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Cami -C
Lilly -L
Klaus -K
Hope -H
Damon -D
Stefan -SS
Elena -E
Bonnie -BB
Caroline -CF
Jeremy -J
Hayley -HM
Rebekah -R
Stacey -S
Ambrose (Brody) -Am
Freya -F
Malia -M
Lead Guard (Mr Collins) -G
Alice Rosemary -A
Marcel/Marcellus -ML
Davina -DC

In this story,Marcel has taken the serum and is an upgraded original vampire.

"You haven't won because the battle hasn't even started."-K
"Mr Mikaelson,pleasure to meet your acquaintance."-M
"Wish I could say the same."-K
"No you don't"-HM
"She's right."-K
"Now let go of her before I have to resort to something more bloody."-K
"Why would I do that?I have what I want I won't just give her to to you."-M
"Then I guess you're going to have to die."-K
Cami came running to the shop.
"You promised.Remember?"-C
Klaus sighed.Hayley looked at Klaus.
"Promised what?"-HM
"That I won't kill any of the witches."-K
"Why would you make a promise you can't keep?"-HM
"We'll talk about it later.We've got bigger things to deal with."-K
Cami looked at Lilly and then looked at Malia.
"Aunt Malia. Please don't take her.I love her."-C
"Aunt? That word is only for family you lost that privilege when you stole her."-M
"Stole?She's a person not some object."-C
"To me she is."-M
"You've fallen far Malia."-C
Klaus ran towards Lilly but he was pushed back by one of the guards.
"You didn't think it would be that easy, did you?"-G
Klaus charged at another guard and snapped his neck.
"Cami sometimes you've got to break your promises."-K
Cami sighed knowing she couldn't stop him.Hayley then ran towards another guard and ripped his heart out of his chest.
Lilly gasped.
"Lilly close your eyes."-C
"Close them!"-C
Hope then arrived with Freya by her side.Freya and Hope began chanting a spell.
"Klaus!Get her!"-F
Klaus ran towards Lilly and the boundary spell was broken.He grabbed Alice by her neck and fed on her until she was at the brink of death.Alice fell to the ground.Hayley looked at Malia who was surrounded by several guards.
"Oh don't worry you're next."-HM
"We don't have another plan Cami.The moon will go down soon."-HM
"There's always another way."-C
"You're right but there isn't always time."-HM
"Hayley she's a mother!She has a daughter waiting for her.What if it was you?Would you want Hope to experience that pain?"-C
Hayley looked at Hope and sighed.
"I knew you couldn't do it."-M
"Trust me I could but I won't."-HM
Hope went over to Malia and used a spell to push all the guards back.Malia began chanting a spell but Hope pushed past the guards and grabbed Maila's hands.She placed chains on her that blocked her from doing magic.She then grabbed her by the wrist.
"What do we do with her?"-H
"Oh this is gonna be fun."-K
Klaus had Lilly and they all went back to the Compound with Malia.
"Cami,What do you want to do with her?"-K
Cami looked away from Klaus.Klaus stopped and Camille stopped too.
"Camille I'm sorry.They were going to take Lilly."-K
"Klaus.They had a family.They were only listening to their leader."-C
"You're defending them?"-K
"No I'm not.Klaus..."-C
"Camille I was just trying to save the girl you call your daughter.I understand how it feels when you lose someone like that.I had that once with Marcel."-K
"I understand but think of it the other way around because now those guards' children will have to deal with losing a parent."-C
"Camille I..."-K
"No it's OK."-C
Camille looked at the others who were all ahead of them.
"We should catch up with them."-C
'Outside Scoops of Delight'
Alice lay on the ground surrounded by dead and unconscious guards.Marcel had just arrived at New Orleans again to see what was happening with Cami.He had met up with Davina and they were on their way to the Mikaelson Compound when they saw Alice and the guards on the ground.Davina ran over to Alice.
"Oh my god.Are you OK?"-DC
(DC is for Davina Claire)
"What happened here?"-ML
"They attacked us."-A
Alice gasped for air.
"Marcel give her some of your blood."-DC
"No if Klaus attacked her he must have had a good reason."-ML
"Or maybe Klaus decided he wanted a fresh meal."-DC
Marcel looked around and spotted the heart of a guard.
"If Klaus was having a 'meal' he wouldn't have ripped their hearts out."-ML
Davina looked at the heart and back at Alice.
"What really happened here?"-DC
"I'll tell you if you heal me."-A
"Or we could just ask Klaus."-ML
"He thought I was on their side and then he fed on me."-A
Alice grabbed her neck.
"Now please heal me."-A
Marcel poured his blood into a bottle he had and gave it to Malia.She chugged the blood and then stood up and wiped the blood of her mouth and neck.
"That's much better."-A
Alice was about to walk away but Davina stopped her.
"Where do you think you're going?You're coming with us."-DC
Davina grabbed her by the wrist and dragged her.
Alice casted a spell under her breath and Davina's hands broke.
Davina quickly snapped her hands back in position using a spell.
Alice attempted to run away but Marcel appeared infront of her.
"You can't outrun a vampire.Especially one like me."-ML
"What's so special about you?"-A
"Marcel?Heard of me."-ML
"You're the upgraded original vampire."-A
"I am and you are?"-ML
"Ok Alice.Me and Davina are going to go to Klaus Mikaelson and you're going too."-ML
"And if you think of using that spell on me again.I'll show you a nice party trick."-DC
Marcel grabbed her and they were about to walk away but Davina stopped.
"Marcel.We can't just leave all those dead bodies on the ground."-DC
Marcel listened to their heartbeats.
"They're not all dead."-ML
Marcel pushed Alice towards Davina and went over to one of the guards that were alive.He shook the guard until he woke up.He then looked into his eyes and tried to compel him.
"Hi Mr whoever you are.I want you to wake up your little friends and then I want you to deal with the dead ones."-ML
"You can't compel me."-G
"Let me guess you're a witch."-ML
Collins nodded.
"Well I still am going to trust you to do exactly what I said."-ML
Marcel then left the lead guard alone and he grabbed Alice again and they made their way to the Mikaelson Compound.

'At the Mikaelson Compound'
Damon,Stefan,Elena,Bonnie, Caroline,Rebekah and Jeremy were waiting.Damon saw Freya.
"I don't usually wait so tell me what happened."-D
"We got Lilly."-F
"Oh thank god."-E
Elena and Caroline ran up to Lilly and hugged her.
"I'm so glad you're OK."-CF
Caroline looked at Cami.
"You too."-CF
Caroline and Cami smiled.
Elena then stepped back into Stefan's arms when she saw Malia.
"Is that her?"-SS
"If by her you mean Malia yes that's me."-M
"You were scared of her.I mean seriously that little thing."-D
"Underestimate me again and you'll see what happens."-M
"What will you do?Get your little wand and wave it at me?"-D
Malia sighed and Damon smirked.
"What do we do now?We won't have enough time to do the spell."-BB
"The next full moon?"-J
Stefan looked at Malia.
"Oh don't worry I already know about your plan and it actually wasn't a bad one."-M
"We don't need your approval."-K
"The only thing we need is for you to shut up."-D
Davina and Marcel entered the Compound and joined them.
"Hi Rebekah."-ML
"What are you doing here?"-R
"Can't I visit?"-ML
Rebekah sighed and looked at Alice.
"And why the hell are you here?"-R
"Davina.Long time no see."-K
"Not long enough."-DC
Davina looked at Cami.
Davina hugged Cami.
"You're ok!"-DC
"Depends.What do you mean by OK?"-C
Davina sighed and looked at everyone else.She looked at Damon and Stefan.
"Who are you?"-DC
"Damon Salvatore"-D
"And I'm Stefan Salvatore."-SS
"I've heard about you.The Salvatore brothers both in love with the same girl.Stefan looked at Damon annoyed and Davina looked at Elena.
"And I take it you're that girl."-DC
"I'll take that as a yes."-DC
Marcel looked at Caroline.
"Caroline Forbes.Nice to meet you.It is Caroline, isn't it?"-ML
"Yes.How do you..Nevermind."-CF
"And you are?"-D
"Nice to see you're all friends but let's talk about what we're going to do."-K
"What do we do with Malia?"-BB
"Bonnie Bennett?"-ML
"Hi.Anyway,we can't kill her,can we?"-BB
"We could lock her up.Or put her in a sleeping spell like Aurora?"-DC
"I guess we could lock her up."-D
"Yeah let's lock her up. I don't want another sleeping beauty in my basement."-K
"I agree."-H
"Hi Hope."-DC
Hope hugged Davina.
"Nice to see you."-DC
"Lock her in the basement like she did with me."-L
"I would love to."-K
"What do we do with Alice then?"-J
"We'll figure it out."-F

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