16. Reunion

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Chapter 16
Through the eyes of Carl

I had just let Anne do to go to shower as I stare around at her room in the bed side table is a silver butterfly necklace. It is a simple charm but I find it really pretty. I wonder where she got it. There is also a small green picture frame with a phot of her Charlie and sfew others that I don't recognise.

Next to that I see a small cookie tin. Curious by what's in it I turn around to see if she was there. I hear the shower running and place my hand in top of the box. I slowly put my fingers on the side and open the box. After a little bit of pressure it opens. I see inside a lot of picture a book and some letters. Opening one of them I see it is addressed to 'dad'.

I decide that it is private. A letter to her dead father. I shouldn't be reading that. I see more photos leaving the letters alone until I see one addressed to me.

Dear Carl,

By the time you read this I will be dead. I can't take the pressure anymore. I don't want it anymore. Just know that I love you, you were the best person in my life at the time and couldn't have done anymore than you already did.

The things that prisoner did to me...those unspeakable things. Make me regret living. I could have stopped him if I tried harder. Just remember this way I can control the pain I need to feel. It was never meant to happen this way, I would've grown old with you and Charlie and Glenn and Maggie. Instead my plans have been interuppted. I know it hurts but understand, in my last moments of life of was thinking about all of the memories we have made. Yes I have ended my life but...

I stop reading there. Dropping the letter I run towards the showers
Screaming "NO ANNE NO" a single tear runs down my face. She cant leave me I need her. I run through the halls not hearing anything. It's like im running in SLO motion. Shoving the door I see that it is locked. Not stopping for anything I continue screaming. "Anne open the door. Open the door Anne."

Giving up on screaming I won't give up on her. I start pounding the door relentlessly, until I force it open. There she is lying on the floor surrounded by her own blood. A blade in her hand just Dropping to the floor as she loses consciousness. Dropping down In the floor next to her I grab her. "Anne please, no please wake up." I beg. Tears begin to spill out of my eyes. Not one. Not two but continuous.

I am joined by my dad who stops staring at the scene.  I scream at him. He comes down and hugs me helping me off the ground. We are joined by Glenn and Daryl. I hold tight to my dad " I can't lose her" I say. "I know, I know." He replies. I hold him tight. Hershel eventually joins getting her the medical attention she needs.

I watch Glenns sorrow face almost as if he has lost a child. He holds Maggie her tearful eyes making her face red.
I watch as she is being lifted away the bleeding had stopped but she had already lost a lot of blood.

Carl's pov

Sitting by her bed I watch as hershel gives her another check up. She has been passed out for nearly s week. The room has a deathly grey feeling to it nearly matching the outside. The war with the govener has nearly begun. We have been loading up ammo and guns. Taking watch in the watch towers and planing attacks.

But life isn't the same without Anne. A laugh I'd barely heard anymore these days. I wish she would wake up.

Charlie crys all the time now and there is nothing Beth can do to help him. He yearns for Anne but his request is never met.


Annes pov

My eyes flutter open, a little sore as they ajust to the light. I see the familiar cell that I'm in. I feel bandages on my wrist bringing back the terrible memories.  I close my eyes again...I'm still here. Omg I'm still here. I cry, I'm so thankful.

But then Charlie crosses my mind. Getting up I stumble a bit but instantly get control of my body. Walking out there is no one there. I walk up the stairs to see if Charlie is where Beth usually is. Taking the turns I see Charlie right in Beth's hands. She is cradling him, his red face that has been crying.

Charlie, my angel.

Walking forward bath turns around and sees me, she pause for a moment. It only takes me a moment but I run up to Charlie, grabbing him in my arms, I let a few tears fall. Thanking Beth for keeping him safe. "Thank you thank you thank you. So much." I exclaim.

I couldn't be more grateful. Charlie's face lightens up laughing when he realises who I am. After me and Charlie get settled down Beth asks if I would like to walk outside and see everyone else. "Yes" I reply.

forever and always ///// Carl Grimes Where stories live. Discover now