Old Friends

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Cami -C
Lilly -L
Klaus -K
Hope -H
Damon -D
Stefan -SS
Elena -E
Bonnie -BB
Caroline -CF
Jeremy -J
Hayley -HM
Rebekah -R
Stacey -S
Elijah -EM
Ambrose (Brody) -Am
Freya -F
Jay Wellard -JW
Marcel/Marcellus -ML
Davina -DC

"I'm so glad you're ok!"-C
Cami hugged Lilly while a tear dripped down her cheek.Cami let her go and wiped the tears of Lilly's face.
"I'm sorry for putting you through that."-L
"All that matters is that you're safe."-C
Lilly smiled and hugged her again.Cami looked behind Lilly and smiled.
"There was also someone else who was incredibly brave today."-C
Lilly looked behind her and saw Ambrose.
"Hi Lilly."-Am
Lilly smiled and hugged him.Ambrose happily returned the hug.
"You haven't aged a day."-EM
Klaus smiled at his brother and hugged him.
"Hello sister."-EM
Elijah hugged his baby sister and then hugged his big sister.
"You always show up right on time."-F
Elijah smiled and then looked around.
"Where's Hope?"-EM
"She's with Elena and Jeremy."-K
"Why?Do I have to remind you that they killed our brother?"-EM
"They're just trying to help."-F
Elijah nodded since he trusted Freya.He then looked at Hayley.
"Hayley nice to see you again."-EM
Hayley smiled and then looked away while trying to fight the urge to hug him.Elijah looked at his siblings and they all looked at Hayley hinting that he should talk to her.Elijah walked up to Hayley.
"Hayley I'm sorry for..."-EM
Hayley interrupted him.
"No it's ok I'm not mad."-HM
"I should apologise. I should have said goodbye."-EM
"It's fine Elijah. I forgive you."-HM
Hayley was about to walk past him but she stopped.She turned around and hugged Elijah and then whispered in his ear.
"Nice to see you too."-HM
Hayley then kissed him on the cheek and walked towards Cami.
"What's going on there?"-C
Cami smiled at her friend.
"What?With Elijah?Nothing."-HM
Cami looked at her.
"Oh really?"-C
Hayley attempted to change the subject.
"How about you and Klaus?"-HM
"Hayley...I don't want to talk about it."-C
"Cami he loves you.He doesn't want you to leave."-HM
"Well then he should have said something because I'm leaving as soon as we get back."-C

"Haven't you considered maybe having a happy life with Lilly here.In New Orleans."-HM

"Ofcourse I have.I didn't want to leave my friends but we can't have a happy life here.There will always be someone or somthing that has it out for you and your family. And if I stay I can't guarantee that Lilly will survive let alone be happy."-C

"We won't let anything happen to you."-HM
"Hayley I almost died less than 20 minutes ago."-C
"Almost.But you're safe because we helped you."-HM
"But I wouldn't be in the situation if I leave now."-C
"You can't know that.Maybe someone else will try to get Lilly again.You can't take care of her yourself.She's a powerful witch and Freya can help control her powers."-HM
Cami lost her temper.
"How by putting her in more danger!"-C
"I'm trying to help you!"-HM
"You're not helping!I just want to leave and never come back here!"-C
Hayley was getting tired of being nice and the minute Cami shouted at her she lost it.
"Don't you see that I want you to be happy!I fought for you today so that you would get to have a happy life but instead you're going to leave and forget that we ever existed!"-HM
"I know that you fought alongside me today but it doesn't mean you suddenly know what's best for me!I wish I never came to New Orleans!"-C
Everyone crowded around the two girls watching as they shouted and argued with eachother.
"Oh really!You wish you never came!You wish you never met me or Klaus or even Davina!Then leave because you won't be missed!"-HM
Klaus and Davina looked at Cami and Davina felt a tear drip down her face.Klaus looked at Cami clearly heartbroken but he hid his feeling and looked at Hayley. The veins under Hayley's eyes began showing and her eyes turned yellow.Klaus rushed over to Hayley.
"Ok love, that's enough."-K
Hayley calmed down and her eyes went back to normal.Stefan walked up to Cami.
"Are you ok?"-SS
Cami simply nodded.Hayley looked at Cami.
"Cami...I'm sorry I didn't mean that."-HM
"It's fine."-C
Cami pushed past everyone and held Lilly by her hand.She walked to the car and held the door handle.Lilly was sitting in the back.
"Can we just go?"-C
Caroline walked up to Cami and took her hand off the door handle.
"Cami. She didn't mean that."-CF
"Oh really because it didn't sound like it."-C
Caroline held her hand.
"Cami we all love you. That's why we don't want you to leave. Hayley just has a weird way of  showing it."-CF
Caroline hugged her friend.Cami began crying which only made Caroline hug her tighter.
"I really wish I didn't have to go.I don't want to leave you guys."-C
"Then don't."-CF
"But Lilly..."-C
"Lilly likes it here.Here she can feel loved."-CF
"But she is loved.By me."-C
"And trust me she knows that but here she'll be loved by everyone including you."-CF
"But what happens when someone comes and tries to kill the Mikaelsons again. We'll surely get sucked into it."-C
"I'm sure they will protect you and Lilly with their lives."-CF
Caroline let go of her and smiled.
"Because they love you especially Klaus."-CF
Cami smiled and laughed.
"You always have to bring him up."-C
"How couldn't I? You guys are perfect together."-CF
Cami smiled again and wiped the tears and snot off her face.
"Thank you."-C
"Your welcome but you should probably talk to Hayley because that was one hell of an argument and that's coming from someone who's heard Elena shout at Damon."-CF
Caroline laughed and Cami joined her.
"You're a great friend."-C
"So I've heard."-CF
Caroline smiled at her again and then shouted at Klaus.
"Klaus!Hurry up and drive your girlfriend back to her house!"-CF
Caroline shrugged her shoulder.
"Someone's got to get you two together."-CF
Cami shook her head and smiled.
Klaus then whooshed over to Cami and Caroline.Klaus looked at Caroline.
"Hello love."-K
"Hi.Now be a gentleman and drive her home."-CF
"How will you get home?"-K
Caroline looked at Damon who was next to the limo that Malia came in.Caroline then smiled.
"I'm going to join Damon in that limo."-CF
Klaus smiled at her and then Caroline whooshed over to Damon.
"You didn't think you would go in that without me, did you?"-CF

Lilly was in the back of the car, playing games on Cami's phone. Klaus opened the door for Cami and then got in himself.
"Cami are you ok?"-K
"I'm fine."-C
Cami smiled at him.
"It doesn't look like it."-K
Klaus wiped a tear off her face.
"You look..."-K
"Annoyed at the world?"-C
"You look beautiful."-K
Cami smiled.
"What happened between you and Hayley?"-K
Cami knew that that wasn't the question he actually wanted to ask her but she answered anyway.
"I guess I lost my temper.She was just being a good friend."-C
Klaus smiled and started the car.His smile quickly faded and there looked like something was bothering him.
"Klaus I didn't mean anything I said.I'm glad I met you."-C
"Really?I wouldn't blame you if you wished you never met me. I mean you would be safe."-K
"I'm safer when I'm with you."-C
Klaus and Cami both smiled at eachother.
Cami turned around and looked at Lilly.
"Who's Jay?"-L
Cami looked at her shocked.
"Where did you hear that name?"-C
"He just texted you."-L
"Give me my phone."-C
"But I'm..."-L
"Lilly.My phone, please."-C
Cami took her phone and looked at the message.
'Cami it's been a long time.I'm in New Orleans and I was wondering if we could meet.'
Cami hid her phone from Klaus and began texting.Klaus pretended not to notice that Cami hid her phone but he asked anyway.
"Who's Jay?"-K
"Just someone I used to know."-C
Klaus looked at how Cami's expression was pale like she had just seen a ghost.
"Camille who is he?"-K
Cami quickly thought of something to say.
"He's just an old friend."-C
Klaus nodded and looked at the road.Cami noticed that he looked a bit upset and she smiled, knowing that Klaus was feeling jealous.
"You don't need to worry about anything I don't like him in that way."-C
Klaus slightly blushed and Cami smiled at him.
"Infact I like someone else."-C
Cami looked at him and blushed.
Klaus smiled.
"Good to know."-K
Cami thought to herself.
I really like Klaus.Oh for God's sake I think I'm in love with him.

Cami's thoughts were interrupted when her phone rang.Cami looked at her phone and then at Klaus.
"Can you pull over please?"-C
Klaus pulled over and Cami opened the car door.
"Klaus don't eavesdrop please."-C
"I would never do that."-K
Cami smiled and closed the door.She picked up the call.
"What do you want Jay?"-C
"Like I said.I want to meet you."-JW
(JW is for Jay Wellard)
"Why do you think I would want to meet you after what you did?"-C
Cami had flashbacks about what happened when she was with Jay almost 3 years ago.
"I'm not one to hold grudges so why are you?"-JW
"It's been 3 years. Why are you calling me now?"-C
"I missed you and I see you still have that teddy bear I gave you.Why do you still have it if you don't care about me anymore?"-JW
"A reminder to never trust someone so quickly ever again."-C
"Oh come on. You're acting like I cheated on you."-JW
"After what you did to me, I wish that you had just cheated on me."-C
"Oh stop overreacting."-JW
"Maybe I'm underreacting."-C
Cami thought about the Teddy bear for a minute and she looked scared for a moment.
"Are you in my house?"-C
"Now why would I be in your house?"-JW
"How do you know that I still have the bear?"-C
"Lucky guess?"-JW
"You really think that I believe that?"-C
"Fine maybe I am in your house."-JW
"Get out now!"-C
Cami shouted so loud that Klaus and Lilly heard her.
"Klaus, what happened?"-L
"I'm not sure."-K
Klaus rolled down the window.
"Love, are you alright?"-K
Cami covered the speaker with her hand.
"Klaus I told you not to eavesdrop."-C
"I didn't.I heard you shout."-K
"Oh.It's nothing you need to worry about."-C
"Are you sure?"-K
"Yeah let me just say goodbye."-C
Klaus nodded and rolled up the window again.
"Is she ok?"-L
"She's fine."-K
Klaus knew that Cami was lying to him but he just couldn't seem to figure out why.
Jay said something to Cami and she began panicking.
"Don't!Jay please.I'll meet up with you!Just don't do that!Please."-C
"I'll consider."-JW
Jay ended the call.
Cami quickly walked to the car and sat inside.
"Klaus, can you drive quicker?I really need to get home."-C

The O'Connell's (Under Editing)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ