Rosè Coven

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As the car approached the Rose Coven, Klaus noticed the subtle shift in Cami's breathing. The rhythmic rise and fall of her chest indicated a deep slumber. A soft smile played on his lips as he recognized the peaceful serenity that had enveloped her.

Gently reaching over, Klaus lightly touched Cami's shoulder, rousing her from her restful sleep. "Cami," he whispered, his voice a tender melody in the quiet car.

Her eyelashes fluttered, and she slowly opened her eyes, adjusting to the dimly lit interior. "Are we...?" she began, her voice still laced with the remnants of sleep.

"We're here," Klaus replied, his gaze warm and reassuring. "The Rose Coven awaits."

Cami, momentarily disoriented, nodded in acknowledgement. She straightened in her seat, grateful for the rest Klaus had allowed her to steal.

Cami turned around, noticing Lilly still asleep. "Lilly, wake up." Cami gently nudged the girl, who opened her eyes, adjusting to the soft light of the early day.

"Are we here?" Lilly inquired, her voice tinged with a hint of excitement.

Cami offered a simple nod as Klaus parked the car and unbuckled his seat belt. Cami and Lilly did the same as they got out of the car along with Klaus. All three of them paused at the beautiful sight, speechless at what they were looking at.

They found themselves surrounded by a breathtaking tapestry of nature. Vibrant flowers painted the landscape, and the air was filled with the sweet aroma of blossoms. They stood at the edge of a meadow, overlooking a valley where an academy stood as a beacon of the coven.

Cami's gaze wandered across the expanse of colourful blooms. "This view is absolutely stunning."

"It is, isn't it?" Klaus responded, walking down a path that was lined with beautiful pink dahlias. Cami and Lilly followed him, their gazes still stuck on the beautiful landscape.

As they admired the panoramic view, the sun began to cast a warm glow, casting long shadows across the field. The academy, framed by blooming wildflowers, stood in the middle, a grand building that could easily be mistaken as a mansion.

The path eventually ended, leading them to the grand entrance of the academy. As they approached the door, a woman in her mid-thirties intercepted their way, her posture assertive yet welcoming.

"Hello there. I haven't seen you around here before. I'm afraid I can't let you in," she stated with a courteous yet firm tone, her gaze assessing the newcomers.

The woman glanced at Klaus and Cami, offering them a seemingly friendly smile. "You look like a very sweet couple."

"Oh, no, we're–" Cami attempted to clarify, but Klaus smoothly interjected, "Thank you for the kind words."

"You are welcome, hybrid." The woman's expression shifted abruptly to one of disdain. "You need to leave, Klaus Mikaelson."

Klaus, undeterred, met her gaze with a smirk. "You've heard of me, which also means you've heard that I always get my way." He punctuated his words with a flash of his hybrid eyes, adding a subtle challenge to the conversation.

"Klaus, stop. Just wait out here, Lilly, and I will be fine," Cami intervened, her tone calm yet authoritative, trying to defuse the situation.

"I'm afraid you two girls aren't allowed in either," the woman declared, her voice holding a touch of suspicion.

"Why the hell is that?" Cami demanded, her tone now edged with frustration.

"Only members of the coven are allowed in this building," she explained, maintaining her firm stance.

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