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Dreamur sat on her blanket as the wind blew on her face. It was chilly but the sun was out and the ground was dry. Pulling the blanket off her daughter, she wanted to share a sentimental moment. She unhooked her seat belt, and pulled her out.

"Wanna talk to pop pop?" She said, in a high whispery voice. She rocked her to keep her from crying. "I wish you could've met him, he was such a great man. Felt like he was there for me then your grandma was. Now, since he's been gone, it's the other way around." Dreamur sighed. "Dad, if you're here please show me a sign." Dreamur asked, looking at the headstone. Landan Bryson Pierre

As soon as she looked down at her baby girl, she was smiling. Her paci had fallen out and her gums were in view. Dreamur's lip began to quiver as she started to cry. Her dad was there, right here with her and his grand baby.

This moment was so special for the both of them. Dreamur began to sing softly, her eyes closed. A song that her and her father had to always use to sing together. The melody that fell off her shiny lips. No one knew, but Dreamur had the voice of an angel. So angelic, so peaceful.

After Dreamur was done at the site, she kissed her father's headstone, and placed the white roses on top. While driving home she stopped by target to get, Clover extra baby blankets. It seemed her mother's dog had a thing for pink blankets. She'd climb in the basket and make a bed with them, sometimes to pee on. It made Dreamur hot when she did that. If she could, she stick it in her mom's sofa bed and then lie and say she didn't know what happened to the dog.

Dreamur parked the car as close as she could get it. She was by herself today, and her mother was working. She set up her baby carry so she didn't have to hold her or put her in the basket. She grabbed a small tote from the entrance and begin her shopping. Shuffling her music she turned up the volume so she didn't have to associate with anyone.

Her eyes browsed the section of baby attire and the bundles of blankets that were stacked neatly. There was white blanket decorated with tiny pink horses and blue bunnies. There was a pink one with tiny white space ships on it, and a green one with white baby ducks. She contemplated to do pricing but she would get three. Just for one was five dollars alone, it would add up to the same pricing if she bought three separate ones. Sighing she grabbed the bundle, placing it in the basket. Scanning the bottles, Clover was in need of new ones but the ones at home were just fine. Impulsed, she grabbed the pack of bottles, placing those in as well. Before Dreamur knew it, she had added six more things to the cart. She was spending a lot but most of the items in the basket were for her daughter.

It was time for purchase, and Dreamur made her way over to the self-checkout. As she scanned her items, she hadn't heard her name being called. She continued to scan until it was time to pay. She looked for her EBT, when she found the card, she was getting ready to scan when there was already a card in.

Quickly furrowing her eyebrows , Dreamur looked over. Excuse me-" Her words were cut off when she recognized who it was. "Deondre, how are you?" Dreamur asked, taking her recipient.

"I'm good mama. Awe, look at my Clover." He cooed, lightly tapping her button nose, careful not to wake her.

"Your Clover? This my baby." She chuckled, putting her bags in the tote. Deondre helped her to speed up the process. They exited out together, making small talk.

"So why haven't I been seeing you, around?" Deondre wondered, carrying some of her bags.

"Look at what I'm carrying, and look at what you're carrying. You tell me." Dreamur explained, referring to her baby, and him holding onto the groceries.

"You got a point." He smiled, showing his dimples, and bottom grill. The man was a pure god on feet. He didn't fly and he was in human form.

Dreamur had known Deondre since freshman year of high school. He always flirted with her every chance he got. Dreamur could tell he liked her but he was a street nigga and she didn't want any parts of it. Her baby daddy was already locked up for a murder charge and it wouldn't be getting out anytime soon. That left Dreamur a single parent and times were tough. Sleepless nights occurred on several different occasions. Clover hadn't been born but only a few weeks ago and Dreamur was new to motherhood. When she got pregnant, everyone found out. What made things worse, she was the only and first mother in her class. It was embarrassing. Due to her mental health declining she dropped out for a few months and then returned. Her belly was round and her feet swelled. The school had to provide her with a wheel chair it was so bad, along with an aching back, she walked across that stage and received her diploma.

Later she began to think about what she wanted to do but being a doctor, teacher, nurse, seemed to be all so cliche to her. She wanted to employ herself, not work for someone else.

This would be Deondre's lucky day because Dreamur didn't plan on coming back out until she absolutely had to. After her father died she shut herself out to from world. Left in a world of her own reality. A place so quiet, her heartbeat listened for any loud noise or the beach, where the waves crashed and crawled to the shore. Her daughter making her own broken sandcastles while she occasionally ate the sand in her chubby fingers.

"Thank you for helping me." Dreamur thanked, while sliding into the driver seat. She started the car, and closed the door but rolled down the window.

"Its no prolem lil mama. Let me 'get'cho 'numba." Dreamur hesitated, she was doing fine without any friends. She was sad from time to time but that didn't stop her daily activities or effect her mental that much. She learned over the years that people come and go. No harm done.

"Mmm," She hummed, with a smile.

"Mmm, I'm not going to bug you. Just wanna check on you from time to time. Is that alright?" This boy was so sweet and so generous. Unfortunately he was street, and Dreamur didn't go for street guys, Trevale was enough. She decided to give him her number anyway. Deondre leaned in kissing her on the cheek and then pulled back out.

"Be safe." Dre smiled, touching her chin with his finger then pulling it back.

"I will." Dreamur smiled back, butterflies dancing in her stomach. She hadn't seen that boy in so long and seeing him again brought back so many memories. His glow up was lucent. It would hurt her eyes if she looked too long. She pushed her lovey dovey thoughts to the back of her head so she could focus on driving. She hooked her phone to the AUX and Summer Walker began singing through the speakers. While smiling all the way home.

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