Alice Rosemary

60 3 0

10 minutes before Cami collapsed

In the dimly lit Salvatore residence, the pounding on the door echoed through the quiet, tension-filled air. Stefan and Damon, standing near the entrance, exchanged wary glances, their differing perspectives evident.

"Are you sure about this? They're powerful witches," Stefan voiced his concern, glancing at Damon, who wore a smirk of confidence.

Damon, placing a reassuring hand on Stefan's shoulder, replied, "And we're powerful vampires. Don't be scared, little bro. I'll be your knight in shining armour."

Stefan rolled his eyes at Damon's typical bravado, amusement playing on his face. However, their banter was interrupted as the door was violently thrown off its hinges, crashing onto the floor. At the doorway stood an unexpected visitor, their presence casting a shadow over the room.

"Long time, no see," a familiar voice echoed in the doorway.

"Klaus?" Stefan questioned, his brow furrowing in surprise.

"Hello Stefan, it's been a while, don't you think?"

Stefan was about to answer, but Damon's exclamation interrupted him. "Oh, come on! Did you have to break down the door!" he shouted, eyeing the shattered entrance with exasperation.

"Maybe if you just opened the door, I wouldn't have to use brute force to do so myself."

Caroline's presence at the top of the grand staircase added an unexpected twist to the unfolding drama. Her expression, caught between confusion and concern, mirrored the uncertainty that had gripped the room.

Damon, always one to seize an opportunity for mischief, couldn't resist the chance to inject a dose of embarrassment into the situation. A sly smirk played on his lips as he addressed Klaus, "What are you doing here, Klaus? Last time I checked, you were in New Orleans, hooking up with yet another blonde," his gaze intentionally fixed on Caroline.

The blonde vampire's cheeks flushed slightly as she became the unintentional focal point of the room. Caught off guard by Damon's comment. She avoided eye contact with Klaus, acutely aware of the scrutinizing gazes upon her.

However, Klaus, usually composed and unflappable, noticeably tensed at Damon's words. His gaze, usually piercing, bore a protective intensity when Damon mentioned New Orleans and another blonde. In that split second, Klaus' eyes flickered with a flash of something more, an unspoken acknowledgement that cut through the room's tension.

"Hello, love," Klaus greeted Caroline, his tone surprisingly soft, betraying a depth of emotion that hinted at a protective instinct.

"Klaus," Caroline responded, her voice carrying a mixture of tension and uncertainty. The subtle shift in Klaus's demeanour did not go unnoticed, and the room held its breath.

Damon, with an astute understanding of the dynamics at play, had strategically mentioned New Orleans and Cami to gauge Klaus's reaction, specifically looking for any subtle clues regarding the therapist. Klaus, however, didn't seem to know where Cami was, and if Damon was correct, he was worried for her, not knowing her whereabouts terrified the hybrid.

Caroline, attempting to diffuse the tension, cleared her throat and made her way down the staircase, her gaze shifting from Klaus to Damon. "Well, this is unexpected," she quipped, offering a small, awkward smile.

The room, momentarily caught in the crossfire of emotions, exhaled a collective breath as Caroline attempted to steer the conversation away from the delicate territory Damon had ventured into.

Klaus, despite his protective undercurrent, managed to regain his composure. His expression became a mask of nonchalance as he turned his attention to Damon. "As much as your attempts at humour are entertaining, Salvatore, I'm not here for a social visit," Klaus stated, his tone a subtle warning.

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