14. Conversations

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Chapter 14
Through the eyes of Anne

Glenn sits up in the edge of my bed as I think of the pros and cons of talking to him. "Can I talk to Daryl" I say just loud enough so that Glenn can hear, my voice breaking in between words. He looks at me and whispers "yeah, sure kiddo just when he gets back I will send him in." "Thank you".

I lay in my bed all day contemplating the recent events. I only got out of bed to get changed, I never want to see those clothes again.


I stay in a quiet slumber until I am interupted by a soft but sturdy knock on the cell door, looking up I see Daryl awkwardly walking in. The redneck walks through the door and looks at me, standing there as if he doesn't belong. "You wanted me?" He states like a question.

We sit in silence while I ponder what I want to say eventually settling on getting straight to the point. "Daryl" I take a long pause and decide to blurt it out. "I need... I need you to tell me to be strong, I've seen your scars and I know that you can do it. Tell me to be strong." Tears begin to form in my eyes. "I need you to tell me to get over it and tell me that I am overreacting. That I am being stupid and need to forget about it because it is nothing...a small problem." More tears come out and my face begins to get red and puffy. 

"I've seen your scars and know you've been hit so you know how to get over it" I continue on. Daryls eyes search my face for any hint of a joke. When he sees none, he says "I don't know what you think ya know but you don't" as he is finishing that sentence he  tries to stand up but I grab him.

"I've seen the scars" I continue on trying to convince him. Daryl looks at me and tries to walk away again, but I continue to hold on. "Please I just need you to tell me to get over it and that I'm overreacting"

Daryls features soften as he looks down at me. Confused by this I sit up in the bed and look at him. I'm overeating I tell myself. "Your...your not overreacting or being dramatic. They did something wrong now your payin for it. You take all the time you need, you do" He says contradicting everything I want him to say which confused me even more. "Look, no one knows this and if you tell anyone  I will gut you like a squirrel but... when I was young me dad youse to hit me." I look up to him with sorrow in my eyes.

"Daryl..I'm so sorry" I begin but he cuts me off by saying "no it's fine but the point is that your not over reacting, or being to dramatic something traumatic happened and your just dealing with it." I reflect on his words and try to convince myself of it. "Wow I didn't know you had a soft side" Daryl and I both chuckle at this statement and he replys with "yeah and neither does anyone else so don't you go tellin no one."

"Yeah sure one Daryl"

Daryl leaves me by myself. Alone with my thoughts.


Although Daryl's words moved me for the time. I can't help but not believe him. What was I beleiving, not my fault. It was completely. I don't deserve to live. I need to die. Not be here. I let them touch me why should I live here. They hurt Charlie, I was meant to protect him, he is just a child he didn't deserve that. But I did. All the bad I have done..I killed my own family members. I ended their lives.

Carl's pov

I sit in my bed, my back is curve d to make room for the top bunk. I can't believe they touched her. They touched my Anne. What were they thinking.

Getting up I kick the wall next to my bed bringing immense pain to my foot
I barely flinch. Running out of the room I see the prisoner being held down by my Glenn who is on top of him. Fuck him  I think instantly. Walking over to him as he stand up still struggling to get away from Glenn, who looks like he already got a few punches in.  I punch him square on the nose. Immediately blood starts pouring out. Running down his face, feel no regret. My face set like stone.

I punch him again. This one is for Charlie

And again. For saving people who deserve saving

Again. For the good of the world

One more time. This one is for Anne

Pulling or my might into it I fling forward and the prisoner falls to the ground collapsing. Daryl and my dad are holding me back. Making sure I don't go for another one. "That's enough" my dad says.

I spit on him waking back to my cell.

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