The Carnival

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The car journey unfolded with a friendly atmosphere, laughter punctuating the stories shared between Cami and Klaus. Lilly, in the backseat, added her own anecdotes, creating a camaraderie that made the miles feel shorter.

Cami couldn't help but tease Klaus about his occasional questionable music choices. "Really, Klaus? Is 'vampire lounge' a legitimate genre?"

He grinned, glancing at her. "You've got to appreciate the classics, Cami."

Lilly chimed in from the back, "I think I prefer Cami's playlist."

Cami shot her a grateful smile in the rearview mirror as she turned her playlist back on. Klaus chuckled, admitting defeat with a good-natured shrug.

Lilly's eyes sparkled with excitement as she spotted the carnival in the distance. "What's that?" she asked, pointing eagerly.

Cami turned around, following Lilly's gaze. "What's what?"

"That," Lilly exclaimed, her finger directed at the colourful lights and vibrant tents of the carnival.

"That's called a carnival. It has games and snacks, and it's a lot of fun. It's kinda like what we did in New Orleans."

Lilly's curiosity bubbled as she absorbed the idea. "Can we go?"

Cami hesitated, considering their tight schedule. "I don't know. I don't think we have time."

Just as disappointment flickered in Lilly's eyes, Klaus surprised them both by turning the car around, heading straight for the carnival. Cami shot him a questioning look, "Klaus, what are you doing?"

"We have enough time, love. That family of yours is gone for a while. Why not make the most of it?" Klaus replied, a charming smile playing on his lips.

Cami couldn't resist infectious enthusiasm. "You're right, why not?"

As the car approached the carnival, Klaus kept a playful grin while trying to focus on the road. "Lilly, put your shoes on," Cami instructed.

Lilly quickly complied, and Cami followed suit, exchanging a glance with Klaus. He couldn't resist a cheeky remark, "I was wondering where that awful stench was coming from."

"Klaus!" Cami lightly elbowed him, and they shared a laugh with Lilly joining in at the back.

The trio parked the car near the carnival entrance, and the air was filled with the enticing scent of cotton candy and the distant sounds of merry-go-round music. Lilly practically bounced out of the car, her eyes wide with excitement.

Lilly's eyes sparkled with desire as she spotted a cuddly panda at one of the carnival games. "Please, please, can I have the panda?" she pleaded with an irresistible puppy-dog look.

Klaus, playing the teasing mentor, responded, "You can if you win the game. Take one of those balls and throw them in that bucket over there."

Eager to win her coveted prize, Lilly nodded with determination. Klaus approached the game attendant, "Five dollars for one go," the woman declared. Klaus handed over a five dollar note, and Lilly eagerly took the ball.

With intense focus, Lilly aimed at the bucket, the ball bouncing in but frustratingly bouncing back out. A loud groan of annoyance escaped her lips. Undeterred, Klaus handed over another five dollar note for another try. The second attempt had a similar outcome, the ball teasingly rolling around the rim before slipping out.

"Let me have a go," Cami offered, taking the ball and throwing it with precision, only to have it bounce back out like Lilly's attempts.

Frustrated, Lilly turned to Klaus, "Ugh, Klaus, can you try?" She handed him the next ball.

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