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Klaus went downstairs and was greeted by his younger sister.
"Rebekah you're in my way."-K
"Where are you going?"-R
"That is none of your business."-K
"I'm your sister."-R
Klaus rolled his eyes and pushed past her. He stopped again when he heard Caroline's voice.
"Klaus. I don't think you should go."-CF
"And why is that?"-K
"It'll only hurt you more."-CF
"What tells you that I'm hurt?"-K
"Seriously? Look at you."-CF
Klaus ignored her.
"I'm going to go talk to her."-K
Klaus turned around and was about to leave but Caroline vamped infront of him.

"God! I'm trying to help you! You don't want to see her."-CF
"You still haven't given me a reason."-K
"Because she's happy! She is happy with her little boyfriend. And she is happy without you!"-CF
Klaus stood facing her, he was speechless. If Caroline didn't know better, she would say that he was hurt and felt betrayed.
"Klaus...I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that."-CF
"If she truly feels that way, she can tell me herself."-K
Klaus turned around and left.
"Well done Caroline. You succeeded in making my brother feel like shit."-R
"Like you haven't done that before."-CF
Caroline turned around and was about to go upstairs when she was suddenly pinned to the wall.
"Rebekah. Get off of me."-CF
"If my brother returns with his heart broken you will be to blame and I won't forgive you so easily."-R
Caroline looked at the hand that Rebekah tightened around her neck.
"You better fix this."-R
"What do you think I'm trying to do?"-CF
Rebekah let go of Caroline.
Caroline nodded and vanished.

'Davina's apartment'

"Caroline. Do you need something?"-DC
"Actually yes. I need you to help me with Cami."-CF
"Is she ok?"-DC
"Yes but no."-CF
"What do you know about this guy called Jay?"-CF
"How do you know him?"-DC
"I asked first."-CF
Davina took a deep breath and began explaining.
"He was an abusive person. He would hurt Cami. They were together for awhile and then Cami finally realised what a dick he was."-DC
"So she broke up with him?"-CF
"Wait...wait! Abusive?!"-CF
"She used to have these bruises over her back in Florida."-DC
"How long where they together?"-CF
"A year or so."-DC
"Why didn't she break up with him sooner?"-CF
"She was scared and didn't want him to hurt her more."-DC
Davina paused for a minute and looked at Caroline confused.
"Why are you asking so many questions? How do you know him?"-DC
"They're dating again."-CF
Davina's mouth opened in shock.
"What did you just say?"-DC
"I said..."-CF
"No I heard you. Is he here?"-DC
"Yes he's probably with Cami now."-CF
Davina stood up and began pacing around the room.
"This can't be happening. How could Cami be so stupid?"-DC
Davina was lost in her thoughts for a minute.
"What about Klaus?"-DC
"See even you know there's something between them."-CF
"Everybody knows."-DC
"Except Cami."-CF
"What do you mean?"-DC
"It's like she's forgotten that she ever liked him."-CF
Davina stopped pacing around and looked at Caroline.
"Want to go talk some sense into her?"-DC
"I thought you'd never ask..."-CF
Davina smiled at her new friend.
"But Klaus is probably talking to her now."-CF
"Well we should hurry up  then."-DC
Davina and Caroline both left the house and hurried over to Cami's.

'Cami's house'
Klaus was standing outside talking to Jay.
"Jay, was it? May I come in?"-K
"Of course."-JW
Klaus entered the house and looked around.
"Cami's a bit busy. Let me see if she has a bit of spare time."-JW
Klaus nodded but before Jay could walk into her room,Klaus appeared infront of him.
"How did you..."-JW
"Don't play that game with me. You're a vampire. I can hear your heartbeat."-K
Jay smiled at him.
"Ok so what if I'm a vampire?"-JW
"Does she know?"-K
"Yes. I don't hide anything from her."-JW
"I need to talk to her."-K
"I told you she's busy."-JW
"I think I'm going to see for myself."-K
Klaus walked into the room and Cami stepped back startled. She was doing her make-up before Klaus came in.
"Klaus! He's not my..."-C
Before Cami could say anything, Jay vamped her out the house and took her somewhere else. Klaus vamped after them but lost them the minute he got out the house. When he stepped out the house, he saw the two girls who were staring at him.

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