The Spell Finale

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Cami -C
Lilly -L
Klaus -K
Hope -H
Damon -D
Stefan -SS
Elena -E
Bonnie -BB
Caroline -CF
Jeremy -J
Hayley -HM
Rebekah -R
Stacey -S
Ambrose (Brody) -Am
Freya -F
Malia -M
Alice Rosemary -A

"We prepare."-BB
"Let's go to my place."-K
"Shouldn't we go somewhere more isolated?"-L
"Where would we go then?"-Am
"The Mikaelson Compound is the best place we can go right now."-J
They all followed closely behind Klaus and went to the Compound.
"How much time do we have until the moon comes up?"-CF
"3 and a half hours"-SS
"What else do we need for the spell?"-K
"We have Malia's blood, the dagger..."-F
"What do we need the dagger for?"-HM
"I will pour Malia's blood on the dagger then one of you will use the dagger and stab Malia in the stomach."-F
"How will that get rid of the entire coven's magic?"-C
"First, I'll perform a linking spell. What happens to one happens to all and we also need the dagger for that.Her blood will link the entire coven together since she is the leader."-F
"I guess we're really doing this."-C
"It's just a matter of time now."-D
"You'll finally be safe."-C
Cami looked at Lilly and smiled.
"I can help if you like."
Klaus and Rebekah turned around.
"Who the bloody hell are you?"-R
Cami said softly.
"You know her?"-K
"She's Lilly's aunt."-C
"What are you doing here?!"-L
Alice stepped closer and Lilly took a step back.
"I'm sorry.I shouldn't have hurt you. I'm really sorry and I'm here to help."-A
"We don't need your help."-L
"She's right we don't need you."-C
"I know I've made mistakes but I'm here to help."-A
"How do we know if we can trust you?"-L
"Especially after all you had to say at the Academy."-C
"I wasn't thinking straight."-A
"I don't know what you want me to say.I said I'm sorry."-A

Klaus stepped forward.
"We didn't ask you to apologise."-K
Alice gasped in fear.
"Klaus...Klaus Mikaelson?! Wha...What are you doing here?"-A
"I see I still have quite the reputation."-K
Klaus smirked.
"I promise I..I'm here to help."-A
"We could use the help."-F
"With what?We don't need another witch."-SS
"Especially not her."-D
"We could use her magic. She's one of the strongest witches in her coven. It could help make the spell secure."-F
"What do you mean secure?I thought it was already secure."-E

"It was but if we did the spell they could find a way to get the magic back but with a strong witch it would be much harder to get it back."-F
"Fine but we're not letting you out of our site."-K
"Klaus.We can't trust her."-C
"But you can trust me."-K
Cami nodded and went over to Freya.
"Freya does she have to help us with the linking spell."-C
"It would be easier if she helped so that we could rest for the bigger spell tonight."-F
"How much time do we have until the full moon now?"-L
"2 hours."-J
"We should probably do the spell."-BB
"Alice.We need your help with the linking spell."-F
"I'll be happy to help."-A
"Lilly stay with me.You too Ambrose."-C
Lilly and Ambrose went over to Cami. Alice spotted Ambrose.
"What are you doing here Ambrose?"-A
"I'm helping."-Am
"You lied to the school?We were told it was a family matter."-A
"Does it really matter?"-Am
"Do your parents know your here?"-A
"My parents couldn't care less."-Am
"Alice!A little help?"-BB
"Looks like they need you."-C
Alice went over to Bonnie.
"Do you know the incantation?"-BB
"Ofcourse I do."-A
Freya poured some of Malia's blood onto the dagger and held it up straight.Bonnie and Alice also held it and they began the spell.

"Phasmatos ex løser, exis pa unas animotos. Phasmatos di conjunctos, sol facto dos mand. Phasmatos ex løser, exis pa unas animotos, di conjuncto sol facto. Phasmatos, de vos mand."

Then fire appeared around them.
"What's happening?"-C
"Is that what's supposed to happen?"-K
The fire then disappeared and they all fell to the ground.Rebekah and Hayley helped Freya up while Elena and Caroline helped Bonnie.
"Are you OK Bonnie?"-E
"Freya?Did it work?"-R
"It did."-F
Alice was still on the floor.
"Guess I'll help myself."-A
Alice attempted to stand up but fell back to the ground. Lilly went over to her.
"Lilly?Where are you going?"-C
Lilly shouted without looking back at Cami.
"I'll be back in a minute."-L
Cami looked at Ambrose.
"I'll go with her."-Am
Brody ran to catch up with Lilly.
"Can you help me?"-L
"With what?"-Am
Lilly and Brody both helped up Alice.
"Thank you Lilly and you too Ambrose."-A
"Don't for a second think that I forgive you just because I helped you."-L
"I promise you. I'll make it right."-A
"Maybe I could take you somewhere.Maybe for an ice-cream and we could talk."-A
"How do I know you won't hurt me?"-L
"You could bring along Brody.You trust him,right?"-A
"I do."-L
"Then join me."-A
"I'll ask Cami."-C
"Why not?"-L
"B..because she'll say no and then we won't be able to catch up."-A
"And you promise I'll be safe?"-L
"I promise"-A
Ambrose whispered to Lilly.
"Are you sure about this?"-Am
"You'll be there with me and I'm sure that I can trust you."-L
Lilly smiled at Ambrose and he smiled back.
"We have to get back before nine."-L
"We'll be back in an hour and a half."-A
"OK let's go."-Am
"What do I tell Cami?"-L
"Just make something up."-Am
"OK but hurry up."-A
"Meet us outside."-L
Lilly and Ambrose made their way to Cami.
"Cami I was wondering if me and Brody could hang out a while.This is all just a bit overwhelming for both of us."-L
"I'm sorry but I can't let you go anywhere."-C
"We'll just go into Hayley's room."-L
"No Hayley's room is upstairs no one can protect you if Malia shows up upstairs."-C
"How about your room?"-L
"I don't have a room.This isn't my house."-C
"But surely you've stayed overnight before."-L
"OK you can go into the guest room over there."-C
Cami pointed in the direction.
"Just don't go anywhere or do anything stupid."-C
Cami looked at Ambrose.
"Both of you."-C
"We won't."-Am
Lilly and Ambrose went inside the guest room and slightly closed the door.
"Are you sure you want to do this?"-Am
"She's my aunt.I can't just act like she's not my family."-L
"But I thought you couldn't trust her."-Am
"I can't but I want to."-L
"Let's do it then."-Am
Ambrose went over to the window and opened it.
"Let's go."-Am
Lilly went through the window followed by Ambrose.She then closed the window and went over to Alice.
"I know a place where they sell ice-cream."-A
"What are we waiting for?Let's go I'm starving."-L
"What time is it."-Am
Alice checked her phone.
"7:45 we still have slightly over an hour."-A
They all then went to get ice-cream.
"Here we are."-A
Lilly read the sign.
"Scoops of delight.That sounds delicious."-L
"It is."-A
They all went inside and got a table.
"What would you like?"-A
Lilly read the menu.
"Cookies and cream sounds nice."-L
"And I'll just have a chocolate one."-Am
Alice nodded and signalled over a waiter.
"Hi how can I help you?"
"Can we have one Cookies and cream and one chocolate?Oh and also a banana milkshake."-A
"Would you like your ice-cream in a cone?"
Alice looked at Lilly and Brody.They both nodded.
"Yes in a cone please."-A
5 minutes later,they got their ice-cream and began talking.
A message popped up on Alice's phone.
"Who is it?"-L
Alice covered the phone with her hand.
"It's just the school asking when I'll be back."-A
"Oh OK."-L
10 minutes later, they were all laughing and talking.

The O'Connell's (Under Editing)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang