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Klaus had finally landed and was on his way to Hope's school, seeing as it was 8 o'clock. He barged through the doors of the school, ignoring the multiple teachers telling him that he wasn't allowed inside. He made his way to the classroom that Hope's parent teacher conferences were normally in. Luckily, inside, he found Elena and Hope sitting at a table together, talking about something. He opened the door and called for Hope. "Hope Andrea Mikaelson! I need to have a word with you."

Hope immediately turned her head, Elena did the same, and so did all the other students. The teacher was about to tell the man to leave but she quickly recognised him as Hope's dad. The teacher smiled at him. "Mr Mikaelson, can I help you?"

"Just a word with my daughter, if I may?"

The teacher had been compelled by Klaus months ago when his paranoia got the best of him, and he believed that everyone was out to get him and his family. He wasn't going to risk it for his daughter.

The teacher nodded and turned to Hope. "Hope, go with your father, you can return to your work later." Hope smiled at her teacher before sending a confused look to Elena.

Elena shrugged and whispered to her. "Full name? Do you think he knows about the... thing?"

"It wouldn't surprise me if he did. Wish me luck."

Elena nodded and watched as Hope left the room to go talk to her dad. The father daughter duo walked over to a small, empty classroom and closed the door.

Hope's heart raced as she stood face to face with her father. Her palms grew damp, and she struggled to steady her breathing. "Dad, what are you doing in Mystic Falls?" Hope's voice quivered, her eyes darting nervously between Klaus and the empty tables.

"I'm here for you," Klaus replied, his voice laced with a mix of concern and determination. "You're the witch who cloaked Cami."

Hope's mind raced, searching for the right words, but they eluded her. "I... I don't know what you're talking about," she stammered, her voice barely audible.

"Don't lie to me, Hope," Klaus pressed, his piercing gaze fixed upon her. "You've cloaked Cami, and now I need you to tell me where she is and who she's running from."

A wave of guilt washed over Hope, her eyes flickering with uncertainty. "I don't know," she whispered, her voice barely audible, but Klaus was unyielding.

He could sense the truth, the slightest quiver in her voice that betrayed her words. "Your heart skipped a beat," he observed, his voice filled with disappointment. "You're lying to me."

Hope's eyes widened, her heart pounding in her chest. She couldn't keep the truth hidden any longer. "Fine," she conceded, her voice laced with frustration. "I do know, but I can't tell you."

Fury flashed in Klaus' eyes, his emotions veering dangerously close to boiling over. "Now is not the time for games, Hope," he growled, taking a step closer to her. "Tell me who she's running from. I can keep her safe. I'll kill anyone who wants to harm her."

Hope's voice trembled, a mixture of anger and desperation seeped into her words. "Have you thought that maybe, maybe she doesn't want your help?" she cried out, her voice echoing through the large classroom. "Or that maybe she doesn't want them dead?"

Klaus scoffed, his frustration bubbling to the surface. "That's nonsense. Why wou-"

Hope's patience shattered like glass, and she couldn't hold back her emotions any longer. She let out a piercing scream, her voice filled with anguish and defiance. "You don't have to kill everyone!" she shouted as some of the lights began to flicker above her. "Not everything can be solved by ripping a heart out or snapping a neck!"

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