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🌝🌝sooooo i finished the book i just need to update the rest of the chapters😭i can say i am super proud of myself (pats myself on the back) i finished another book awhile back but i ended unpublishing it because i felt i had the book all over the place and there really wasn't a plot. but i finished this book in two months and it feels so surreal to me that i did. :))

i wanted to personally thank y'all for giving this book a chance. i do understand a lot of you do love Deceitful Lust and i basically finished that one too, again i just need to update. i appreciate all of you that vote and comment but some of you need to watch how you respond to some of the content such as y'all saying you didn't come to read the parents small sex scene, which was at the beginning. you could've just simply skipped. it's not that deep. and be careful with the language you use because it can cause you to loose your account if you're not following wattpad guidelines

anyway, i love you all and happy spring🫶🏾 & happy reading🩷

—🌩️🌩️☁️⚠️WARNING: This chapter contains content of dark humor, drug use, murder and suicide

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⚠️WARNING: This chapter contains content of dark humor, drug use, murder and suicide. Please be advised :)⚠️

The night was going good for everyone but Dreamur sat at her desk stunned. There was still three hours left until closing and Dreamur had already made it to two bands. She was happy but her heart was heavy. The first man she ever loved but the first one to break her heart was at her job. She didn't want anyone to know what she was doing and being that he was the first one to find out was bad. Dreamur would have to sneak out the club tonight. She always took the front exit, simply because her car was closer and there was people around. Using the back way she'd have to walk through that dirty alley and that side was fenced off. Trevale wouldn't just leave, he was going to be waiting.

"You okay?" Xarie asked, looking at Dreamur. Her head was stuffed into her arms.

"Girl I am going to kill myself." Dreamur sighed, lifting her head. Xarie eyes became wide and she scooted closer.

"What's the tea?" She asked, resting her hand on her fist. Dreamur was hesitant. She hadn't told Xarie anything about Trevale. She kept that business personal. Would Xarie keep her mouth closed or would she run off with the information to Blue? Dreamur didn't like people in her business and she didn't like drama. She wasn't afraid to crack bitch over the skull with her bare hands.

Sighing she fixed her mouth to speak. "I saw my baby daddy while I was performing." Dreamur said, as Xarie's mouth fell open.

"What? I thought he was locked up?" She whispered, respectfully.

"Me too! I don't understand how he got out so soon." Xarie shook her head unable to form any sentence. They were both surprised.

"Damn, what are you gonna do?" Dreamur shrugged, unable to give a straight answer.

"Girl, I don't know but I need to find a different way out of here, 'cause he's gonna want to see me." Dreamur responded, holding her face.

"Hmm. We gotta think of something." Xarie protested, and Dreamur agreed. If there was another way, Dreamur was going to take it. She couldn't be approached or confronted by her baby daddy.

Successfully Dreamur had escaped from the club without Trevale seeing her. She and Xarie drive home with Clover fast asleep in the backseat. When they arrived, Xarie took their money bags while Dreamur carried Clovers sleeping body.

Dreamur reached her side of the house, laid Clover down, and she carefully took off her coat and hat. It was chilly and she didn't want Clover getting sick. Dreamur undressed herself next, and started the shower. She put her clothes in the hamper, and connected her old iPod to the iHome so she could listen to music. She was surprised that it still worked, considering how many times she had dropped it.

While Xarie was in her room changing and bathing, Dreamur showered. Her night had went well except the last two hours of work. She had avoided using the bathroom, the bar, and mingling with customers. She couldn't shake the nervous feeling she felt. Her heart beat was irregular, she was sure that her blood pressure was elevated as well. It made her head hurt. Dreamer couldn't wait until she laid down. The blunts awaited her outside. She didn't want to smoke inside due to Clover. She didn't need the director down her throat about the strong scent roaming from Clover's clothes.

Drake- Fire and Desire

Dreamur finished her shower, moisturized, and sat on the balcony. She was dressed in a thick hoodie, and shorts. Her stuffy slippers accompanied her feet. She inhaled the thick mist, while she looked at her small city. Exhaling, the mist floated away, disappearing seconds later. Seeing Trevale tonight really was fucking with her mind. How could he have gotten out so soon? If Trevale found out she had moved on with another man, and let another man be around his daughter, all hell would break loose. Trevale was crazy, and he came from a wild family. His mother was a drug addict, and his dad had disappeared. No one had knew where he'd gone. Trevale tried looking for his father but it came to no avail. His mother couldn't help because she was so strung out. Her fits of rage were scary, causing Trevale to be afraid of his mother. This lead to CPS and he ended up with his uncle. His uncle was big guy, who owned his own barber shop. Rays Cuts. The shop was popular and the business had successfully made the paper. Trevale looked up to his uncle but that all soon faded when he had unfortunately taken the life of us wife and unborn child. His shop went into flames, and everything had failed. Ray sadly had turned to drugs while being locked up, and hung himself in his cell. This news devastated Trvale and he felt he had no one else to turn to. This caused him to hang with the wrong crowed, mixed up in trouble, and leading to probabtion, and a record nastier then Tupac himself. He had gotten a female pregnant and missed the entire process. He felt bad for what happened and he promised himself he'd make things right.

Dreamur had sparked the next blunt when her phone lit up.

Unknown Number
so we stripping now?

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