The Blood-The Spell Part 6

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Cami -C
Lilly -L
Klaus -K
Hope -H
Damon -D
Stefan -SS
Elena -E
Bonnie -BB
Caroline -CF
Jeremy -J
Hayley -HM
Rebekah -R
Stacey -S
Ambrose (Brody) -Am
Freya -F
Malia -M
Lead Guard (Mr Collins)-G

Hope told Freya about everything that happened when she was gone.
"Now that we've got Freya she can help with the spell."-Am
"Stacey can do her part then."-E
"How would I find them?"-S
"Locator Spell?"-R
"We would need something that belongs to her."-F
"We have the dagger."-BB
"Who's going to do the spell?"-HM
"I'll do it. I'm pretty sure that I'm the strongest witch here."-H
"OK Hope will do the spell."-K
"Now we just need a map"-SS
"I'll check in the back."-D
"I'll help."-SS
Damon and Stefan went to the back of the bar.
"Where do you think it would be?"-SS
"Check in the draws."-D
They both checked through the draws until Elena walked in.Elena looked past Damon and went to Stefan.
"Did you find it?"-E
"You can't ignore me forever Elena."-D
"Who said I was ignoring you?"-E
Damon ignored her comment.Elena sighed.
"Can't we just be friends?"-E
"No Elena we can't because I don't want to just be your friend."-D
Damon took a step closer to Elena and was about to put his hand on her cheek but Stefan stepped infront of her.
"Damon get away from her."-SS
"What are you going to do?"-D
Stefan pushed him to the ground.
"Stefan stop!"-E
Stefan punched him and Damon fell onto a chair and broke it.
Stefan looked at Elena and calmed down.
"Try to touch her again and next time I won't stop."-SS
Klaus stood by the door and clapped.
"We all love a nice sibling spat but should I remind you that we've got bigger things to deal with then your relationship problems."-K
Elena stood by Stefan while Damon wiped the blood off his face.
"Now did you find the map?"-K
"We were still looking."-D
"You really are useless.Guess I have to do everything myself."-K
Hope went over to her dad and looked at the broken chair.
"What happened here?"-H
"It's ok love,these two were just putting aside there differences."-K
"Anyway do you mind helping me find the map?"-K
"OK dad."-H
Klaus started looking through all the cabinets and draws while Hope looked through the shelves.
"Found it!"-H
"Let's go we've wasted enough time."-K
Klaus and Hope joined the others.
Hope placed the map on the table.
"The dagger?"-H
Bonnie gave Hope the dagger and Hope placed it on the table on top of the map.She then began the spell.

"Phasmatos Tribum, Nas Ex Veras, Sequitas Sanguinem.Phasmatos Tribum, Nas Ex Veras, Sequitas Sanguinem."-H

Hope moved her hands in a circular motion above the map.
It circled the word Anne's Church which was where Davina spent her time after Marcel saved her.
"Why would they be at a church?If I kidnapped a child a church would be the last place I'd go."-D
"Good thing I'm going to go find out. I should probably go,the earlier the better."-S
"Are you sure you'll be safe?"-J
"If anything happens just text us."-E
Stacey nodded and left.
'The Mikaelson Compound'
"This is his room."-C
Cami entered Klaus' room.
"He said the safe would be behind a painting."-CF
Cami went over to a painting and took it off the wall.
"This painting?"-C
There was a safe that needed a code to be opened.
"Did he say what the code was?"-CF
"I don't think so.Can you call him?"-C
"Why me?"-CF
Caroline took out her phone and called Klaus.
"Hi Klaus. What's the code to the safe?"-CF
"Hello love, where's Cami?"-K
"Is she OK?"-K
"I would've told you if she wasn't.Now what's the code."-CF
"May 2nd 2012. 02/05/2012."-K
"02052012?What's so special about that date?"-CF
"It was the day Hope was born."-K
"Oh. That's sweet.You really have changed I like the new you...Anyway I have to go now."-CF
Caroline ended the call.
"The code is 02052012, Hope's birthday."-CF
Cami entered the digits and the safe cracked open.In the safe was the dark object besides Papa Tunde's blade.
"Found it."-C
"Let me see."-CF
Cami handed it to Caroline.
"I'll keep this with me. We should probably go now."-CF
Cami nodded and they both left the Compound.They walked towards the car and passed by St Anne's Church.They overheard Malia shouting something at the others.
"Who's that?"-CF
"Can't you here them?"-C
"Let me get closer."-CF
Caroline went towards the building and Cami followed slowly behind her.
'Inside the church'
(Mr Collins is the Lead Guard)
(M is for Malia)
"We are very pleased to see you Ma'am."-G
"Nice to see you again Mr Collins.I have just one question to ask."-M
"Yes Ma'am."-G
"Which one of your men freed the little girl from the boundary spell."-M
Collins looked at Malia slightly confused.
"My deepest apologies.I was not aware of this situation."-G
The guard turned around and looked at his men while giving each one a deathly stare.He then turned back to Malia.
"Then do me a favour and find out who it was and then I want them killed right infront of me."-M
"You may leave now."-M
The lead guard left and all of the other guards followed closely behind.Malia was surrounded by O'Connell witches and she sat there making a plan.
'Outside the church'
"It's Malia!"-CF
Caroline covered her mouth realising how loud she spoke.Cami whispered.
"I know I'm sorry."-CF
"Anyway we should tell the others."-C
"No need. I'm positive that they already know."
Cami and Caroline turned around and saw Malia standing infront of them.
"I see I need no introduction but care telling me your names?"-M
Cami whispered to Caroline.
"The star."-C
Caroline through it at Malia.Seconds later, there were cuts all over her body and blood dripping on the floor.Malia fell to the ground but in seconds she stood back up.
"You didn't think that you could kill me that easily,did you?"-M
"No but we got what we wanted."-CF
All of the witches stood by their leader's side.
"Well what are you waiting for?Do something!"-M
Malia shouted to the witches but before they could do anything Caroline had already taken Cami and using her vampire speed she ran back to Rousseau's. Stacey was standing behind a tree and saw all of it and decided to take the opportunity.
"Oh My God!"-S
Stacey acted scared so that Malia would believe her and she knew that Malia cared for the younger witches in the coven.
"Wh...Who were they?"-S
"Oh come here darling."-M
Stacey ran over into Malia's arms.
"Are you OK?"-S
"I'm fine sweetheart.Now listen to me.They are very bad people,ok?"-M
Stacey nodded innocently and stayed besides Malia.
'At Rousseau's'
Caroline and Cami came inside.
"They're at St Anne's Church."-CF
"We know. That's where Stacey just went."-E
"We managed to cut her using the dark object."-C
"Outside of St Anne's."-C
"OK I'll go and collect the blood then we'll have everything we need."-H
Lilly hugged Cami.
"Nice to see you too."-C
Cami spotted blood on Damon's shirt.
"What happened?"-C
Cami pointed at the blood on his shirt.
"Don't worry love, Damon had a small argument with his brother."-K
Cami looked at Elena, guessing what they were arguing about.
"Hope, someone should go with you. It's not safe alone."-R
"I'll go with her."-HM
"Hurry up mum, we've got to go."-H
Hope and Hayley left the bar and made their way to St Anne's.

'St Anne's Church'
Hope and Hayley found Malia's blood on the ground.
"Do you know the spell?"-HM
"I'm pretty sure I know it.I saw Davina do it before."-H
Hope put her hands in the air and began the spell.

"Venez sanguis. Venez sanguis, Venez sanguis la force de la bête à moi.Venez sanguis. Venez sanguis, Venez sanguis la force de la bête à moi."-H

The blood lifted up from the ground and into the cup Hope was holding.Hayley looked inside and saw the witches.
"Hurry up Hope."-HM
Hope finished the spell and they both used their vamp speed to run back to Rousseau's.

"I've got it!"-H
"Hope, Give it to me."-F
Hope gave it to her aunt.Freya looked inside the cup.
"That should be enough."-F
"When does the full moon come up?"-L
"What time is it now?"-Am
"What do we do for 4 hours then?"-E
"We prepare."-BB

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