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Cami -C
Lilly -L
Klaus -K
Hope -H
Damon -D
Stefan -SS
Elena -E
Bonnie -BB
Caroline -CF
Jeremy -J
Hayley -HM
Rebekah -R
Stacey -S
Elijah -EM
Ambrose (Brody) -Am
Freya -F
Malia -M
Alice Rosemary -A
Marcel/Marcellus -ML
Davina -DC

Let me know if you like this chapter.

"No killing."-C
Klaus didn't look at her but nodded anyway.Damon and Stefan were standing besides eachother looking around to make sure they would be prepared when they came.
"We should get ready if we're going to use the element of surprise."-D
Everyone nodded in agreement and they all hid waiting for Malia to show up.

'Stacey's car'
"We're here."-A
"Just pull over on the side here."-M
Malia told the driver while she pointed out where she wanted him to park.She then grabbed Lilly by the arm and got out the car.Alice got out after her.When Alice had left the car, Stacey took out her phone and texted Cami.
'We're here. Where are you?'
Cami's phone beeped and everyone looked at her.She then looked at the message and whispered.
"It's Stace. They're here."-C
They all looked around and spotted Malia's car.
"There's Malia and there's Lilly..."-HM
"Oh my god."-CF
Caroline looked at Lilly who was gagged and crying. Lilly's face had hair on it.The hair was damp from her tears and sweat.Lilly then looked up and began looking around, hoping that she would see Cami.Cami looked at her in disbelief and put her hand over her mouth.
"How could they do this?She's a child."-C
Everyone looked around to see if any more cars.The next cars that came were filled with guards.The guards all went to Malia and made her a small path.Malia was about to go through the path when she stopped and looked at Stacey.
"Stacey, give me your phone."-M
Stacey looked at her phone and then tightened her grip around it.
Stacey tried to look innocent but Malia looked at her slightly amused.
"I'm going to be honest.You had me in the first half of this charade."-M
Stacey looked at her confused.
"Charade?I haven't done anything. "-S
"If you haven't.Give me your phone."-M
"No.It really hurts me to know that you don't trust me."-S
Stacey's eyes filled with fake tears.
"OK now its just annoying.Stop it will you with the fake tears."-M
Everyone looked at Stacey then at Malia.Stacey took a step back away from Malia but ended up bumping into one of her guards.She immediately took two steps forward.
"Please leave me alone, Malia."-S
Cami and everyone looked at eachother in shock as Malia exposed Stacey for being a liar.
"What do we do?"-HM
"We can't do anything now. They're all on high alert."-R
"But they're going to hurt her or even kill her."-HM
"We can't do anything or they'll do that to Lilly too."-R
Cami looked helplessly at the situation.
"This is wrong.We can't just stay here. She risked her life to help us."-ML
"Marcel's right. What kind of friends would we be if we let her die."-DC
"It's wrong. We've got to do something."-SS
Just as they were about to stand up they heard a voice.The voice came from a man who walked right past the guards and into the middle of Malia and Stacey.
"Does there seem to be a problem here?"
Klaus, Rebekah, Freya and Hayley looked up.They all looked at eachother to see if they were hearing things. Hayley then broke the silence.
"Elijah's here?"-D
"What is he doing here?He's supposed to..."-K
Klaus paused and heard something using his heightened hearing senses.
"Hello baby brother."-EM
(EM is for Elijah Mikaelson)
Klaus smiled at his brother.
"What did he say?"-F
"Nothing important."-K
"He has terrible timing.Couldn't he have came earlier?"-ML
"What does it matter? We've got another Original Vampire on our side."-D
"Well it would've helped."-ML
"Your timing wasn't exactly perfect either."-D
Marcel rolled his eyes and sneaked over to the other Mikaelsons.
"How did he get here?"-ML
"He must've heard about what's happening here."-F
Hayley just looked at Elijah, shocked. As she looked at him, she remembered how he had left without saying goodbye and it angered her to see him standing there like nothing had ever happened but Hayley put aside her feelings for now.
"It doesn't look like much is happening over there."-HM
"Listen in."-K
Hayley nodded and all the vampires also followed his lead and began listening in to the conversation.
"Are...are you..."-A
Elijah looked at their faces.
"Can we help you Mr Mikaeslon?"-M
Alice took a few steps back and Malia grabbed Stacey and put Stacey behind her while still having a tight grip around her wrist.
"I'm going to take the girl."-EM
Elijah made eye contact with Stacey who looked like she had just seen a ghost.
"I'm sorry but we can't help you with that."-M
"You see, I wasn't asking. I was merely just telling you."-EM
Elijah stood straight with a posture that scared some of the guards.Elijah took a step forward towards Malia.
"The girl."-EM
Elijah put his hand out which caused more guards to take a step back in fear of what Elijah would do to them. Alice looked at Malia.
"Give her to him."-A
"No.She is an O'Connell witch.Us witches stick together."-M
"If by stick together you mean forcing me to do stuff like hurt my own cousin or does your little 'stick together plan' only work for people that pledge their undying loyalty to you."-S
Stacey looked at Malia with a new found courage in her eyes.
"That's enough from you.Gag her!"-M
"So what.You're just going to gag me everytime I say something true?"-S
Stacey smiled at Elijah.
"I suggest that you give her to me before I show you the remains of your own body."-EM
Elijah looked at Malia with a calm face.He didn't look annoyed or angry.He just looked at her calmly waiting for her to hand Stacey over to him.When Malia didn't move, Elijah took a step closer to Malia.Malia could now feel his breath on her face but she still didn't move a muscle.She stood there, to stubborn to move.To stubborn to know what was good for her own safety.
"I'll give you 10 seconds."-EM
Alice grabbed a hold of Malia's arm.
"She's not worth it.We still have Lilly anyway."-A
"I'm not weak.I won't run from a fight."-M
"You're right you're not weak but you're not stupid either.Not giving her to him is a death wish."-A
"4.Time's running out.I suggest you quickly decide your fate."-EM
Malia looked from Alice to Elijah and then to her guards.She then sighed and looked at Elijah.
"Fine. Take her."-M
"Smart choice. But to make an enemy of my brother, not very smart."-EM
Elijah took Stacey and told her to go towards a building that was not far back.Outside that building was where everyone was hiding and seeing if they should go in or not to fight alongside Elijah.
Stacey quickly went over to the building and saw Klaus's head peering over a bush.She quickly crouched down and looked at Klaus.
"Where's Cami?"-S
"I'm here."-C
Cami looked over at her from behind Freya.
Stacey rushed over to Cami and hugged her.While still holding her cousin, Cami looked at Klaus who was smiling at her.She smiled back to him and then hugged Stacey tighter.
"You're so lucky Elijah got here before they could hurt you."-C
Stacey turned to face Klaus.
"Speaking of Elijah.That's your brother, isn't it?"-S
Klaus nodded.
"I'm glad you're OK, Stacey "-K
Stacey looked back at Cami.
"That was such a stupid plan.They could've killed you."-C
"It wasn't stupid. If I didn't do it you wouldn't be here to save Lilly."-S
Cami smiled and then looked at Lilly. Klaus noticed how worried Cami looked and then he stood up and walked away from this hiding place.
"What are you doing?"-R
"I'm Klaus Mikaelson.I hide from no one."-K
Klaus walked away.

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