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— ☁️🌥️⛅️

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Dreamur placed her dream journal aside and hopped back online. She was doing some online shopping for a new car. Since she had been stripping for the last four months her goal for reaching her car was only three hundred dollars away. She didn't work for another two days and she was desperate. Dreamur couldn't contain her excitement.

As she typed on her computer the thoughts from four nights ago had raced to her mind once again. The thought refused to avail. He had fucked her so good that night, the old feelings she had for him were slowly coming back. Why? Why did she have to feel the way she felt? Trevale's was nothing but a trouble maker who screwed up a lot of shit. He was the reason why the two of them didn't work out. She may have used drunk words with him but that meant sober thoughts. Right?

They talked that night, caught up on various things they both experienced. They even shared a few laughs and smiles. What? They had bonded. Something they hadn't done in a long time. Then again, Dreamur couldn't let Trevale drag her back to that black hole. A dark hole so deep and dark the angels could use it as a playground.

Dreamur didn't want Trevale thinking they were going to get back together. That had to be the one and only time they slept together. There shouldn't have even been a first time. Dreamur needed to heal her damaged mind. The bandages Trevale used were like sharp pieces of paper. The bandage only cut deeper. As for Deondre, the complete opposite. He brought warmth and comfort. His bandages healed the wound, not even leaving as much as a scar behind.

Dreamur sat her things aside and got up. She felt like today was going to be a good day. What could be wrong with buying starbucks and catching up with Xarie? That's if, she answered. Xarie had broke contact a month back and Dreamur hadn't seen her on social media either. She thought it was weird how Xarie had disappeared so suddenly.

Sighing Dreamur decided to shower and pick some clothes out. Clover was at Daycare, and Caresha was sleeping to go to work later. Dreamur had nothing to do. Then the perfect idea came to mind. A hotel trip by herself. Gathering up the Macbook she had just closed, Dreamur headed to booking.com to book a flight to Miami.

Her mind needed a well deserved break. She thought about bringing Clover along. It could be a mommy-daughter vacation like how she did with her mom and their road trips. Dreamur also didn't want to seem selfish not taking her along. Dreamur pondered on the trip but she book marked the page. She could wait until her week was up so she could request time off and make some extra money. Instead of using her mom's car she'd just rent one out from expertise.

The day went on and Dreamur hadn't eaten. She laid in bed watching Tiktoks and stalking profiles. She had made a fake account to spy on Deondre's socials. He has posted three new photos, and videos. She observed the videos carefully to see if there had been any female encounters but who was she to talk when she had fucked her baby daddy just four nights ago?

There was one video in particular that she couldn't stop watching. The video played and the flash was on his face. He chewed the gum, and looked over with a small smile. He looked so sexy. His earrings lucently shining during the video. Then there was a voice, but it wasn't a males voice. The voice sounded so familiar. "What is she saying?" Dreamur wondered, then the video was cut off. Dreamur replayed the video over and over but she still couldn't put the words together.

Finally giving up she logged out of instagram and headed to twitter. Her feed full of nasty surprises. This made her horny. Dreamur got up to lock the door. She turned on slowed and reverb songs, and pulled her rose from under the bed. She kept it locked in a stash box for privacy purposes. Clover was curious little person who liked to put things in her mouth. Dreamur would be damned if her daughter got anywhere close to that. Dreamur made herself comfortable, pulling the sheets over bottom half before slipping in her AirPods.

"So how's it been going?" Dreamur asked, staring at the facetime call between her and Xarie. Seemed that Dreamur had thought her into existence.

"Fine, just been chilling. You?" Xarie asked, she was moving back and forth in her new kitchen. The set up was nice. They had marble counter tops and floors. The color scheme was a wooden gray and white.

"I'm okay. Thinking about buying a car soon." Xarie smacked her teeth.

"Girl, you got this. I already know you're going to get it." Xarie assured her. "But look, I have to go. Okay? Talk to you soon." Xarie hung up before Dreamur could respond. Rolling her eyes Dreamur now had an attitude. Why did she have to hang up so abruptly?

Dreamur had caught on to the fact that Xarie was acting weird. She didn't respond to her as fast anymore and kept the conversation short. Xarie had also quit working at the club. Why was she being so weird?

Sneaky sneaky girl, huh?

You're so stupid! You don't need friends. Look at how she abandoned you!

Yeah, that's not a real friend, Dreamur!

We're you're only friends.

The voices whispered. She hadn't heard from them in so long and now they were back. They weren't as aggressive but this was just an introduction.

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