I have been presented, the lack in what I know about him personally. even though i can not confirm it i still don't rule it out leaving it for if it comes in necessary. 


When we finish the hike to who I now know as Gabriel, his church, where he out ran the apocalypse for as long as time would give. I walk next to carl with Charlie tightly in my arms not trusting this man at all. before we walk in rick stops both of us teens "be careful i still don't fully trust this man" he whispers to us before walking in not to look suspicious. i agree with him completely and i look over to carl who has the same look as me. churches always gave me the creeps, so many things could go wrong. 

never the less we still end up going in, I'm careful not to let my guard down at all. Eventually Rick decides he trusts this man enough, deciding we are going to stay with Gabriel in his church. rick leaves us and goes into the town with Glenn, Abraham, Eugene, Daryl and Gabriel to find some supplies.

me and carl go exploring around the church, just us, no interruptions. as we are strolling around casually i am looking out into the woods but carl looks right into a wall.  confused by this i trace his eyeline and look directly at what he sees. 'you'll burn for this' 


the words look like they have been carved in a rush, messily imprinted in the wood. Carl traces his hand along the individual letters. "what do you think this means?" I question wearily.  

carl shrugs his shoulders as he says "I don't know but we better tell my dad when he comes back. For now we shouldn't trust Gabriel" I nod understanding every word and completely agreeing. I take one last look at the grave words carved on the old rotting wood before leaving that spot. I'm about to enter through the doors into the church when a light catches my eyes, I pause suddenly and carl walks right into my back. "did you see that?" I question not taking my eyes away from the spot where it was, "No what was it?" he replies. Instead of answering I walk further into the woods, carl right behind me.

I pause for a moment waiting for it to flash again, the bright artificial light intrigues me deeply. when it flashes once more I turn to carl expecting him to have seen it, but all I see are his eyebrows furrowed. "you saw that right?" I ask for confirmation, carl nods in response and together we cautiously walk closer until I see a small brown box. Inching closer I finally get close enough to reach for it, I wrap my hand around the cool metal "is this a camera" as puzzled as I am i pick up the small paper squares from beside it. Flipping through the dozen of photos most seem the same, sticks and trees with half of the church, but as I get towards the middle of the stack a small group of people, parent presumably with a child. They have about 5 pictures banging on the side, distress clearly shown on their faces.  The last one is a haunting site, my face is as cold as stone. A wife, a mother, on the floor in tears, and child gone, walkers have taken him. The father is what I can't describe, I wouldn't dare to even try. Knife up to the church writing that god damn message, his eyes are swollen and hair is sweaty. It's storming but you can still see the sadness... clear as day

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