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Cami left and Klaus looked at the place where she was just standing.
Klaus sighed in annoyance.
"Yes Caroline."-K
"I need your help."-CF
"I'm not in the mood to help anyone right now."-K
"I get it. She broke your heart, stood all over it actually but..."-CF
Caroline stopped when she realised just how much the words she said, hurt him.
"Anyway... I'll leave you alone."-CF
"As long as you promise not to drain New Orleans dry."-CF
Caroline sighed and was about to leave but Klaus stopped her.
"What do you need my help with?"-K
"I thought you weren't in the mood."-CF
Caroline crossed her arms.
"Tell me before I change my mind."-K
"Fine. Come over here."-CF

Caroline dragged him to the living room. Klaus poured some bourbon in a glass and began drinking from it.
"What is it?"-K
"So I asked all the girls already but they won't listen so..."-CF
"Caroline is this something silly?"-K
"Well, kind of but no. Not in your case anyway."-CF
Klaus looked at her confused. Caroline took a deep breath and began speaking quickly.
"I want to cause some drama between Jay and Cami because she won't break up with him."-CF
Klaus looked at her, speechless.
"So? Will you help?"-CF
"Caroline, did you think I would agree to this stupid plan?"-K
"Well... you love her,don't you?"-CF
"I care enough about her to let her be happy."-K
Klaus emphasised the last two words which made Caroline feel guilty since she was the one who had said Cami was happier without Klaus.
"That was stupid of me to say. She is happier with you and you are definetly happier with her."-C
"Caroline, the answer is no."-K
"I said NO!"-K
Klaus smashed the glass of bourbon he was drinking, against the wall.
Caroline put her hand on his arm, trying to calm him down. Klaus shook her hand off and took a step back.
"I've got somewhere I need to be."-K
Klaus was about to leave but he turned back around to face Caroline.
"Don't do anything stupid."-K
"Fine I won't do anything."-CF
Klaus walked out the Compound, leaving Caroline in the room. She stood still, staring at the shards of glass on the floor but she suddenly thought of something and vamped into the room Elena was in.

Elena looked down at her phone. Caroline noticed how worried she was looking.
"Are you okay?"-CF
"Yeah, Stefan isn't picking up."-E
"Try Damon."-CF
"Can you?"-E
Elena raised her eyebrows.
"Oh...right okay."-CF
Caroline took out her phone and called Damon.
"What is it?"-D
"Is Stefan with you?"-CF
"Yes he is. Why?"-D
"His girlfriend wants to talk to him."-CF
There was silence from Damon's end for a minute but then Stefan spoke.
"Hi. Elena wants to talk to you."-CF
"Where is she?"-SS
"Right here."-CF
Caroline handed the phone to Elena.
"Stefan, where are you?"-E
"I'm at the hospital. We need more blood bags."-SS
"Oh. Why weren't you picking up?"-E
Elena heard Stefan patting something.
"I must've forgotten my phone."-SS
"Are you okay?"-SS
"Yeah I just wanted to check up on you and when you weren't picking up, I got worried."-E
There was some background noise from Stefan's side of the call.
"You've got nothing to worry about."-SS
Damon said something to Stefan that Elena couldn't manage to hear.
"I'm sorry I have to go."-SS
"Ok, I love you Stefan."-E
"I love you too. See you soon."-SS
"You too."-E

Stefan ended the call and Elena gave Caroline her phone back.
"You guys are so cute!"-CF
"Thanks Care, is there something you needed?"-E
"Do I need a reason to talk to my best friend?"-CF
"You've got the look."-E
"What look?"-CF
"The one that says, you have a plan."-E
"Ok you're right. I need you to act like Katherine."-CF
"Basically, Jay and Katherine were together like 4 century's ago and maybe if you act like her it could stir some feelings."-CF
Elena stood up from the bed she was laying on.
"Why do you want him to catch feelings for Katherine again?"-E
Caroline mumbled quietly so that Elena could barely hear her.
"So that Cami and Jay break up."-CF
"So that Cami and Jay break up."-CF
"I thought we agreed. No drama."-E
"Please just once."-CF
Elena sighed and thought about it for a minute.
"Okay but if this doesn't work than you won't do anything else to ruin their relationship."-E
Caroline smiled and nodded.
"Curl your hair."-CF
"Do I have to?"-E
Elena took out a curling iron and began curling her hair while Caroline picked out an outfit from Hayley's closet.
Elena put down the curling iron and looked at the clothes Caroline put on the bed.
"I'll go find a cute leather jacket."-CF

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