Salvatores and Mikaelsons

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A few hours had passed since Rebekah and Hope arrived in New Orleans. Hope, eager to reunite with her mother, ran inside the Mikaelson Compound, leaving Rebekah to handle the luggage outside.

Inside, Hope eagerly searched for her mother, her excitement palpable. Spotting Hayley descending the stairs, Hope rushed into her arms, "I missed you, Mum."

Hayley, genuinely surprised, cupped Hope's face in her hands, "Hey, baby. What are you doing here?"

"Aunt Rebekah thought it'd be nice if I came with her."

Hayley's eyes widened in confusion, "Rebekah's here?"

"Yeah, she's just getting her bags."

Hope's revelation sparked curiosity in Hayley, who then asked about Elijah, her expression hopeful. Hope, however, shook her head, aware that Elijah was still absent, "Elijah still isn't here."

Hayley's mood visibly saddened momentarily, but the arrival of Rebekah through the door revived her smile. Hayley eagerly hugged her friend, "Rebekah, you could've told me you were coming."

Rebekah, always enjoying a bit of mischief, responded with a grin, "What's the fun in that?"

As the three caught up, Hayley couldn't help but inquire about Klaus. Hope, in response, shared that Klaus had gone with Cami and Lilly to find the Rosé Coven.

"The what coven?" Hayley questioned, puzzled by the unfamiliar term.

"It's Lilly's coven. I'd explain everything, but I don't think we have time. Cami's cousin Stacey is waiting for us somewhere here in New Orleans," Hope explained, scanning the surroundings.

A mention of Freya led to the revelation that she had left to see a friend named Keelin. Rebekah, somewhat sceptical, commented, "This Keelin better be worth it."

Hope, steering the conversation back to the task at hand, urged, "Can we stop talking about whoever this Keelin person is? We need to find Stacey. I say we start at Cami's apartment."

Hope, taking the lead, walked out of the compound, the trio walking through the serene streets of New Orleans. They reached Cami's apartment, only to find it empty. The three women meticulously searched each room, but Stacey was nowhere to be found.

Hope swiftly dialled Stefan's number, her anticipation growing as she waited for him to pick up. After a few rings, the call connected, and Stefan's voice came through the line. "Hello?"

"Stefan, it's Hope. We're still looking for Stacey. Any idea where she might be?" Hope inquired, her tone carrying a sense of urgency.

Stefan, considering the question, responded, "I'm not sure, but let me check. Hold on."

Hope waited anxiously, the seconds ticking by, until Stefan returned to the call with an unexpected twist. "Sorry, it's Elena. Stefan had something to do. Can I help?"

Adjusting to the new information, Hope quickly relayed, "We're searching for Stacey. Do you know where she is?"

Elena, always ready to assist, shared, "Stacey is at Rousseau's."

Hope thanked Elena for the information and ended the call, her focus now on Rousseau's as the trio redirected their path, hoping to find Stacey at the bar.

As Hope, Hayley, and Rebekah entered Rousseau's, the atmosphere inside the lively bar shifted. Stacey, who had been anticipating their arrival, turned away from the bar and sent them a smile, greeting them, "Hope, Hayley, and Rebekah, I'm guessing?"

Hayley, her curiosity piqued, questioned, "How do you know our names?"

A nonchalant shrug accompanied Stacey's response, "Cami's showed me pictures."

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