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"Hey! Open the door!"-D
Damon was banging on the door.

"Relax, I'm coming!"
Damon stopped banging and took a step back. They all looked at the door that Jay opened.
"Hello. Can I help you?"-JW
He looked at Caroline and Bonnie.
"Oh nice to see you girls again but Cami's not here."-JW
"We're here for you. What has your little friend done to Cami?"-D
"My little friend? I'm afraid I don't know who you're talking about."-JW
"And how do you know her?"-JW
"Does it matter?"-CF
Caroline crossed her arms.
"Jay, is it? Layla has taken Cami and since she's your girlfriend, we thought you could help."-SS
"Cami's fine. I know where she I is."-JW
"Tell us!"-E
"I could but I won't. You see it was completely Cami's choice."-JW
"Really? Then how come there was blood on the table?"-CF
Jay sighed and shouted at someone in the house.
"I told you not to make it obvious!"-JW
"She was pissing me off!"-LS
Jay turned back to Caroline.
"Sorry about that."-JW
"Me too."-CF
Caroline vamped inside and began searching for Cami but only a minute had passed and Jay had her pinned to the wall.
Damon and Stefan listened helplessly from outside since they hadn't been invited in but Elena went in to try to help her friend.
"I have to help her."-E
"Elena come back out here before I drag you out myself!"-D
"You're not invited!"-E
Elena ignored the pleas of the Salvatore brothers and looked for her friend. She walked into a room with Layla on the ground cleaning something.
"It's you."-E
Layla stood up, fixing her hair.
"Did you miss me? Anyway, get the hell outta here."-LS
"Make me."-E
Elena looked at her courageously.
"I would love to but Jay wouldn't like that."-LS
"What are you? His pet?"-E
"Say that again and I'll drain every drop of blood in your body."-LS
"I thought your boss wouldn't like that. I mean you are his bitch after all."-E
Layla felt annoyed and vamped towards Elena. She began feeding on her while Elena's legs slowly started to fail. She stopped for a minute and looked up with blood dripping down her lips.
"Vervain. Gives a nice flavour, don't you think?"-LS
Elena spoke weakly but the confusion in her voice was still clear.
"Honey, I don't like to admit it but I'm old. I've built a tolerance to it thanks to Katherine who looks alot like you."-LS
Layla looked at Elena up and down.
"To think someone who looks like you could be so whiny."-LS
Suddenly, Elena heard a groan and immediately remembered why she came in.
Elena ran out the room but Layla stopped her.
"I don't think that's a good idea but you know what is?"-LS
Layla smiled while dragging Elena by the wrist. She took her to the front door and made Stefan and Damon look at her.
"Making your boyfriends watch as I drain the life out of you."-LS
"Get away from her!"-SS
Stefan banged on the invisible boundary.
"What are you going to do about it?"-LS
She looked at him and smiled.
"His eyes are gorgeous."-LS
She then whispered in Elena's ear.
"But the baby blue eyes on the other one. No wonder you're in love with both."-LS
"What are you going to do to me?"-E
Elena tried not to make the fear in her voice obvious.
"I'll show you instead."-LS
Layla grabbed her by her hair and began feeding on her. Blood dripped to the floor while Stefan and Damon shouted for her to stop. The brothers banged on the barrier and shouted for Caroline to help her but then they heard a thud come from inside. They then watched as a vampire pushed Layla to the ground.

Elena immediately went out and collapsed into Damon's arms. Elena felt safe in his arms but couldn't stop thinking about Stefan who was looking at them. Damon looked at his brother's face and carried Elena. He put her in his brother's arms and told him to feed her his blood. Stefan bit his hand and put it to Elena's mouth.
Elena drank the blood and healed. She then stood up and looked at Damon.
"Thank you."-E
Elena looked at Stefan who was staring at Damon. The two brothers exchanged glances until Elena broke the silence. Elena looked at the vampire that had helped her.

"It's you."-E
"The guy who was kissing Cami."-E
"You saw that?"-W
The man stood up and looked at Elena.
"Yeah. Who are you?"-E
"I'm Will. And promise me you won't tell Jay."-W
"I promise..."-E
Elena was curious but finally remembered something.
"Is Caroline..."-E
"She's fine. Her neck's snapped but she's going to be okay."-W
"Thank you so much."-E
"Where's Jay?"-D
"He went to check on Cami."-W
"Where is she?"-SS
"Wait. Come with us to the Compound. Klaus would want to know."-W
Will reluctantly nodded.
"Damon? Can you pick up Caroline?"-E
"I can't go in."-D
"Oh I forgot. Will, can you bring her outside?"-E
The Blonde vampire nodded and seconds later he came out with Caroline in his arms. He carefully placed her into Damon's arms and they all went to the Compound.
Klaus vamped down infront of them.
"Did you find her?"-K
"No but Will knows where she is?"-SS
Klaus turned to face Will who was looking at the floor not wanting to look at Klaus.
"Where is she!"-K
"She's across the river. There's a small area under the place she used to live in. Jay said that he would take her there along with her cousin."-W
Klaus began walking away. Elijah came out of a room and shouted after his brother.
"Niklaus! Where are you headed?"-EM
"To find Cami."-K
Klaus walked out and made his way to Cami's old house.

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