Mystic Falls

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Cami and Lilly had arrived that afternoon. At the time that Elena and Hope were at school. Hope was 3 years younger than Elena, but Klaus had made Stefan inlist her with Elena so she wouldn't be in a class with strangers.

Cami parked the car and then began walking through the hallways, looking into every room, searching for the two girls they had come for. They finally made it to a small classroom, where Cami spotted Hope and Elena writing in their textbooks. By the looks of it, it was a history lesson. The brunette and blonde duo entered the bustling classroom, the air thick with the scent of musty textbooks and youthful energy. The room was adorned with colourful posters displaying historical figures and maps, each one seeming to tell a story of its own. The sound of chairs scraping against the wooden floor filled the room as the students eagerly prepared for their history lesson.

Elena and Hope, both seated at the back of the class, turned their heads in unison as Cami and Lilly entered. Hope's eyes lit up with a mixture of surprise and happiness. While Elena wore a bemused smile, her curiosity piqued.

Cami approached the teacher, Mrs. Harrington who was a middle-aged woman with silver-streaked hair and an air of wisdom. "Excuse me." Cami looked at the name on the whiteboard. "Mrs. Harrington," Cami said, her voice gentle yet commanding, "I need to borrow Hope and Elena for a short while. It's urgent."

Mrs. Harrington was taken aback by Cami's sudden interruption. "I'm sorry, I can't let my students go with a stranger."

Hope spoke up. "I know her. She's my dad's friend."

Mrs Harrington turned to Elena, who had remained silent, looking at Lilly. "Miss Gilbert, do you know this woman?"

Elena turned her attention to the teacher at the front. "Yeah, like Hope said. It's her dad's friend. One of my friends, too."

"You're friends with a 25 year old, Elena, that is not safe."

Elena couldn't help but slightly chuckle at the teacher's words, seeing as her boyfriend, Stefan, and his brother were over a century old. "I'm fine, Cami is a nice girl."

The teacher hesitantly nodded. "Fine, you have 5 minutes, then come back to class."

"Whatever you say." said Hope, making her way to the door with Elena following close behind.

Hope and Elena closed the classroom door, leaving behind their history textbooks and eager classmates. As they made their way towards Cami and Lilly, the eyes of their peers followed them through the window, filled with curiosity and wonder. The room fell into a hushed silence, the anticipation tangible.

Once they had all gathered, Cami led the group to a secluded spot in one of the empty hallways.
"Cami, what are you doing here?"
"Who's the girl?"
Both of the girls spoke their questions at the same time.

"I'm here to get your help. And for your question, Elena. This is Lilly, a girl I saved from my family's basement."
The two students looked at each other, their expressions perfectly mirroring the other.

Cami saw the look of confusion on both of their faces and quickly summed up what had happened, resulting in the girls both feeling incredible pity for the younger teenager.

"I'm so sorry about what happened. What can we do to help?" asked Elena, wanting to help. Seeing as she had experience in supernatural threats.

"I could use Hope's help with a spell." Cami turned to the youngest Mikaelson. "Can you do a cloaking spell?"

Hope nodded. "I've got the perfect one written down in my bag. No loopholes, not that I know of anyway. I've probably got some sandalwood that I can use, too. I'll go get them." Hope went back into her classroom, then came back a few minutes later holding a notebook.

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