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"Come on Nik!It just started!"-R

"Rebekah you heard me!"-K
Klaus continued to shout at his sister from the top of the stairs while Rebekah continued protesting.
"Why do you always have to ruin everything?"-R
"Oh have I ruined your petty little fantasy life?"-K
"Niklaus!Why do you always have to enrage our siblings?"-EM
"What's gotten you so mad?"-F

The Mikaelson siblings continued to argue while Caroline looked at Cami who stood not far from the original hybrid. Caroline couldn't help feel rage towards Cami. She had told her not to say anything but she didn't listen. Caroline looked at the siblings who were shouting at eachother from across the room and suddenly snapped.

"Everyone shut the hell up!"-CF
Everyone stopped to look at Caroline who had but her cup down on the table.
"Klaus if you want the party to be over then just leave. You don't have to ruin everyone elses night just because your having a bad one."-CF
Caroline looked at Cami who didn't seem to care about the mess she created. Rebekah looked at Caroline.
"This is the first and last time that you'll hear me say this but I agree with Caroline."-R
Klaus watched as everyone in the room mumbled in agreement. He then vamped out of the building while Cami stood still like a frozen statue. The minute Klaus left, Caroline went to Cami and dragged her in the same room as before.
"What is wrong with you?"-CF
Cami looked at her as if she was completely innocent.
"There's nothing wrong with me Care. I think you're overreacting."-C
Caroline pointed at herself in shock.
"Me? You just made Klaus mad and now he's going to retaliate in some stupid way!"-CF
"I'm sorry."-C
"I'm sorry? That's it? I told you not to tell him until the party was over!"-CF
"I know but he tried to kiss me."-C
"So you should have kissed him!"-CF
Caroline looked at Cami, clearly trying to hold in her anger towards her friend.

"Caroline I'm with Jay!"-C
"Right!That boyfriend that probably doesn't even exist! Are you on something? You're acting weird ever since that drive."-CF
"There's nothing wrong with me! I'm perfectly fine!"-C
"It doesn't seem like it."-CF
"Wow. Thanks for letting me know that there's something incredibly wrong with me."-C
"That's not what I meant."-CF

Cami stood up to leave the room but before she did she looked back at Caroline. She glared at her for a minute then answered.
"It doesn't seem like it."-C
Cami slammed the door in Caroline's face and walked downstairs.
"Hey Cami. What was that about?"-E
"You know the Klaus thing."-E
"Oh that. He got mad because I told him I had a boyfriend."-C
"A boyfriend? Who?"-E
"Jay. Jay Wellard. You don't know him."-C
"Well maybe we could meet sometime."-E
"You want to meet my boyfriend?"-C
"You're my friend so I think I should be allowed to know who he is."-E
"You know what? Sure. Bring Caroline."-C
"How about tomorrow? 5pm."-C
Elena nodded and Cami turned to Lilly who was running towards her.
"Cami can we go home now?"-L
Cami knew that Jay wouldn't exactly welcome Lilly so she couldn't allow herself to talk or even be near Lilly so that he wouldn't hurt her.
"Actually, you should stay here for a few days."-C
"Why can't I go with you?"-L
"Because I have to do something."-C
Cami hated how vague she had to be so that Lilly wouldn't get herself wrapped into it all but she knew she had to do it for her safety.
"Do what?"-L
"I'm sorry I can't talk about it. But I promise you'll come back with me after I deal with this."-C
"So I'll stay with Klaus?"-L
Cami knew that Klaus was mad and that Lilly shouldn't be around him in this state but she had to do whatever it took to keep Lilly alive.

"In his house but not with him. How about you stay with..."-C
Cami looked around and spotted Freya.
"Why are you being so weird?"-L

"I'm not. I'm just suggesting that you should stay with Freya."-C
Lilly nodded and hugged Cami.
"I'll see you soon, ok?"-C
"I promise."-C

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