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Klaus reached for her but Cami stood still staring at his hand. She froze in place as all her feelings for Klaus returned.
Cami didn't want to talk since her head was pounding with pain. She suddenly remembered that her head was bleeding and she felt as if she was going to faint. Her eyes slowly closed and she fell to the floor.
Klaus sat besides her, her body in his lap. He fed her his blood and a few seconds later she woke up.
She touched her head again but the blood was gone.
"Thank you."-C
Klaus smiled at her. Cami looked at Aiden.
"Can you?"-C
Cami used her eyes to point the chains on Aiden's arms. Klaus nodded and broke the chain. Cami hugged Aiden happily and then turned to Cody.
"Is he..."-C
"No he has a faint heartbeat."-K
Klaus broke Cody's shackles and fed him his blood so that the werewolf venow in his system would heal. A few minutes later, Cody woke up and was greeted by Aiden's warm embrace.
"You're okay."-AO
Aiden cried tears of happiness while Cami smiled at them both. She then turned around to see Klaus looking at her.
"Can we talk?"-K
"I just need some rest. My head still hurts."-C
Klaus nodded.
"Do you want me to walk you?"-K
"Actually can you call Caroline? I want to talk to her."-C
Klaus took out his phone and called Caroline. Within a few minutes, Caroline came in and hugged Cami.
"You scared the hell out of me!"-CF
"I'm sorry Caroline."-C
Caroline noticed the body on the ground.
"Oh my god you're boyfriend!"-CF
Caroline hugged Cami again.
"Are you okay?"-CF
"In fine Care."-C
"You've got to be joking. Your boyfriend is dead on the floor and you're fine?"-CF
"He wasn't my boyfriend."-C
Cami could see Klaus' small smile from the corner of her eye that made her smile too.
"So I was right?"-CF
"Basically I came up with this theory that you were being compelled."-CF
"You were right."-C
Cami smiled and turned around.
"Caroline, this is my cousin Aiden and his best friend Cody."-C
"Nice to meet you. I'm sorry but me and Cami have a lot to talk about so maybe I'll see you again sometimes."-CF
Caroline smiled and held Cami's hand.
"Let's go!"-CF
Cami laughed as Caroline dragged her upstairs and outside.
Klaus turned to look at him.
"I just want to let you know that I will never forgive you for killing my friend."-AO
"I saved your friend."-K
"I mean Miles. The person who helped you out the boundary spell."-AO
Klaus remembered and smiled when he remembered the intimate moment he and Cami had on that same day.
"I remember him. Nice bloke."-K
"Why would you kill him then?"-AO
"I had more important things on mind."-K
"Anyway, I will never forgive you and neither will Cami."-AO
"Did she say that?"-K
"She did and she also mentioned not liking you."-AO
Klaus seemed disappointed and turned around.
"I've got somewhere to be."-K
He left and headed back to the Compound.

"What happened?"-CF
"Me and Jay used to date and he..."-C
"I know about that. Davina told me. I mean what happened the day we came back here."-CF
"On the drive here, Jay texted me for the first time in a year. He said that he would torture my cousin if I didn't meet with him so I did. He then drained me of vervain and compelled me to act like his girlfriend."-C
Cami looked at Caroline.
"He also compelled me to hate Klaus."-C
Caroline stopped and stood infront of Cami.
"I knew it! So you do love Klaus!"-CF
"I don't want to talk about it."-C
Cami hung her head down.
"Why are you so sad? You can finally be with Klaus."-CF
"I was sort of dating Will."-C
Cami put her head up to look at Caroline's reaction.
"There is no way you like him more than Klaus."-CF
"I know but I don't want to tell him."-C
"Come on Cami. You'll never be happy if your stuck with him."-CF
Cami sighed and nodded.
"I need to find him."-C
"Want my help?"-CF
"I think I have to do this alone."-C
Caroline nodded and went to the Compound. Cami walked to her home to get her phone and call Will.

'Cami's house'
She entered the house and Will was already standing before her.
"You remember, don't you?"-W
Cami nodded.
"Are you going to break up with me?"-W
Will stood still looking at Cami with a small amount of hope.
"I'm sorry..."-C
Tears dripped from her face as she watched Will's reaction.
"I knew it."-W
Will scoffed.
"You never loved me."-W
Will stood with a straight face.
"That's not true. I do love you but I..."-C
Cami's voice broke as she saw a single tear fall down his stubborn face.
"I love Klaus more."-C
Will tried to not show any emotions but Cami could see he felt betrayed.
"You said to me that you've never been in a happy relationship but I promise you will find someone."-C
"I wanted that someone to be you."-W
Will gave up and tears fell down his face. Cami looked at him and seeing him cry made her emotional. She wiped away his tears.
"I'm sorry."-C
He straightened up.
"So you're breaking up with me to be with a physcotic 1000 year old murderer?"-W
"Will, you're overreacting."-C
"No, you want to be a part of a family of serial killers."-W
"Will! Stop it!"-C
Cami cupped his face, stroking his cheek.
"I care about you."-C
"But I can't do this."-C
Cami slightly smiled at him, reassuring him that he would be okay. Will couldn't stay mad at Cami and told her how he felt.
"I love you."-W
"I love you too."-C
Cami kissed him. While she kissed him, someone opened the door to her house. She turned to see Klaus, standing at the door. Cami froze.
"I wanted to talk to you but you're clearly busy."-K
Klaus looked at Will who was holding Cami's hand.
"Klaus, wait. Please."-C
Klaus turned around and walked out the door. Cami looked at Will.
"I'm sorry."-C
Cami let go of Will's hand and ran after Klaus.
Klaus turned around.
"That was not what it looked like."-C
"Cami don't worry. You should be happy."-K
Klaus began walking but Cami grabbed his hand. He turned around again, looking at her hand.
"But I want to be happy with you."-C
"I thought you would never forgive me."-K
"Aiden said you'd never..."-K
He was interrupted when Cami's lips met his in a passionate kiss. Their lips collided and a few seconds later, Cami hungered for more but she wanted to take it slow so she moved away.
"Are you alright love?"-K
"I'm happier than ever."-C
Cami kissed him again and they both walked back to the Compound.

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