33. hospital

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Chapter 33
Through the eyes of Anne

I slowly open my eyes, bright white lights shine right into them blinding me. There is a rhythmic brushing sound next to the bed I am in, which wakes me up instantly. I look to see a tall darker skinned boy, he couldn't possibly be that much older than me 17 at the most. "Who are you? Where am I ?" Questions pour out of me as I defensively sit up in my bed, ignoring the throbbing pain in my skull. The boy is standing there, like a robot still rhythmically sweeping, he barely hesitates at all.

"Tell me where the fuck I am" I stand up, walking closer wasting no time to get what I need. "we are at a hospital" he says nonchalantly. "As if I don't know that, but I need to get out. I need to leave." The boy nods almost as if he was agreeing. He looks down at me "I'm Noah" I nod at what he is saying, still clearly confused, but I try to hide it. "I can help you get out of here, you can come with me, but your going to have to help" I continue nodding "how" I question but am interupted he puts his finger on his lips and makes a 'sshh' sound.

I put a confused look on my face but understand when an old man walks in. He begins checking things saying stuff I don't understand. When another women walks in and orders the who I assume doctor out. "Hi I'm dawn, welcome to Grady memorial hospital. Your lucky we found you, you were all alone out there and so young you would have died." I instantly go to open my mouth tell them how wrong they are, tell them all about my family but I see the look on Noah's face and close my mouth. I listen to what dawn has to say and all I gather is she has taken me to do her handiwork.


I walk the halls with Noah, he says he has to show me something. Eventually we turn a corner and I see a flash of blonde hair. "Beth" Noah quietly shouts I pause for a moment. "Beth" I say. Just as she turns around I only take a few seconds to recognise her, bolting towards her. She sees me and opened her arms as she does I wrap my arms around her tightly. "Beth" I say again still slightly in denial. She holds me tighter. She was always like a sister to me, she taught me so much "I'm so glad your here and safe" I begin to say and she nods towards me again. I forgot just how much I missed her.

"You two know eachother?" Noah asks. "She's from the same group as me" Beth answers. "Yep" I add on. I am overjoyed to know that Beth is safe, shes here. Maayeb there is still a little hope in the godforsaken world.

After our reunion and filling Noah in on our past I finally ask "so how are we going to get out of here?" As an answer Noah explains his plan. He tells us how we need to get the keys off of dawn so we can open the elevator, and how he has the rest handled.

So that's what me and Beth were for, we had to sneak into dawn's office. My nerves where of course high and my heart was bearing extremely fast but I had faith that Noah would be able to distract her for long enough. I had faith in our plan. I did, but that doesn't mean I could second guess it, I had only been in the hospital for less than a day and I was already breaking out and killing people.

My hands will be stained red, but if that means that Charlie and Judith and the group get to miss having the blood on theirs I would do it all again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2023 ⏰

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