- Chapter 1 -

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Who needs therapy? Me probably, but I have skating. Plus therapy is expensive, a three hour session of skating? 15 dollars max, plus I don't need rentals anymore since I found my old skates a few weeks ago.

I probably haven't figure skated in a few years, 2 maybe? I have bad memories of being at a rink. My long term boyfriend broke up with me after my skating session. Dramatic, I know. We we're together 3 years, we we're going to get married that fall. But no, he dumped me so he could move half-way across the country to play hockey professionally.

That may seem unsupportive of me, I have to admit. However, when I got home that night he would not let me come with him. I begged for days, I did not want him to leave. But he did.

Taking your first glide on the ice is genuinely still one of the best feelings, even after practising with my figure skating coach. I got back in contact with her last week, we had our first session on Monday. I'm still rusty, I can't land my double axel anymore. Which sucks but I can't wait to preform again.

"You need to keep your back straight, Desirae." Elle sighs, "You will not land it with a pulled back muscle." As if I need reminding?

"I'm really trying, I just cant do it." I say as I skate over to her. She ignores me for a minute, "Again." She says sternly. Death staring me. So I did, and failed. Miserably.

Perfect timing to be honest, the hockey team just has absolutely perfect timing. I probably looked pissed, because in all fairness I am. It's not that I'm annoyed I fell it's that they get to the rink at least an hour and a half early. Then demand that they get on straight away. Like, bitch? No.

"Come on, you can carry on your pissy shit later, we need to train." They totally do, totally have to. "Ignore them Desirae." Elle says, "Give us a few minutes to finish off then the ice is all yours." Elle is at least 45. Way too old for them. I don't get why she's so nice to them, they are assholes.

"No, we will not be finishing up in 5 minutes. I pay for this ice time so, wait." I sigh and skate a lap before getting ready to try my double axel again. "Desirae, off the ice." Elle points to the door on the rink side. "Whatever, I'll see you on Friday." 

As annoying as hockey men are they all do that stupid 'ooh' noise. Honestly, who taught people that and why do they think its funny? I walk past them straight to the benches and untie my laces.

"I pay for this ice time, so wait." obvious mocking comes from the rinkside. As much as I want to say something, I'm really not in the mood for an argument with hockey players today. They are all way too cocky anyways.

"She doesn't have any contests to work for anyways, we do. We get paid to do this, she pays to do it." Another player pipes up. A voice I recognise, their captain he is obsessed with making sure they get as much ice time as possible. He'll do anything to do it, like flirt with older women. Like Elle.

I turn my back for not even a minute, and there he is. "Hello, gorgeous." I stare at him, blankly. "Hello Carter, what do you want." He smirks, I don't know exactly what he wants this time. Normally it's to beg me not to book more private ice time so he gets more time for the team to use it. "When is your next session?" I turn my back to him and put my skates back into their bag, "Friday, and it is already booked. I'm not changing it."

He frowns and shakes his head, "Do you have to? You look good." He snickers, "Okay." I smile. "Really? Thank you, the team will" I sigh, "Sarcasm, I am not changing my session. Can't you just move your training session." I pause, "Y'know since my sessions are such an inconvenience."

"You clearly need them so I'll just ask you on Friday, maybe you'll learn something and change your mind." I scoff and pick up my bags, "Your such an ass."

"See you on Friday, Beautiful."


"What are you doing later?" My roommate calls from the kitchen. I get up from my desk, closing my book. "I don't think I'm doing anything, why?" She stops and thinks for a second, almost as if she questions what she's about to say. "Wanna go to a house party? I know it's not your thing but everyone is going."

At least she questioned it, she may have a brain cell left after drinking every weekend. "No." I say flatly, before filling a glass with water.

"Why, it'll be fun!" 

"No parties are fun, you get drunk and then I'm sat in the corner on my own. Sounds fun."

"I wont get drunk." So she says. "Please come, Bella isn't coming. I don't want to look lonely!"

"Fine, but I'm leaving the minute you seem drunk and I'll take you back with me. I don't care what time it is." I'm actually going to kill her if she gets drunk tonight, I'll probably do it tomorrow with our speaker while she's hungover. 

"Thank you, I'll be forever grateful." She says that now, she wont be tomorrow.


If I'm honest, this has to be one of the best houses near our university. To say its a frat house, it looks quite nice. I wouldn't be surprised if one of their parents bought it and have like 20 maids. The minute the music is blasted at full blast when the door opens, makes me immediately regret this.

"Look who's here!"  Ophelia squeals, I can't see what she's looking at. They have strobe lighting, I'll have a headache after this. "Who's here?" I ask her, I'm surprised that she hasn't run over to whatever it is yet. 

"The hockey team! Look, this is their assistant captains house!" I frown at her, she knew they would be here. "I'm not going in there." I fold my arms over my chest and pull a face. " Desirae please! Carter will be happy to see you."

"Carter will be happy if he never sees me at the rink again. Not if I show up at his teammates party at his frat house." She grabs my arm and drags me inside. "You never know, he may never notice your here. Try to enjoy yourself, for me?"

"Fine, I stay for an hour." she smiles and runs off. I don't know if she wants to follow her. So I don't. Until I see him. 



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