10: Kiyoomi Sakusa - Sparks (Lemon)

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Warning! There's sexual content in this oneshot, so it's to be read by those over the age of 16!

Requested by: Dababyurmom42069

 Kiyoomi and I had been together for four years, living together for two and engaged for one, however we hadn't gotten married yet due to Kiyoomi's incredibly busy life. He was a pro volleyball player, playing for a Division One team, the MSBY Black Jackals. They were a good team and Kiyoomi had made some solid friends, even if he didn't want to admit it.

Recently however he had become a little distant. The team had championships coming up so they were practicing more and more, but even after training sessions he was out until late. I knew he'd be out with his teammates and the last thing I wanted to do was to keep on bothering him when he was having fun but I was beginning to feel lonely, especially as this had been happening for five months now.

During the times we were together we rarely performed acts of intimacy. We'd kiss but it would never go beyond that. I found myself laying awake at night, glancing over to him to see him asleep with his back towards me, and wondering what was going on. My mind liked to try and torture me, claiming that he had another girl on the side but my heart was assuring me that wasn't the case. Plus Kiyoomi had put a beautiful ring on my wedding finger a year before; he wouldn't of done that if there was any chance he was going to cheat on me.

I found myself seeking the advice of one of my closest friends, Rio Nakamura. She was a playful, bordering reckless girl who lived life as though there were no rules. She was the extrovert and I was the introvert. She had assured me that Kiyoomi loved me, and that the only thing we needed was to spice up our love life a little. We needed to inject sparks back into our relationship, and to do this she had given me a box.

I sat in the living room of the apartment, the box on our spotless coffee table, wondering whether I dared to open it. After ten minutes of contemplation I finally did, and I saw a mix of black and white material. I pulled it out and my mouth dropped open and I saw I was holding a very small and skimpy maids dress.

"No... no no no," I muttered to myself, knowing I'd never be able to pull anything like this off. Curiosity got the better of me however, and I went to the bedroom to try it on. It was a complex outfit, but eventually it sat on my body in a somewhat comfortable way and when I looked in the mirror I couldn't quite believe my reflection.

Now that the dress was on I could see it better. It was a primarily black 'dress', it barely covering my cleavage or bum. Under the skirt was layers of white frills, and around my stomach was a tight white corset laced with a rather intricate design. There were a few accessories to go with it, including a white lace choker, black lace stockings and a frilly headband with a black ribbon. Once it was all put together I was pleasantly surprised with how good I looked, as it was not a tacky outfit but a rather well-made, classy one. For a moment I thought I actually looked quite cute.

Then the sudden panic of Kiyoomi hit me. Immediately I wondered what he'd think of it, if he thought it would be weird. I paced back and forth in our bedroom, admittedly not wanting to take the outfit off just yet. A part of me thought that it was worth at least trying in an attempt to spice things up, but that nagging part of my brain kept on trying to tell me that he thought it'd be weird. I checked the clock and saw that he was due home in ten minutes. He hadn't texted me to say that he'd be out for the night, so with one last mental push I convinced myself that it was a good idea to at least try.

Just like I always did when I was nervous, I found myself reaching for a duster. I had the tendency to frantically clean whenever I was nervous, so I wiped the small table in the hallway and the ornaments on it thoroughly, getting rid of every spec of dust. Glancing at the clock in the hall way every minute, I counted down the second until Kiyoomi's expected arrival. He was very precise, so the time he said he would be home is usually the time he would indeed be home.

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