Trust Me

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Cami -C
Lilly -L
Klaus -K
Hope -H
Damon -D
Stefan -SS
Elena -E
Bonnie -BB
Caroline -CF
Jeremy -J
Hayley -HM
Rebekah -R
Stacey -S
Ambrose (Brody) -Am
Freya -F
Malia -M
Alice Rosemary -A
Marcel/Marcellus -ML
Davina -DC

"I know where they're going"-C
Cami showed the address Stacey sent her.
"Well come on then let's go."-D
"All of us?"-R
"Why not?"-HM
"There are quite a lot of people here we won't fit in one car."-H
"We have three parked outside."-HM
"OK let's go then."-R
They all went outside.
"Cami, Hayley, Hope and Rebekah your coming with me."-K
They all nodded and went inside the car except for Klaus. Stefan looked at Damon.
"I'm not going in the same car as you so Ele..."-SS
Klaus stood in the middle of the two brothers and talked to Stefan.
"No. I'm going to choose.You baby vampires let your emotions get in the way of safety."-K
"Damon, Stefan, Elena, Bonnie and Caroline your all going in the same car.And Stefan and Damon are going to sit together at the front."-K
Stefan looked at Klaus and hesitated but eventually they all went in the car.
"And finally Marcel, Davina, Jeremy, Freya and Ambrose will go in the last car.That way each car has atleast one vampire and witch."-K
"Is that everyone?"-J
"I think so.Now everyone follow me."-K
Everyone got into their cars and began following Klaus'.

'Stacey's car'
"How long is it until we get there?"-S
"Not long now."-M
Stacey looked at Lilly who was sitting infront of her.Lilly looked at her with fear in her eyes.
"What if they come after her?"-S
"They don't know where we're going."-M
Stacey nodded and began typing something on her phone.It said 'They're going to save you trust me. Just stall for awhile.'
Stacey looked at Lilly and nodded to the direction of the phone so she would see the message.Lilly looked at the phone and then back at Stacey with a look of relief in her eyes.Stacey deleted the message and texted Cami.
'Are you there yet?'

'Klaus' car'
Cami's phone beeped and she opened it and looked at the message.She then responded.
"Klaus how far are we?"-C
"10 minutes, why?"-K
"I just need to tell Stacey."-C
Cami texted Stacey again.
'We'll be there in 10 minutes.Is Lilly with you?'
Stacey responded.
'She's sitting infront of me.'
'Is she OK?'
'She looks terrified.'
'Just make sure nothing happens to her.'
'I will'
Cami turned off her phone and looked at Hope who was shivering.
"Hope,are you ok?"-C
"I'm fine just a bit cold."-H
"It's like 30 degrees in here."-C
Hope began shivering more.
"Hope, do you want my coat?"-C
"No thanks."-H
Hope paused for a minute.
"This isn't natural. It's a spell.Someone must be tracking us."-H
Klaus looked at Hope through the rear view mirror.
"Hope, do you know who it could be?"-K
Hayley looked at her daughter clearly worried.
"Are you sure they're not trying to hurt you?"-HM
"I don't think I can be sure about anything at this point."-H
"Do you want me to stop?"-K
"It'll waste our time."-H
"Better safe then sorry, Hope."-R
Klaus stopped the car on the side of the road and everyone stopped closely behind.Freya, Davina, Bonnie and Marcel went to Klaus to see what happened.Everyone in Klaus' car got out.
"What happened?"-F
"Why'd you stop?"-DC
"We think someone's trying to track Hope."-HM
"How do you know?"-BB
"I feel it."-H
"There's a quick spell I can do."-F
"Then do it."-K

"Hoc carmen revelet all.Reveal qui nobis hoc misit carmen.Hoc carmen revelet all.Reveal qui nobis hoc misit carmen."-F

"It's the coven."-F
"They can't know we know where they are."-C
"I'll stay behind."-H
"No.Well not alone at least."-K
"OK then someone stay with me."-H
"I'll stay with you."-F
"It has to be someone else we need all the witches we can get."-K
"How about Elena and Jeremy? It's not like they're going to help us out much."-R
"Go get them."-K
"What am I?A dog playing fetch?Go get her yourself."-R
Klaus gave her a look.
Rebekah sighed and went to Stefan's car.
"Elena you need to get out."-R
"Because I'm going to kill you."-R
Elena moved back.
"Rebekah, what do you need from her?"-SS
"Nothing much."-R
"Come on Barbie Klaus.Could you be anymore vague?"-D
"We need her and Jeremy to take care of Hope."-R
"Well I suggest you find someone else because I'm not letting Elena out of my sight."-D
"Neither am I."-SS
Rebekah looked at Elena.
"Look at your boyfriends.They are so protective they protect you like a fragile toy behind glass that's just waiting to break."-R
Elena rolled her eyes and got out of the car.Stefan also got out.
"I'll be fine Stefan and I've got a tribrid with me."-E
"If anything happens just call me, ok?"-SS
Elena nodded and smiled.
"I love you."-E
"I love you too."-SS
Stefan kissed Elena while Damon watched.Damon tried to hide his jealousy by talking to Rebekah.
"Well don't you have somewhere else to be?"-D
"And don't you have anything better to do than watching the girl of your dreams kiss your brother."-R
Damon rolled his eyes and Elena walked up to Rebekah.Elena looked through the car door.
"Bye. Be safe."-E
"You can rely on me to keep blondie and Bon Bon safe."-D
"I can do a pretty good job of that myself."-BB
Caroline and Elena both looked at his annoying smirk.
"Bye Elena."-CF
Caroline and Bonnie smiled.Elena then went to Marcel's car and got Jeremy.
Elena and Jeremy went over to Hope and Klaus.
"Hope, please try to stay safe."-K
"I will,dad."-H
Hope hugged her dad and then her mum and aunts.
"Freya come in our car.We need a witch and Davina can stay there."-HM
Freya nodded and got into the car and everyone else went back to their own cars.Hope, Elena and Jeremy called a cab and went back to the Mikaelson Compound.
"Klaus after all this is over I'm going to leave New Orleans."-C
"What do you mean?"-K
"Klaus, listen I can't stay here. I'm going to build a life somewhere else with Lilly."-C
"But we're going to get rid of them. It'll be safe for you and Lilly."-K
"It'll never be safe.For me,Lilly or even for you and your family."-C
"We'll make it safe."-K
Cami looked at him while talking to him using her eyes.Her eyes said 'Can you really?'.
Klaus was about to respond but Cami interrupted him.
"We're here."-C
Klaus parked the car on the side where no one could see it and the others parked behind him.
Cami and Klaus got out the car followed by everyone else.She walked up to Caroline to avoid talking to Klaus unless she had too.Everyome got together except Klaus and Hayley who were standing by the car.Hayley looked at him to see how he felt about his conversation with Cami but he showed no emotion.He just stood there with a straight face looking at his phone.Hayley looked at his phone.
"What are you doing?"-HM
"Seeing if Hope got home alright."-K
"Did she?"-HM
"Haven't heard from her yet?"-K
Hayley sighed.
"Klaus what are you going to do?"-HM
Klaus looked at her confused.
"About Cami"-HM
"It doesn't matter. She's leaving and I can't do anything about it."-K
"Klaus you're allowed to feel sad about it."-HM
"Why would I feel sad?"-K
Caroline walked up to them after talking to Cami.

"Klaus you don't need a genius to know that you're totally in love with her. It's like a love story.-CF
Klaus looked at her as if he was shocked that she would think that.
"You love her, Klaus and if you let her leave you'll probably never see her again."-HM
"I can't force her to stay."-K
"You can't force her but you can persuade her."-CF
"Cami's not wrong."-K
"What do you mean?"-HM
"It's not safe here for any of us including Hope."-K
"Look around Klaus. Are any of us ever actually safe? Cami..."-CF
Hayley interrupted her.
"No matter where we go we'll never be safe. Hope will never be safe because she is always going to be the daughter of Klaus Mikaelson.Your enemies are now hers.All the enemies you've created over the years will come for our daughter. That is why we're here to keep her safe and if Cami stays here we can also keep her safe."-HM
Klaus looked at her realising that she was right.That she was telling the truth.Hope had inherited all of his enemies and all he could do is stand by her and fight them off together.Klaus then thought about Cami.
"But Cami would be safer somewhere far away."-K
"Once someone finds out about your feelings for Cami.They could use it against you.How could you protect her if she's living thousands of miles away?"-CF
Klaus slightly nodded and looked at the group. Damon was coming towards them.
"It would be really useful if you actually helped instead of talking about your feelings."-D
Damon looked at Klaus, wondering how he changed  so much and then he whispered under his breath.
"Not the big bad wolf I remember."-D
Klaus, Hayley and Caroline then joined everyone else.
"Should I text Stacey?"-C
"Ask her how far they are from here?"-SS
Cami nodded and texted Stacey.

'Stacey's car'
Stacey looked at her phone and saw the notification pop up.She immediately held up her phone while covering the sides with her hands. She put her phone on her lap, face down and asked Malia.
"How much time do we have until we get there?"-S
"About ten minutes, why?"-M
"I just didn't think it would take this long."-S
"It wouldn't have taken this long if someone didn't try to cast a spell each minute and try to escape."-M
Malia looked at Lilly annoyed.
"Why are you doing this?I'm just a kid."-L
Malia ignored her.
"Answer me!Who hurt you so much that you actually have the guts to hurt a kid?"-L
Malia looked at her.
"If you really have to know.I was born with no heart."-Malia said sarcastically.
Lilly whispered under her breath.
"What did you say?"-M
Lilly ignored her.
"What did you just say to me?!"-M
"I said clearly."-L
Lilly said the last word slowly.
Malia looked at her like she wanted to punch her teeth out but instead she looked at Alice who sat besides Lilly.
"Gag her."-M
"But we..."-A
"I said gag her!"-M
Alice put something in Lilly's mouth to stop her from talking.Stacey looked at Lilly helplessly, desperate to help her but she had came so far with this charade she couldn't just give up now so instead she closed her eyes and looked away from Lilly while Alice forcefully stuffed something in her mouth while Stacey struggled to get out of her grip.Stacey then brought up the courage to look at Lilly.Stacey tried communicating with her through her eyes.She was trying to say that she would be OK soon but a small part of her didn't believe it.Lilly looked at her with tears in her eyes.She looked completely helpless and it hurt Stacey to see her like that but after a few minutes she texted Cami.
'Slightly over 5 minutes'
Cami got the message and turned off her phone.

'The Plane'
"We have slightly over 5 minutes."-C
"What do we do?"-Am
"Ambrose maybe it would be better if you stayed in the car"-C
"I'm not going anywhere."-Am
"It would be safer."-C
"Nothing's safe around here and I can help. I'm a witch."-Am
"But promise me you'll stick with me or someone else here.Don't start fighting on your own. "-C
Brody nodded.
"What spell are we going to do?"-DC
"Anything that'll take out the guards."-F
"How about Malia?"-ML
"We fight until she gives up."-K

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