21. Infection

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Chapter 21
Through the eyes of Anne

I wake up as the sun brightly shines in my eyes. Carl's flannel is on top of me, reminding me of the events of last night. As I walk out into the main part of the cell, with Charlie cooing in my arms I see only Carl sitting down stiff as stone eating his breakfast- well staring at his breakfast. Before I could do anything Beth walks by and asks if she wants her to watch Charlie for me. I agree immediately and hand him over to her caring arms.

Charlie is really starting to love Beth. I watch as she walks up the stairs and turn to carl "Where is everyone?" I ask, but the reply was unexpected to say the least "Theres was an outbreak of this disease, Patrick is dead." Carl monotonously answers. Patrick the nerdy boy from Woodbury that me and Carl had become close acqaintants with. "Shit" I say while sitting down and processing the news.

"Is anyone else, you know, gone" "David and Karen, well it wasn't the disease that got them." Our conversation is interupted by peircing screams. I widen my eyes and without hesitation run down to where I heard the sound with Carl.

As I turn the corner I see 5 walkers, 3 of which a chewing on some unsuspecting people and 2 chasing some others. I briefly look at Carl who slightly raises his eyebrows which reassures me insanely. I rush towards the two stray walkers to take care of them first and to help these people. I run up behind a walker who has bitten someone's shoulder off, bearing her torn ligaments.

I grab a knife out of my belt and stab it In the head. Pulling the knife out its cold rotten blood pours out of the slash I made.

The walkers are biting all of the unsuspecting Woodbury people, as they haven't had any fighting experience whatsoever.

As I turn around I see a small little boy surrounded by another freshly turned pair of walkers, male and female. Tears streak down his face as he clutches tightly to a raggedy teddy bear.

He cowers towards the floor looking down and covering his face with the bear. I run up and stab the first one. The little boy still looking down not daring to move. I place my hand on the females shoulder driving my knife deep down into her lifeless head. She collapses roughly to the ground.

"Your alright now" I say to the small boy. He looks up and begins to sob loudly. It only takes a moment before it clicks, his parents. He couldn't be more than four or five and he has just witnessed the death of his parents. I crouch down and put my arms out to which he bolts into the warmth I'm radiating. He rests his head along my chest and I brush his hair with my hands.

I hold the boy tightly not daring to let him go, when I hear a squelch behind us. Turning my head I see Carl pulling his knife from a walkers head. "Are you alright." He asks concerned. "Yeah I'm fine, thanks." I reply while standing up. I see a small wet patch where the boys tears have fallen.

I pick him up and give Carl a small hug. While turning to find the chaos lightly tamed. "C'mon "Carl says. "They have this under control."

Bringing the small boy back to the cells with me, I question with Carl what we are to do with him. We pass Rick on the way and he ask "who is this?" "Umm. I'm not sure, he was back there at the walker outbreak." I reply. Rick asks for him so I pass him over and hope the little boy is alright.
I might not get to see him again but I hope he survives.

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