The Spell

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Stacey, taking charge of the situation, explained, "If we want to do this spell, we'll need a list of things that might be difficult to get."

Elena, eager to know the plan, asked, "Well, what do we need?"

"First of all, we need a powerful witch or witches to do the spell. It's a whole coven, so we're going to need a lot of magic."

Hayley, considering their options, inquired, "You're a siphon. Aren't you a powerful witch?"

"I'm powerful, but I'm not that powerful. This spell is even too much for me, so I suggest we get a small group of witches."

Caroline suggested, "Like a coven?"

Stacey nodded, "I mean, sure. Like a coven."

Caroline, always quick on her feet, proposed, "What about Lilly's coven? We could call Cami and see if they made any progress."

They reached a consensus and added Cami to the call.

"Hey, you two, is everything okay?" Cami inquired, thinking she was talking to Caroline and Hope, with faint sounds of music and traffic in the background.

Caroline revealed, "We wanted to ask you if you made any progress with the coven. We kinda need their help."

Hope chimed in, "Oh, and it's not just us two. Everyone's here."

Cami, confused, asked, "Who's everyone?"

Hope listed, "Me, mum, Rebekah, Elena, Caroline, Bonnie, Stefan, Damon, and Stacey."

Cami, taken aback, questioned, "Wait, what? What the hell is Stacey doing in New Orleans?"

Stacey sheepishly responded, "Hey, Cami."

"Don't 'Hey Cami' me. What is wrong with you? Why are you in New Orleans? And what about Aiden?"

"Calm down, cuz. Everything's fine."

"It isn't fine. You did the exact opposite of what I told you to do."

"I'm sorry, but I came to help."

"A phone call could've helped the same."

"It's a spell that you'll need my magic for."

Cami let out an audible sigh, "This conversation isn't over. You're endangering yourself, Stacey. But, whatever, go on. What spell?"

The explanation continued until the discussion about the witches arose.

Cami sighed again, "Sorry, Stace. Alice Rosemary turned out to be a bit of a bitch, and I don't think they'd help us out after I slapped her across the face."

Shocked gasps followed from everyone.

Rebekah remarked, "I'm sure that's a story for another time. What do we do now?"

Stacey, ever resourceful, suggested, "Well, a coven of witches would've been very helpful, but if that's not the case, we could make our own. A coven can have a minimum of five witches. If we can get five, then we can do the spell, I'm guessing."

Cami, counting on her end, concluded, "So we need five witches. We have Bonnie, Stace, Hope-" She paused to ask Lilly, who agreed. "Lilly and Freya. That's five. I think we're good."

Hayley interjected, "Actually, we're not good. Freya isn't here."

Klaus, concerned, demanded, "What do you mean Freya isn't here? Where the bloody hell is she?"

Hayley explained, "She went away for a while."

"She just left? No explanation or anything. She's just gone?" Klaus questioned.

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