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They all talked for awhile until Jay got a phone call. He excused himself from the table and went into Cami's room.

They all looked at the closed door of Cami's room and the three girls sent a questioning look to Cami but she just shrugged her shoulders.

"What do you mean?"-JW
Jay began shouting.
"Find her!"-JW

Everyone heard him shout and Caroline began eavesdropping.

"I want you to find her immediately and bring her to me!"-JW

Caroline looked at the others who had stopped eating to look at her.
"Care, what is he talking about?"-E
"He's shouting. He's... trying to find someone."-CF
Cami said nothing but didn't stop Caroline.

"I need that witch!"-JW

Caroline looked shocked.
"He knows about witches."-CF
Everyone turned to face Cami.
"Cami, did you know?"-BB
"That's all you have to say?"-E
"Is he even human?"-BB
Cami didn't say anything and a few seconds later Jay sat back down at the table.
"How do you kn..."-CF
Caroline looked at Cami who seemed to be trying to tell her not to say anything.
"Know... Cami."-CF
"What do you mean?"-JW
"How did you meet?"-CF
Caroline sighed in relief as Jay began telling the story of how they met.
"I would always see her in the library at college and one day I sat next to her and we became friends."-JW
"Why did you break up?"-CF
Bonnie elbowed her but Caroline ignored it.
Cami looked at Jay.
"Want to tell them why?"-C
Jay looked at her suspiciously.
"She moved here and I guess I wasn't ready for a long distance relationship."-JW
Cami looked at him and rolled her eyes. She was annoyed and Jay didn't seem comfortable.
"Anyway... we should probably go."-E
"Yeah it's getting late."-BB
"I want to know more."-CF
Elena spoke as she forcefully put a smile on her face.
"We have to go."-E
Caroline finally agreed and Jay stood up to open the door for them.
"It was nice meeting you."-JW
"You too."-E
"Thank you for the food."-BB
Bonnie looked at Caroline who seemed to be zoned out. A few seconds later, Caroline shook her head to get back to reality and looked at the other girls who were putting their jackets on.
She looked at Jay.
"Thank you. I hope we can do this again."-CF
"No problem and I hope so too."-JW
Jay smiled at her and then they all walked out the door.
"That was a weird dinner."-E
"Tell me about it."-BB
Caroline was lost in her thoughts.

Jay walked up to Cami.
"You can stop acting."-JW
Cami sighed and looked at Jay.
"Who was on the phone?"-C
"None of your business."-JW
"I heard you shout. Tell me."-C
"A witch ran away. I sent Will to find her."-JW
"Isn't that dangerous?"-C
"Depends, who are you talking about?"-JW
"For Will."-C
"Ofcourse it is. An angry witch is a very powerful one."-JW
"Then why would you send him?"-C
"That's what friends are for."-JW
"No that's what guards are for. Friends stand by your side they don't fight for you."-C
"Well if you care so much, how about you help him."-JW
"No. You promised that I could talk to Aiden."-C
"And I will let you do that..."-JW
Jay looked at Cami who seemed to have hope for the first time since she returned.

"When the time is right."-JW
The hope in Cami's eyes immediately disappeared.
"What do you mean? You promised!"-C
Cami pushed Jay away from her.
"I did everything! And all I want is a damn phone call!"-C
"When have I ever kept a promise?"-JW
"You never change! You're still the same hypocritical bitch!"-C
"I never said I did change."-JW
Jay stepped closer to Cami who in return moved away from him until her back was pinned against the wall.
"I am that same bitch and I always will be."-JW
Jay caressed her cheek while tears dripped down her face.
"Please go away."-C
Cami tried to move but Jay stepped closer so there was no room between them.
"You are a major part of my plan and if you screw up so does the whole plan so tell me, what do I do with you?"-JW
Jay chuckled.
"If it was only that easy."-JW
Jay's eyes lingered over the tears falling from her face.
"No need to cry dear. Everything will be just fine."-JW

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