The Dagger

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As the car journey neared its end, the atmosphere inside the vehicle remained vibrant. The rhythmic hum of the engine now carried the echoes of laughter and shared stories. Klaus, behind the wheel, navigated the car with a sense of familiarity through the winding roads.

Pulling into a small gas station, Klaus noted the low fuel situation as Cami and Lilly chatted about grabbing some snacks. Once Klaus returned from filling the car, the trio, along with Brody, asked if they could quickly go to the store, even though only 10 minutes remained of their drive. With a hesitant nod, Klaus agreed, swayed by Cami's persuasive charm.

Entering the store, they were greeted by the cool breeze of air conditioning and the familiar hum of fridges loaded with Brody's favourite energy drinks. Brody and Lilly separated, both trying to find what they wanted in the store, while Klaus remained outside by his car after handing some money to the teenagers. Cami took a brief detour to the bathroom, and just as she finished washing her hands, a knock on the door interrupted her momentary solitude.

"I'll be out in a second!" Cami called out, drying her hands before opening the door to encounter a muscular man whose expression conveyed dissatisfaction.

Cami, slightly startled, stepped aside to allow him access to the bathroom. Despite her moving aside, the man's gaze remained on her. With a puzzled expression, Cami asked, "Can I help you with something?"

"Camille O'Connell, you don't remember me?" the man asked, an amused smile playing on his face as he observed Cami's bewildered reaction.

"Who are—" Cami paused mid-sentence, her jaw dropping as realization hit, "You're one of Malia's bodyguards."

"I am, and you just so happen to be one of my favourite O'Connell family members," the bodyguard stated, presenting Cami with a choice. "Hand yourself and the girl over to me willingly, and I won't hurt you. But if you don't, I'll have to resort to something more violent."

Cornered near a shelf of glass bottles, Cami met the man's gaze and inquired, "Are you here alone?"

"I am. The others wouldn't be a fan of me offering you a choice. So hurry up and decide."

After pondering for a few seconds, Cami made her decision, "Okay, I'll come with you."

The man smiled before turning his head towards a sound of footsteps. Cami followed the man's gaze and spotted Lilly witnessing the scene. Determination flashed in her eyes as she swiftly seized a glass bottle, bashing it on the bodyguard's head. He knelt on the ground, the glass cutting his skin, and the spilt coke adding an uncomfortable sting to his eyes.

"Lilly, run!" Cami urgently called out to the young girl. As Lilly fled the store along with Brody, Cami attempted to follow suit, but the man grabbed her foot, hindering her escape. Undeterred, Cami executed a swift kick to the bodyguard's face, but to her surprise he seemed unaffected; his grip tightened as he pulled her down to the ground, where her hand landed on the sharp shards of glass.

A sudden cold breeze signalled Klaus's arrival. He intervened, pulling the man away and pushing him towards the shelf of glass bottles. Klaus delivered a series of forceful punches, glass shattering and impaling the man's back. As the bodyguard crumpled to the ground, Klaus turned to Cami, extending his hand and pulling her up.

"Let's get out of here," Klaus whispered. Cami nodded, and they exited the shop after Klaus had compelled the cashier to forget their presence.

As they hurried back to the car, Cami settled into her seat while Klaus took his place in the driver's seat. Concerned, Cami turned to the teenagers in the back, asking, "Are you two okay?"

Receiving nods of assurance, Cami returned her attention to Klaus, who was now focused on her. He gently requested, "Give me your hand."

Nodding, Cami presented her injured hand, still embedded with glass shards. Klaus examined it, meeting her gaze before stating, "This is going to hurt, love."

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