Lilly's Past

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Lilly felt a rush as memories long forgotten returned, painting vivid scenes in her mind. "I remember now," she shared, her voice carrying the weight of rediscovery.

First, she recalled her dad being gone before she was born. Then, her memories unveiled the heartbreaking moment when her mum was killed. "She killed her right in front of me," Lilly revealed while her voice trembled.

"Who?" Stefan's concern was evident, pressing for more clarity.

"She killed her—my mum," Lilly's words hung heavy in the air, a burden she had carried for too long.

"Who? Who killed your mum?" Caroline's persistence sought to unveil the dark truth.

"My aunt. She killed her," Lilly uttered, her gaze fixed on a distant, painful past.

The room fell into a heavy silence as everyone absorbed the shocking revelation. Elena, empathetic to Lilly's plight, sought understanding, "Why would she do that?"

"They said my mum... they said that she was a bad person, and bad people have to be punished," Lilly's voice quivered with the weight of the accusations against her mother.

Damon, initially sceptical and pragmatic, couldn't bear to see the young girl in pain. Softening his tone, he interjected, "I'm sorry, but you're barely telling us anything useful."

"Damon, she's a little girl who's been through a lot. Let her speak," Elena insisted, defending Lilly's need to share her painful story.

Damon, despite rolling his eyes, couldn't entirely hide the concern etched on his face. "Fine," he muttered, revealing a flicker of genuine care beneath his tough exterior.

Bonnie put a reassuring hand on the girl's shoulder. "Can you tell us why your mum was a bad person?"

As Lilly thought of her mother, she remembered the painful moments when her mum, in fits of anger, would resort to hurting her. "She used to hurt me," Lilly confessed. "She would get angry and start hitting me with things."

The room fell into a hushed silence until Cami broke it. "I'm so sorry, sweetheart. That shouldn't have happened. No child deserved what you've been through. You are a strong individual, and just remember that me and our friends will always protect you. We're by your side.." A smile came upon Cami's face. "Always and forever."

Everyone in the room shared a small smile at Cami's words. They all knew it was a part of the Mikaelson pact, and it was also the one thing they had always admired about the family of Originals. Their loyalty to their family above everything else was truly something even their enemies found admirable.

Lilly's face lit up with a warm and genuine smile as she looked at the newfound parental figure who had become a comforting presence in her life. With a sense of gratitude and affection, Lilly wrapped her arms around her neck in a heartfelt hug.

Cami had then slightly pulled back so the rest of the group could continue their interrogation on Lilly's newfound memories. Caroline was the one who had a question in mind. "You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to, but why did your mum used to hurt you?" The blonde's question hung in the air, filed with a mix of curiosity and concern.

Lilly, surprisingly composed, met Caroline's gaze and began to share the information. "She said I was too powerful. That I didn't deserve the magic mother nature had gifted me." Lilly's words held a quiet strength, lacking any sign of hesitation or sorrow.

"She was going to take my magic for herself," Lilly continued, a plot that was by far one of the mischeivous things Caroline had heard. It was one thing to steal magic from another, but it was another when you took it from your own daughter, your blood.

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