4. kids

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Chapter 4
Through the eyes of Anne

"Charlie, don't spit out the milk you have to drink it" I say in disbelief slightly laughing at his antics. My attention is removed from Charlie by the scraping of a chair. Only for me to be hit with the sight of Carl. "My mum's pregnant you know" says Carl carefully. "How far along is she?" "Nearly there"

Our conversation is interupted by screams, shouts and the hurried shuffling of feet. Both Carl and I standing up together we walk towards the entrance of the cell block to be met with the horrific sight of blood gushing from hershels leg or what was left of his leg. Turning around seeing Carl frozen in place and the keys jingling in his arms I nudge him forwards snapping him back into reality. Quickly enough for him to unlock the gate. The men run in followed by 2 unfamiliar people in blue jumpsuits.

Moving my attention from the new people to the scene in front of me I see hershall and a group of adults panicking until Glenn notices me and Carl moving quickly to shoo us away.

He lead us up to a cell I hadn't been to before although it seems Carl had. Carl quickly jumped in to the bunk falling on his back pulling his hat over his head. "They always treat us like kids" he says releasing his pent up emotions. "I mean I can do anything they do. I went to the infirmary a while ago and git in trouble because I got them medical supplies which they are probaly using to such hershall up right now."

Listen to his rant I look around the room trying to find out where we are. I see a photo of a younger Carl, his father Rick and mother Lori. It must be his room.

He finally sits up and pick up a comic book. "Do you like reading comics?" "Yeah you could say." Picking up the one he was handing me we fall into a comfortable silence. Carl on his bed, me against the wall and Charlie in my lap playing with my hair.


I wake up and look around. "Where the fuck am I?" I mutter. "I...uhh didn't want to wake you." Stuttered out carl "uhh thanks....what time is it." It like 8 in the morning. "Wanna get breakfast? How's hershel." I ask quickly remembering why I was here " he should be fine, he's just sleeping at the moment."
"Okay that's good."

"Why don't we get some breakfast?"


"So how old are you?" I say trying to make conversation. " Uhh 14 I think. 1998" "same." I'm going to go and check in hershall. "Can you hold Charlie for a minute?" Carl pondered my question for a moment. "I don't think I will be good at it though." I smile knowingly I place the baby in his arm. He sits there awkwardly and I move his arms in place.

When I finished I blush at the thought of what I just did.

Walking into the bloodied cell I look towards where hershels hand is. Handcuffed to the top of the bed. They think he might die

Carl pov

"Can you hold Charlie for me while I go and see hershel?" Questioned Anne. I think about the question. I have never held a baby before, what if I drop him what will Anne think will she leave us? Then again I will have a baby sister soon and I have no idea how to hold one. These thoughts travelled through my mind a million secinds per minute. "I don't think I will be good at it though."

She smiled at me, maybe she was laughing at me. I looked down, but then Anne came closer and placed the baby into my hands. I look up into her eyes. The light brown of her eyes reminded me of old books, hot chocolate and fire. The freckles that were perfectly placed and the hair that frames her face.

As I continue studying her face Anne begins to move my arms around the baby so that we are both comfortable. "Alright, I will be right back." She nodded as if to confirm and I nodded back.

After she left I realised the light blush across my face.

forever and always ///// Carl Grimes Where stories live. Discover now