Back to New Orleans

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Cami and Lilly had landed at New Orleans half an hour ago. They had gone to Cami's house quickly to put her suitcase back before walking around the quarter. The bartender was panicking. She had just done something that would basically exile her from her own family. Her thoughts shocked her. She was running from her family because of a girl she had met only a few hours ago. Everything that was happening was because of Lilly, yet there was not even a small part of Cami that thought she had done something wrong.

Lilly had noticed how lost Cami looked. "Are you okay?"

Cami shook herself out of her thoughts and turned to Lilly, sending her a sweet smile. "I'm fine. I was just thinking about this little predicament we've got ourselves into, but don't worry because I'll find a way out of this."

"You're so confident. How? We're running away from your family. The people you've known your entire life. You know what? Why are you helping me? You could have just left me in that basement, then you would be happy, and you would've gotten to enjoy your holiday."

Cami looked at Lilly, shock clearly displayed on her face. "You can't seriously be thinking that. I'm helping you because you don't deserve what you've been through. You're a child, not an object my family can use to siphon magic from every now and then. Thinking back, knowing what I know now, there's nothing I would change. I would save you again in a heartbeat."

Lilly smiled. For the first time in years, she smiled. "Really? So you don't regret anything?"

"The only thing I regret is that I wasn't there to save you sooner."

Lilly's eyes lightened up before hugging Cami. While still hugging her, the young brunette looked up at her new role model. "Thank you so much."

"There's no need to thank me."

"Just take the thank you, will you? How are you so selfless?"

Cami shook her head and chuckled before pulling out of the embrace. A sudden wave of nausea hit her, making her stumble towards an empty bench nearby.

Lilly's worry began to set in. "What's happening? Are you okay?"

Cami nodded, not wanting to cause panic in the girl. Blood began to drip from her nose and onto her chin. She reached into her purse and took out a tissue, clutching it to her nose while the blood continued to flow. Panic welled up inside her, her mind racing to make sense of the sudden nosebleed. She wasn't the type of person to get nosebleeds often or ever if she remembered correctly. Even if it were just a normal nosebleed, why was her head pounding so much? Why was her heart pounding faster than normal?
She slightly lost her balance and fell onto the bench, thankfully landing straight, in an upright seating position.

Lilly, wide-eyed and concerned, stood by her side, unsure of what to do. "Cami, what's happening? Do you want me to get someone?" she asked, her voice laced with worry.

Cami managed a weak smile, her hand still pressed against her nose. "No, no, don't get anyone. I'll be fine." she replied, although she didn't feel like she'd be okay.

A couple of minutes passed with the tissue still pressed against her nose. Thankfully, the blood flow gradually slowed, Cami's thoughts then turned to the unexpected phone call from Stacey. She fished her phone out of her bag and saw Stacey's name flashing on the screen. Taking a deep breath, she accepted the call, her voice trembling as she spoke. "Stacey, what's going on? Why did you call? If you get caught, they're going to punish you."

Stacey's voice crackled through the speaker, tinged with concern and urgency. "First of all, how are you worried about me when you're literally on the run with teenager you met a few hours ago from your own family? "

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